Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1463: Clergy skills

"Oh? Yes, have you discovered the effect of the hit assist system? The reason why the hit assist system was not enabled before is to let you experience the difference between the two. Of course, the hit assist system can be turned off manually, but the skill assist The system is not allowed to be turned off. This does not mean that you must rely on the skill assistance system to make a set attack action to activate the skill. As long as the player completely simulates the skill action, the skill effect can be successfully activated. However, please pay attention to imitation The skill action must ensure the integrity of the action. If the midway action does not meet the standard, the attack action will be forcibly interrupted, the skill activation fails, and it enters the cooling state, the cooling time is half of the normal cooling time."

  Can't turn off the skill assist system?

   But can imitate the activation skills?

   Isn’t the two contradictory?

   is indeed not contradictory!

   Since the beginning of visual fraud, brain command information can be received by the system, and everyone must say silently or call out the shortcut passwords to activate the skills. Now this setting has not been changed under the new system, and there is a feeling of connecting the past and the next.

   Even if Jing Tian thinks about trying Breaking Dawn in his mind, the "breaking dawn" skill will not be directly triggered by the skill assist system, and he must rely on lips or shouting.

Jing Tian closed his eyes and recalled that in the past when using the Breaking Dawn skill, the character handed out every action and detail of the bone refining halberd. After the next breath, his right foot took a big step forward, and his body's center of gravity sank. , The legs were struck into a horse stance, both hands slammed forward and handed out the bone-refining halberd.

  In the middle of the journey, the left hand suddenly left the halberd body, and the right hand energized twice. The bone-refining halberd came out like a dragon at dawn, like a dragon going out to sea.

   This trick is relatively easy to imitate among the generals' skills. That's why Jing Tian chose to practice starting from the simulation of dawn, looking for the feeling of skill activation.

   The system prompt came: "Congratulations, with your own efforts, you successfully launched [Dark Night·Breaking Dawn]."

   That’s right, it’s not breaking dawn, but dark night·breaking dawn. This is a skill that incorporates the dark attribute blessing of the fallen **** Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Now players have a general term for this type of skill, that is: clergy skill.

   priesthood skills: meaning professional skills after being blessed by divine power.

Although it only adds a variety of light effects and special damage enhancement compared to professional skills, all players who have upgraded clergy skills have an uncontrollable sense of superiority. If the upgraded professional skills are not given a resounding general name , Then how can this sense of superiority be developed to the maximum?

   Even if the official website does not give relevant instructions, the theory of clergy skills is still spreading among players, widely circulated and recognized.

   Then, I am afraid someone will ask, what if it is the comprehension skill blessed by the power of God?

What should    be called?

   Sorry, even with the comprehension skills blessed by the power of God, it is still called comprehension skills or fusion skills.


   Isn’t the comprehension skills after the fusion of the power of God not great?

  No, no, on the contrary, the comprehension skills that incorporate the power of the gods have a high probability of mutating, and they are much stronger than professional skills.

   But because the process of fusing the comprehension skills with the power of God is the process of fusing the comprehension skills in general, after the fusion, there is no special light effect feature, and the player cannot determine whether the comprehension skills are blessed by the power of the gods.

   Even if I brag about what kind of **** skills this is, there is no way to get universal recognition.

  Ghosts know how true or false what you said!

After all, the power of God is very difficult to obtain, and the huge service value is prohibitive. So far, few of your professional skills have been blessed by the power of God, let alone the ability of fusion of comprehension. You must know what is required for combining comprehension skills and power of God. His service is more terrifying!

   And obviously different from the clergy skills, the comprehension skills that integrate the power of the gods are still irreversible, and there is no original version.

   Unlike clergy skills, the original professional skills will be retained. Whether to activate clergy skills or professional skills depends on the player's own consideration based on the actual situation.

   Jingtian is a little excited now, but he is also full of doubts: Why did he start the dark night?

Originally, the player activated professional skills or clergy skills, as long as they were distinguished by the skill password, but now they use physical actions to activate the skills, the actions of professional skills and clergy skills are exactly the same, why did not trigger the dawn, but the dark night? ?

Just when Jing Tian was puzzled, the system prompted as if he could read his mind, and explained again: "The action triggers the skill, the system will judge, and the corresponding skill with the power of **** is preferred. If the current magic value is If it is not enough to trigger the skill, it will automatically be downgraded to trigger the corresponding skill of Godless Power. If the player needs to selectively trigger the skill, he needs to use the shortcut password to trigger it, or silently recite the name of the job skill during the action of self-exposing the skill."

So it seems that if you want to activate professional skills that are blessed by divine power, you must move your mouth and use the skill assist Let the system guide and control your body to fight, shout out during the skill action, and directly It doesn't make a difference at all, it's better to use the auxiliary system of the system directly.

   That's right, Jing Tian has already begun to abandon the traditional concept at this moment, and start to treat the body in the game as his own body, reaching the realm of the combination of reality and virtuality he once imagined.

   Wait, why does the system give relevant explanations every time I think about a problem?

   If it is once or twice, Jing Tian will still think it is a coincidence, but every time it is like this, then Jing Tian has to suspect that the system is reading his own thoughts!

   Doesn’t it mean that the game cannot read the player’s thoughts?

   Simply put, if the player thinks about his mobile phone password in the game, the system will not steal it.

   But, now all of this is a bit too coincidental, and people have to suspect that Tengyi Company has crossed the line!

   If this kind of thing is implemented, I am afraid that Tengyi Company will be charged with fraud and will never be able to win the trust of players again!

   It’s not right, it’s impossible to be such a rough person to kick the Tian Nong Jing. No matter how he can say one thing and do another thing, he can’t peep into the hearts of people in the tutorial. Exposure will definitely ruin the game.

  Perhaps, it was kicking the patio that predicted everyone's thoughts?

   And this guy also considered the time it takes for everyone to think?

   Otherwise, why is the time to explain it at the right time?

   If this is the case, it would be terrible to kick the patio well...



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