Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1436: Caring for the elderly

   "Don't worry, it's my own person, how could I hurt her? The tasks I gave her are the simplest errands, and she will definitely make her serve faster."

   "Anything else, you know, I'm on a business trip now, you'd better focus on the point."

   "No no, you are busy first."

   Talking more is useless, and talking more will be lost. Donghuang Taiyi didn't want to make fun of his life, and finally survived. If he really encounters any perverted sister-in-law, he will really die.

   Soon after, sitting in Jingguantian worked hard to deliver the food, and submitted the task items to Donghuang Taiyi, three kinds of gourmet meals, namely: caviar pizza, Taishi snake soup, and steamed Yangtze saury.

"Haha, it seems that today's luck is pretty good. All of them won the prizes. This is the same kind of delicacy! Although caviar is not used to eating, it tastes quite good. Steamed Yangtze saury, this kind of thing may be realistic China is going to be extinct, most of them are counterfeit products. Taishi snake soup, I can't even think about it, the taste of water law snake is amazing! Sure enough, the world of love for marriage is really great! Live here, The deity may not be willing to return to the original world in the future!"

  Emperor Taiyi didn't know if he was too introverted, so he praised three props.

  Although the old thing is right, the Yangtze River saury is on the verge of extinction. I don’t know how many saury fish can be recovered in a year. This luxury product like Taishi Snake Geng not only tastes wonderful, but also strengthens the body. It can be called a medicated diet.

   But the point is, can you eat it in the game?

  Also, are you going to live here forever?

   It seems that you have nowhere to go except in the game, right?

  You are a vegetable, what else do you want?

   However, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi seemed to understand Jing Tian's careful thinking, and he used the steamed Yangtze saury directly in front of Jing Guantian!

  Don't think that Donghuang Taiyi's food is without process. This guy doesn't even know where to virtualize a dining table. The steamed Yangtze saury is now on the dining table.

   Jingtian's eyes were wide, and he didn't expect that this **** Donghuang Taiyi would have to do a show to such a degree that he would eat in front of him?

   Is this the latest marketing method in the food delivery industry?

  Wait after watching this guy have a meal, will there be a button to buy takeaway and let me place an order and taste it in reality?

  Don't say it, normal people watch this guy's performance, maybe they will really be greedy and can't help but consume!

   But, in reality, is there a restaurant that does these three dishes?

   Even if China has it, it shouldn’t exist in this third- and fourth-tier city, right?

"Changjiang saury is not difficult to make. Clean the internal organs and marinate with a little salt for 10 minutes. Put bamboo shoots, green onion and **** into shreds on the back of the saury, add a little lard, oil and cooking wine, and you can steam it in the pot. It will be out of the pot in 10 minutes. This taste is called a delicious bliss!"

   Feelings You are not only a foodie, but also a chef! 78 Chinese update fastest computer terminal: https://

   Jing Tian looked at Donghuang Taiyi's every move in surprise, and didn't understand what wine he sold in the gourd.

"What are you doing in a daze? Come and eat together. You don't need to be polite with the deity. It is the deity rewarded you! How about, is the deity very generous? It doesn't matter, just treat us as a family. Where is the husband of Elfa?"

   Reward your sister, what I want is dedication value, hurry up and give Lao Tzu a new task!

   A task is just such a point of dedication, when can I test the comprehension skills and the dark attribute blessing?

   Let’s eat with you, can I taste it?

   Now the equipment in Sky Dungeon has no taste system at all!

and many more!

  I can’t do it myself, can this guy do?

   It is precisely because of this that this guy is so hypocritical and pretending to be generous?

   "Do you have a taste system? Are these food items already added with taste data?"

   Jingtian's eyes were round. Although his optic nerve was completely written by the VR device, it was impossible to see Donghuang Tai with wide eyes, but he did so subconsciously.

"Of course, should I invite you to eat together? If you have something good, you must share it with your good friends. Don’t be polite. You must taste it. It’s also a good experience to be able to eat in front of other players. , Hahaha..."

   Your sister is polite!

   You clearly know that only you have applied the taste fraud technique, and there is no possibility of taste sensation in me!

"I don’t have to. You should give me the second task. I will continue to help you buy some delicious food and let you have a good meal. Such a good opportunity, if you don’t eat more, is the greatest of life. regret!"

"That won't work. Everyone can only publish each service mission once a day. The next missions will not have the chance to eat. However, the deity will naturally take care of you, and the tasks assigned to you are relatively simple. This time, I will give You have arranged the task of respecting the old, loving the young, and taking care of the widowed elderly. How about it, are you very caring?"

   Take care of the lonely elderly? 78 Chinese fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Do you want to go to the nursing home?

   Is there such a setting as a nursing home in Sky Dungeon?

   You, a fallen god, let me take care of the lonely old man?

   Why do you think it is a weasel giving a New Year greeting to the chicken!

Jing Tian accepted with suspicion. When he found the task NPC, Jing Tian's Three Views were completely destroyed. He couldn't bear to voice and question Donghuang Taiyi: "Are you trying to fix me on purpose? What is this arrangement for me? Disgusting These old men are simply demons. They let me trick the little girls to help them adjust their lives. This is simply a group of scumbags who are old and disrespectful!"

  Sure enough, the guys that the Fallen God asked him to help were all fallen to the bone!

"Don't say it so bad, these are all believers of the deity. They believe in the fallen gods. Of course, they have living habits that conform to the faith. You must learn to love and not attack, listen to their needs, and help them through their boring old age. ."

   These elders are not suitable for old age at all!

   Why didn’t you get caught?

   Just strangle them directly, so as to save them from wasting social welfare.

   I really don’t know how to create such generous welfare for the elderly in the backward fantasy world of Ai Yin Si, it is really unscientific!


   Jingtian rudely expresses the anger in his heart, after all, cheating the NPC girl or something, his conscience still can't get through!

  Even if Jing Tian knows that these NPCs are fictitious, Jing Tian does not lack a hypothesis. Maybe a large number of real NPCs will enter the game in the future, so the object of his deception may become a real child!

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