Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1442: Advertising

Of course, this kind of exposure is not random. Brand building materials companies can set the target audience, set the actual country of the target, and even set the actual city area of ​​the target. Different cities will price based on the number of brands participating in the launch at the same time. The adjustment, the more companies are launched, the higher the corresponding promotion unit price will be.

This kind of accurate user advertising has made all brand building materials companies very profitable. After all, directly in front of an astonishing number of players in the world, I am afraid that no one can afford it, but if you can choose the country and region for advertising, then according to the market situation , And new markets need to expand the plan, you can put market advertisements very rationally, and can tap potential customers to the greatest extent.

In this way, rather than aimlessly advertising, the home improvement industry and real estate industry are more willing to send advertising fees to Tengyi to acquire more effective users, and they can also have zero-distance contact with users in the game, which makes communication more convenient. And cover up, the effective customer rate is very high!

In fact, it is not only the home improvement and building materials and real estate industries, but all kinds of industries related to games, as long as you advertise in the game, you can choose the country and region, and even advertise according to gender and age.

Although this kind of advertising technology is not uncommon on some search engines and video sites, it is probably only Sky Dungeon that can be completely accurate in gender and age.

After all, Sky Dungeon is a real-name online game, and you must log in to the game in person. It is not like some search engines or video websites. A family may use the same account, or the child is using the parent’s Mobile phones, this will cause advertising errors, which will greatly reduce the delivery rate of advertisements to intended users.

Simply put, it was originally a liposuction and weight loss advertisement for young women. The search engine showed the message in a young woman's mobile phone very intimately. As a result, the young woman's son played with the mother's mobile phone and clicked on the advertisement.

Although this operation will not lose a dime to the young woman, but for the advertiser's hospital, then this single click may cause a loss of 10-100 yuan.

For search engines, although the click fee was earned, an invalid click was generated, which reduced the user’s efficiency and reduced the advertising effect.

In fact, this situation is still good. In fact, search engines simply cannot collect the true information of all users, do not know the age and body of the other party, and even the gender of the user is not clear. It is easy to recommend liposuction and weight loss ads to a skinny person. The chai girl, forming spam.

You should know that many advertising fees are charged based on the number of pushes, or the number of impressions, regardless of whether the player clicks on it or not, the advertising fee is charged.

This method of charging according to the amount of push and display has discouraged many operators. Only some large companies can madly advertise without hesitation, and do not care about the efficiency of advertising.

And in Sky Dungeon, the audience will be released to whoever clicks, and there will be absolutely no misunderstanding of ads.

After all, the game Sky Dungeon is not allowed to level up, only you can log in!

In fact, this kind of precise placement is not the most profitable for Tengyi. Although fuzzy placement will produce more invalid promotion, many companies will still show fuzzy matching to more people and let more people click , And then earn advertising fees.

but. Kitian Nongjing still uses such a precise advertising mechanism, just to fulfill its promise, realize the great blueprint of Jingtian, and let the game really promote the development of the world economy.

Even if it is advertising, the advertisers must gain great benefits, instead of placing a large number of advertisements, the money earned is just enough for the promotion fee.

This kind of embarrassment is actually staged in reality. In addition to search engines, video sites, and e-commerce sites, each online store needs to smash various promotions to increase product exposure, but the money earned may end up with the promotion paid. Fees stay the same, and even lose money.

In other words, after a year of hard work, all the money I earned was given to the advertising company. I didn't make any money, only earned some reputation.

In fact, a large part of the reason is the misunderstanding of the advertisement. When you search for the desired item, a product that does not match your identity appears in the promotion advertisement, which wastes both parties' time.

However, Sky Dungeon is different. Operators can attract real users as long as they smash advertisements, and they can identify effective users and potential users based on communication and insight into the needs of users, and focus on the development of effective users. Feeling development...

In half a year, the offline pet paradise, AI farm, and AI plantation of Sky Dungeon were under crazy construction. The effect of the trial was far beyond Tengyi's expectations. The supply of shared pets was in short supply and more people wanted Own your own pets, and even want to own a plantation or farm of your own.

Obviously, the construction of pastures and farms is relatively slow, the amount of investment involved is also relatively large, and negotiations with governments of various countries are needed. In short, this is a long-term project.

In comparison, a pet park is built faster. After all, this setting is similar to a pet club. As long as you rent a factory building or something, you can build and renovate it. Moreover, the pet industry management is relatively loose and there are not so many twists and turns.

As for whether a supporting resort hotel can be built, it depends on the future development of the pet park.

In the blink of an eye, Sky Dungeon ushered in its second anniversary ~ ~ June 16, this is a day that makes gamers around the world crazy.

Compared with the first anniversary event, Kicking Tiannongjing did not risk the world's seriousness this time, and once again launched a series of incredible anniversary events, and did not stop the daily game of the game, but temporarily closed the power invasion, guild competition, etc. big event.

At the beginning, everyone was still a little unsure, but many people who know the style of kicking the patio and making wells understand that this is the little pleasure before the storm.

Take a break, and there must be an exciting storm coming to Aiyinsi Continent!

Everyone is gearing up, shouting in their hearts: Let the storm come more coquettish!

Most of the members of the Cloud Riding Guild had already been upgraded to level 68 at this time, and the first echelon of other guilds had also chased up to level 67. Ye Lanmeng is still 6 levels behind the large unit, at the early stage of level 62.

It's not that everyone in the Cloud Riding Guild doesn't work hard, but the experience required to upgrade is maddening...

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