Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1419: How can you be sure that the opponent is a big or young

   But think about it, this is just a relationship in the game, more than a year has passed, Yang Mimi has never considered developing it with her in reality.

   I haven’t even had a video. Apart from the sound and legend, I don’t seem to know much about the mysterious Yang Mimi.

   It's really sad...

This kind of made Luo Xia a little frustrated, but he still said firmly: "Wife, let me wait. I believe that as long as I climb onto the top of the sky city, become an existence recognized by the gods, and gain the ability of God to transform, I will The demand for marriage between players must be raised, and there will be countless players supporting me at that time. Tengyi will have to modify the game at that time, and we can truly get married!"

   Everyone was shocked when they heard it, but I didn’t expect Fatty to cherish this promise so much, and on the way to the top of the game, he found his own dream!

That’s right, if Luo Xia wanted to help Jing Tian climb to the top of Sky City, it was just a direction of effort, and there was no absolute reason for him to fight for it all his life, but from this moment on, he changed Up.

   He wants to reach the top together, wants to change the rules, create rules, just for a woman, for a small gambling agreement.

   is really green, green is glorious, green is indomitable!

   I have to say that Luoxia’s struggle history is definitely a must-read treasure for spare tires...

   However, this setting is contrary to the design concept of Sky Dungeon, and there are disturbing factors that undermine social harmony!

   After all, mental derailment is also derailment. In the game, mental derailment will become a worm that destroys family relations in the hearts of some people with the concept of monogamy. They will oppose this approach and setting.

No one knows that at this time Luo Xia had actually conceived a big conspiracy in his mind. Of course he knew Jing Tian’s original intention of designing a non-marriage system, but he also found a way to fundamentally avoid blatant derailment in the game, that is : Verify the marriage system.

  Perhaps, there is a kind of man in this world who can become wise because of love and because of women. Luo Xia is precisely this kind of man.

   He actually thought of a way to get the best of both worlds in a moment, that is, to verify the player's offline marriage relationship, and after verification, he can marry in the game.

   Afraid that the game will ruin the player’s marriage, then we should respect the player’s real marriage. We can’t take apart the real couple alive, let them find their own pleasure in the game, and find NPCs to unite?

   So, isn’t the fat guy still unable to marry Yang Mimi in the game?

   That's right, Luo Xia wants such an effect, and he wants to use this as an excuse to propose marriage!

   Isn’t this a genius way to kill two birds with one stone?

  Of course, this is obviously a reason that even idiots would refuse to propose marriage... But, for aliens, it might be really good!

   After all, this guy Yang Mimi doesn't play cards according to common sense. Maybe in order to fulfill his promise, he will do a fake show! 78 Chinese debut https://https://

   Isn't this just right in your arms?

   At least there is such a possibility, it is better than no chance!

   Fatty has already blossomed for his wisdom at this time, completely ignoring the existence of Yang Mimi's parents, how could he easily be deceived by his daughter?

However, thinking about the unreliable nature of the Yang family's sisters and brothers' parents, and even their sons and daughters' names are so casual, I really doubt whether they are also aliens, then this naive conspiracy might really succeed. It's implemented!

   For example, if you secretly carry your account book to obtain a certificate or something, it will cheat you!

   Thinking of this, the author Yebi Shenghua has pinched a cold sweat for Yang Mimi...

   So, as everyone was playing in Sky City, they began to talk to NPC frequently, trying to find their own opportunities.

However, soon an astonishing news came from Zhao Jiaxue: "Haha, grandma, I really am naturally beautiful, and my body is constantly exuding an alluring atmosphere. A rich young man proposed to me! I am so happy. I didn't expect that I would realize my dream so soon!"

   "What's the situation, there are other players in Sky City?"

   "What player, I'm talking about an NPC, there is an NPC, a big and young NPC, who proposed to me! How about, envy? Are you jealous? Regret?"

  Ghosts are jealous and hateful. They ran to find a local NPC to get married. Maybe the fighting power would be zero. When you summon him, it will be automatically blocked!

   "How can you be sure that the opponent is a rich man?"

   Is it possible that the other party will write money on his forehead?

   The aliens simply cannot understand such a problem.

"It's easy, because his name is very rich. Grandma, I'm so piercing, you can see his wealth at a glance. This is a skill I have practiced for many years. If any big or young show up in front of me, sign up Words, I can tell how much wealth he has!"

   Zhao Jiaxue became more excited as she spoke, and from her voice, she could feel that her pupils seemed to have become gold coins.

   really put money on the forehead!

   can you tell whether you are rich or not?

   In Jingtian's heart, hehe, if the old dirty lady had such a magical skill, wouldn't his status as a big or young be exposed long ago?

   In other words, because you are running away from home now, do you have no money for your name?

   is obviously not logical!

   "What's your name?" Several people said in unison, all in awe.

"Little God of Wealth, he sounds like a wealthy young man. His father must be a great God of Wealth. I didn’t expect to be asked by a God-level NPC to marry I’m so excited! If the charm is too big, the pressure and responsibility will increase. It's also quite big, I must use my charm to protect the world!"

  噗...... Little God of Wealth?

   This name is indeed quite wealthy, no wonder you can see that everything seems to be explained...

   But... the **** of wealth?

   Is his grandpa called the God of Wealth?

   Is there a "God" word that means God-level NPC?

   There are twelve gods under each main **** in Sky Dungeon, but I have never heard of the small **** of wealth in any **** system!

   Besides, when the other party proposes to you, do you have so much confidence in your own charm?

"Uh... it's better to be careful, kick the sky and let us go to Sky City in the first batch. Maybe it is to set up some pits and wait for us to jump in. It is best to know the other party's level, occupation and other detailed information. Make another decision. In case you marry a zero-combat oil bottle, you will have no place to cry in the future, and you can only get divorced, then you are not a rich grandmother, but a divorced young woman." ァ78中文ヤ~ ⑧~1~ωωω.7~8z~w.còм

   After Jingtian's deliberation, she still feels that Zhao Jiaxue should be careful.

   "Is the toad itchy, you are the divorced young master! Besides, I have already promised, I am a young grandmother who values ​​promises!"

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