Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1423: It turns out that Chang'e and Yutu are in sauce!

Sure enough, the main strategy of the game is the master of ideas!

"Hey...this is a good way. But how can I become Chang'e's spokesperson casually?"

"Stupid sister, pretend to be Chang'e's spokesperson, and did not say that Tengyi Company must find your contemporary spokesperson, let alone that you are the spokesperson of Moon God in Sky Dungeon. I will not be held accountable by game companies, after all, Chang'e It's not the original meow of Tengyi."

I have to say that this time the alien finally got the hang of it, and his speech finally became normal again.

Everyone nodded in their hearts to admire Yang Miaomiao's speech, but he added a sentence to himself, and it was this sentence that completely shattered everyone's previous illusion...

"I just don't know if Chang'e herself will sue you for infringement?"

Chang'e herself?

Does a fairy like Chang'e really exist?

Have aliens been to the moon and have seen Chang'e?

Before everyone could continue to make trouble, Yang Mimi replied: "Hey...stupid brother, I'm not afraid of doing this infringement, but I just feel that doing this is a free endorsement for Tengyi Company. They don't give me rewards, and they are losing money. ! How can a shrewd person like me do such a thankless thing? Besides, with my friendship with Chang'e, how could she sue me for infringement?"

Can't help?

Is it just a sentence?

More importantly, your relationship has really been on the moon, you have seen Chang'e, and you still have a good relationship?

What kind of friendship do you have?

Is it a friend?

That’s right, you are all aliens, it’s normal to have intersections, and it’s normal to be friends with the aliens Chang'e... Normal man, sure enough, we can’t understand the alien world!

There is also, you speak for the game company without authorization, and also consider the issue of remuneration?

I really regard myself as a world-class star. Does anyone have to accept your endorsements and send money to your door?

It’s not bad for Tengyi to tell you to spread rumors, right?

If the trouble is big, maybe you will be sued!

Of course, what made everyone amazing and unbelievable was that it didn't take long for Yang Mimi to become the spokesperson of the moon **** Chang'e of Tengyi Company!

That's right, Tengyi company actually found Yang Mimi as the genuine spokesperson, and it was the paid one!

However, when Yang Mimi spoke for the moon **** Chang'e, she wore a blue gauze translucent long skirt, which gave her a kind of extraordinary fluttering air. It is a pity that the long skirt is more exaggerated than a wedding dress. There are thousands of layers on the ground with special effects on the moon. Langsha has a dreamlike beauty, but it can't outline the details of Yang Mimi's figure.

More importantly, this guy even wore a signature mask when shooting the endorsement photo! There are mysterious runes printed on the mask...deserving of the masked lady Ji!

Nima, if it were not for the surface of the moon and the black and white Dodge Rabbit in her hands, the ghost would know that she was playing Chang'e!

No, shouldn't Chang'e's jade rabbit be a big white rabbit?

How did it become a black and white Dodge Rabbit?

This is an overhead myth!

It turns out that Chang'e and Yutu are in sauce!

Although you can't see Chang'e's face, at least get a face towel that is still holding the pipa and half covering your face, right?

This mask is too childish, right?

Anyone who can speak for me can speak up, okay?

Why do you have to look for Yang Mimi?

Or did you just pick her just because you thought you were looking for one?

I have to say that it was precisely this kind of weird and innovative version of Chang'e that turned out to be on sale and was sought after by players all over the world. For a time, Yang Mimi's portrait of Chang'e was printed on various daily necessities, clothes and hats, even her The mask he was wearing was also mass-produced by Tengyi. After only 14 hours of sales, it was completely sold out and out of stock. For a while, it became the goddess of peripheral sales...

But this is something to say, so we won't repeat it.

Of course, it was precisely Jing Tian's inadvertent suggestion today that caused an uncontrollable frenzy afterwards.

Jing Tian, ​​who learned of all this later, naturally cried for a long time...

At this time, Yang Mimi was already happily disseminating the news that she was endorsing the Moon God among the twelve gods of the Haotian God God System. Of course, the statement was quite euphemistic and mostly misleading.

The female emperor fan group that heard the news naturally boiled completely, shouting "Long live the female emperor, long live the Moon God" and so on, and expressed their blessings to the female emperor in their own way, and supported and urged Tengyi Company.


Of course, it's time to launch the female emperor version of the moon **** Chang'e photo, endorsement photo, etc. as soon as possible!

Even many fans and players have already posted it as a proof to buy a full set of accessories for the Empress...

That's right, this is like a gunpowder mountain, it explodes as soon as it hits, and it explodes earth-shattering!

Some development teams of Tengyi Company soon received continuous feedback from customer service. They expressed embarrassment and speechlessness to this inexplicable spokesperson, and saw the huge business opportunities contained therein!

Especially when he learned about this, he directly decided to reach an endorsement cooperation with the star players, and sent a staff member to write an endorsement contract to prepare to contact Yang Mimi.

In fact, Sky Dungeon has its own 108 idol group, namely: di108, but these 108 aphasias are just idols in the game, unable to get close to the players in reality, and it is not suitable to take real photo photos. s things.

The idol group temperament in the game is difficult to replicate in reality. They always maintain that inferiority mentality in reality. Only in the game can they let themselves go.

If you ask di108 to shoot a promotional video to help the deaf and everyone believes that they can do a very good job, but let them take a portrait of the moon **** Chang'e, they can only hehe...

If finding a celebrity endorsement is more cumbersome, you need to negotiate with the other party's agent repeatedly, and the cycle is relatively long.

Moreover, there is no guarantee that the celebrity will play the game for a long time. On the contrary, it may have a miraculous effect if the spokesperson is selected from the game.

What's more, the empress is also a small well-known internet celebrity in the game industry. Since she speaks for her, it is better to make her a real story.

If the celebrity is allowed to endorse, the company will need to pay a large amount of endorsement fees, and also carry out endorsement activities in accordance with some requirements of the other party. It must respect the other party’s schedule. The operation is not particularly flexible. Instead, it makes Yang Mimi’s endorsement more flexible and the endorsement fee is relatively Inexpensive, obviously less investment and higher returns!

Simply put, if you let celebrities endorse, you don't know how many peripheral products you have to sell to recover the endorsement fee!

Some people may say that celebrity endorsements not only sell peripheral products, but also attract more players and promote games. However, Sky Dungeon does not need celebrity endorsement promotion at all now, the number of players in the world is already very large!

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