Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1409: Lost sales?

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"The profiteer heard that the **** couple theme restaurant is very good, the atmosphere is very good, and it is very suitable for marriage proposals. If Brother Jing, you agree to go with me tonight, the profiteer will be super happy, but you are not allowed to bring anything else People! Only the two of us have dinner together!"

Couple theme restaurant?

Suitable for marriage proposal?

Do you want to be so explicit?

Wouldn't you really want to propose to me?

To tell the truth, this business elite and female master in uniform is quite unharmonious in selling cuteness, and there is a taste that people cannot refuse.

What's more, if you miss such a rare chance to win, you don't know what it takes to win the championship again.

So Jing Tian could only grit his teeth and agreed.

After all, this is not an excessive request. In these days, as long as they need to eat their soft meal, these confidantes will ask to be alone with themselves, but every time they choose some more public places, although it is ambiguous, it is not enough. Was forced to suppress.

It's just dinner at most, and it's impossible to do anything else. After coming back, Zhao Jiaxue's old filthy lady will be scolded for an hour or two.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Jing Tian sees this request more or less, and will generally agree to it.

Of course, in this way, the first cut and then the play, and the incident happened afterwards, and the beauties will inevitably be scorned and slandered. Maybe everyone will join in and make trouble.

However, this is the future, so let's leave it to the future self.

Under the command of Nan Lingxi, the guild members were divided into different departments, some were responsible for stalls, some were responsible for purchasing goods, some were responsible for inquiring about market competitors' intelligence, and some were responsible for dialogue with NPCs to obtain information.

Regarding Nan Lingxi's command, no one showed contempt or resistance. After all, this black market queen provided everyone with the black money behind the game's daily expenses. Everyone admired her business talents.

I have to say that Nanlingxi is not only the queen of business in reality, but also has a keen sense of smell in the game. Many guild forces never thought of talking to NPCs. After all, commercial activities, as long as you buy and sell goods, you can pay the most attention. For the types of products sold in the market, try to avoid buying the same goods as everyone else. In case of encounters, there will be a price war.

However, dialogue with NPCs allowed Nan Lingxi to obtain a lot of useful information. From the dialogue, she collected a lot of NPC needs, especially information on items that urgently needed to be purchased, and then purchased products with urgent needs and a large number of people. There is a big sale in the market.

Of course, don't think that Nanlingxi will only purchase one or two of them. She asks everyone to pay attention to balance when buying products.

To put it simply, it is just enough, and the supply should even be appropriately smaller than the market demand, so that the best price can be sold.

This operation worked at the beginning. The booth of the Riding Cloud Guild was crowded by NPCs. Of course, the spies of other guilds quickly got the news, and they also imitated the Riding Cloud Guild to purchase goods for sale.

However, at this time, after they marked the same price as Riding Cloud Guild, basically no NPC came to buy it!

As soon as I inquired, I learned that the Riding Cloud Guild had actually cut the price and sold it!

What's happening here?

Is there a price war so soon?

But why sell it?

Are these products not easy to sell?

Want to sell at a loss?

These people who stole the teacher and riding the cloud guild can only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs... It's really a headache, stomach pain, and intestine pain!

Fortunately, the survivorship of the Riding Cloud Guild seems to be relatively small, and because of the low price, it quickly sold out.

NPCs began to come to their stalls to stop and choose, but because these goods were sold in multiple stalls in the main city, NPCs were hesitant to buy and their desires were relatively small, which made the players of the thief guilds have to start a price war ...

After all, the funds are tied to these commodities. If you don't sell them, how can you get the next batch of goods?

At this time, the Riding Cloud Guild has already inquired about the latest demand situation from NPC and started the second round of purchase.

The other guild members are not brain-disabled, they have also discovered the operation method of the cloud riding guild, and actively imitated and began to interact with the big NPCs in the main city.

Why choose a large NPC?

Because that's what the Cloud Riding Guild does!

Moreover, the purchasing power of these big NPCs is obviously much stronger. If you go to those civilian areas to investigate, there is no way to be efficient in the rich areas. This simple problem can be understood with hair!

However, upon learning that the major guilds had sent people around to gather news in the rich areas, Nanlingxi had all the intelligence personnel evacuated from the rich areas and began to investigate in the poor areas, especially to explore some possible small private workshops.

Seeing the operation of the Cloud Riding Guild, the other guild leaders naturally showed a look of contempt. Although in their opinion, the slums are also a way to make money, but they can be understood with their toes. The poor areas want The items they buy are nothing more than food, medicine and clothing. They simply cannot afford to buy other things!

However, in someone's opinion, the poor area is not a place for dumping goods at all, but the main force of production!

Nanlingxi believes that things like commerce should never be one-way!

That is to say, buying and selling, buying and selling, since you can purchase goods from other cities, then the main city must have its own goods that can be sold to various surrounding cities, but it has not been found!

The rich naturally do not need to engage in any production, so the people who silently produce goods are naturally the poor!

So, there must be some goods in the slum area!

In fact, this is the case. Without eating mice, I met a group of people who made vinegar in a dilapidated house, and obtained the permission to buy vinegar during the conversation.

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