Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1413: Consecutive championships

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Besides, this guy was originally a player in the world!

Although Nanlingxi occupied the right time, place and people this time, it doesn't mean that when you kick Tiannongjing next time, you will stand by your own guild!

Moreover, these fun gameplays have also enriched the content of the game competition. You must know that although the content of the guild hegemony finals is basically not repeated, if it has always been a trend, then the highlight of the hegemony will also be in decline and eventually ushered in death.

Players from all over the world are watching the guild power competition every week. It may be that the first year of the battle competition with no change in the soup can make everyone excited, but after a long time, the audience is naturally not satisfied with the same type of competition, so The types of competitive competitions must be increased to give everyone more abundant events.

What's more, the content of the rules of the guild hegemony is often streamlined. It is used for guild missions. If it is only a single battle, the guild missions are also limited. There will be an illusion of boredom sooner or later in the daily life. It is necessary to make daily life full of variables.

Besides, if the rebirth player's level is lowered, the method of screening for the preliminaries is changed, and the reborn players are allowed to participate in disguise. What about the second-tier and third-tier players who have been catching up with their predecessors?

Obviously, after working hard to catch up, I finally saw the dawn of the show, but was it just like this alive?

The times make the heroes, the heroes make the times, no matter whether they are well or kicked, they are all heroes. They want to create a roulette for players. When this huge roulette turns, it is the opportunity and platform for various players. As long as you grasp it, you can show your prowess and become a hero of a generation.

In other words, the gameplay without a strategy is to give more players a chance to show off.

Although the major guilds have many members, they are also happy to see this situation. They need talents of different levels to lead players of different levels to go hand in hand.

However, even if these guild managers understand this truth, they still can't see the riding cloud guild win the championship, so they have to pour some dirty water on the crown.

However, the dirty water seemed to have a counterproductive effect, as if cursed.

It seemed to be a counterattack against the doubts of world players by kicking Tian Nongjing. A week later, the contents of the 55th Guild Tournament finals were announced. Although the differences in equipment and level of players were not directly obliterated, a thousand soldiers were assigned to one person, and Give each guild a city, and then kick off the prelude to the Hundred Cities War...

Slap in the face, definitely slap in the face, kicking at the sky and the well seems to tell players all over the world a fact: Lao Tzu is the main strategy of the game, and Lao Tzu's homeland is the one in charge! No matter what I plan, you all have to participate!

However, this time is not a real-time strategy game of siege and defense. The key to the game is to harvest food.

That’s right, it’s harvesting food. The system will notify the player that the wheat field outside the city is mature and ready for harvest. The player must lead the army out of the city to grab food. If you grab enough food, you can feed your army, otherwise the army will There was a famine, which led to a decline in the number of troops.

However, the guild cities that harvest a lot of grain and have a surplus of rations will have strong men who will continue to join the army.

In the process of grabbing food, although the player will lead a thousand soldiers to rush to kill, the player will be given an invincible state. Unless all the soldiers under the player are killed, the invincible state will become invalid.

The types of soldiers are different and have a mutual restraint relationship. Players can modify the types of soldiers in the city, but they cannot be replaced during the food grab.

Different soldiers have different equipment and weapons, and their tactics are also different. The tactics used are often upgraded. Even when the arms are restrained, high-level tactics may cause unexpected heavy damage to the enemy.

And it should be noted that you must never be surrounded by enemy troops. Once you are surrounded, soldiers will be greatly reduced, and deserters will soon appear. The overall combat effectiveness will decline and they will be easily wiped out.

Jing Tian had to suspect that kicking Tian Nong Jing was showing his favor to Nan Lingxi. Last week was a business management competition, and this week was a similar war chess competition. It was a tailor-made competition for Nan Lingxi!

Could it be that Nan Lingxi secretly bought Tengyi Company and kicked the patio well?

Or does Tengyi want to please Nanjia and get financial support from Nanjia?

But can you buy off the profiteer Nanlingxi with such a small favor?

Even if Nanlingxi is bought, can Nanjia be bought through Nanlingxi?

More importantly, does Tengyi need financial support from Nanjia?

Hasn't this year been full of profits?

How can there be funding problems?

Is it difficult to develop a new generation of gaming equipment?

Improbable... These are absolutely impossible, there must be other reasons.

If you think about it with your hair, you can imagine that everyone in the Cloud Riding Guild under the command of Nanlingxi will drive the enemy into desperation step by step!

After all, profiteers are not only good business acumen, they also possess unparalleled wisdom in terms of layout, especially commanding lifeless puppets. These lifeless soldiers are naturally a piece of cake for her.

Riding the Cloud Guild scored twice and won the Guild Championship in a row!

So, the World Channel started again, and there was endless drooling...

Time flies, and several months have passed in a flash. October 13, 2021 is a very special day. On this day, most of the members of the Cloud Riding Guild will reach their level of 61 after being reborn.

In fact, on this day, everyone is nervous. Everyone does not know what kind of test will be ushered in after level 61. I am afraid that they will pass a test inexplicably, and then the level will return to level 1, and experience the second-level game life.

Compared with everyone's uneasiness, Ye Lanmeng seemed very calm. After all, the ladder trial had been explored by countless predecessors, and the strategy of each level was endless. Even the mixed team could reach the final trial with a three-point confidence.

Of course, if there is Feng Ji, she will naturally not let Ye Lanmeng play with any wild team. She handed Ye Lanmeng to an elite team of the Scenic Party, and took her to the cloud ladder trial together.

However, Jing Tian is still not at ease with Ye Lanmeng. After all, where is there any elite team in the Scenery Party, even if it is an elite team, let's look at the elite of the scenery!

Therefore, Jing Tian directly let Ye Lanmeng turn on the function of sharing vision and prepare to follow and guide the whole process.

The women who learned the news were naturally unhappy...

Don't ask how the girls knew, with Zhao Jiaxue by his side, good news would not go out, bad news would spread for thousands of miles!

"Brother Jing, this profiteer hasn't been guided remotely by you yet, and they want it too!"

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