Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1476: Do you need comfort in this way?

   What I have for Jing Tian is only possessive, not love!

   So, she said nothing, and looked at the noise of the crowd coldly, as if these sounds had nothing to do with her.

   However, at this moment, Nan Lingxizhi triumphantly sent a message to Jing Tian: "Brother Jing, I did buy the woman in the Konghai Garden, but I did not buy Liu Yaya."


   Jing Tian only felt as if he had been bombarded by some shells in his mind. It was as uncomfortable as it was.

   Mingming himself and Liu Yaya have not made any progress, why do everyone treat her like this?

  The key Liu Yaya doesn't care about herself at all, so why bother?

   Could it be that you are venting your breath for yourself?

   Do I need your comfort in this way?

   Do this, I will thank you and change my mind?

   Even if you are kind, you can't do something wrong, right?

Enduring the dissatisfaction and disappointment in his heart, Jing Tian said lightly: "So you are targeting Liu Yaya? You want to help me, see if I do this, will Liu Yaya be jealous? Actually it is unnecessary, we are just friends. No matter, the relationship is exactly the same with everyone. If Liu Yaya is special, it's just that there is more wishful thinking of the elders than you, and it is still expired wishful thinking. Although I will not blame you, I definitely disagree with you. Do it."

   Nan Lingxi doesn’t understand why Jing Tian thinks that way. It’s clear that she only wants to hit Liu Yaya, but why did she help Brother Jing?

   Why is it help?

  How can I help you?

   Did you mistakenly think that I was helping you stimulate Liu Yaya and let Liu Yaya cherish you?

   Liu Yaya clearly loves the patio, you have no chance at all!

   is really a desperate misunderstanding...

  Who wants to help you test the mood of your rival, don’t you think it’s okay?

   However, the result is not bad, at least I can tell that Liu Yaya doesn't care about it at all.

   Liu Yaya has always had no idea about Brother Jing. All she wants is a patio, which is understandable.

   "Uh...I have already said what you want to hear. Send me the black gold as soon as possible. I want to open the mirage and steal the beam and change the post now. I hope the system can give some hints after it is turned on."

   Jingtian erased the trace of sadness in his heart, but it was only expected. A woman's heart needs a needle in the bottom of the sea, and she wants to find a needle in a haystack.

   I still take my heart back and put it above dealing with the invasion of the demons.

   "Don't worry, this profiteer will be here soon, he is on Dapeng, the money is ready."

   Apparently, Nan Lingxi had settled on Jingtian a long time ago, and had already taken the black gold by himself when Jingtian did not agree to the conditions.

   Jingtian immediately felt an illusion of being controlled by others. Yes, this feeling was the most annoying. I used to run away from home just to get rid of his father's control.

   However, the feeling of being controlled by a woman is not particularly bad, especially if I ask others beforehand, I definitely can't hate Nan Lingxi, it's just a little bit unhappy.

  Besides, since Nan Lingxi has prepared the money, maybe even if she refuses, she will give her black gold, and she won't be willful for the sake of the guild alliance.

   Jingtian can only persuade himself in his heart so that he can understand as much as possible what Nan Lingxi has done.

Although 20w black gold is a drop in the bucket for Nangong Lingxi, she will not carry so much liquidity with her. Even if she carries so much, there is no place to spend it. After all, the things that black gold can buy are still relatively limited. It is also difficult to buy cost-effective items at consignment offices.

   If it wasn't for creating a brand-new spirit puppet, or giving benefits to everyone in the Cloud Riding Guild, Nanlingxi rarely used a lot of black gold.

   Most of the black gold is placed on the servants of Nanlingxi. They use a large amount of black gold to resell the items on the black market to make the greatest profit.

In a blink of an eye, the horn of the demon army’s invasion blew, and there are also several cities on the Alliance side who gathered all their combat power and went to the sea of ​​chaos to give the demon a head, but the results were naturally not ideal, and they blocked it. Just look at the progress of the demon army.

The border between the Sea of ​​Chaos and the Demon Race is very vast. In the context of the game, after the Second World War of Love, the Demon King of the Demon Race paid a painful price and created a huge enchantment in the narrow and narrow area of ​​the border. Above these barriers, the Demon King also opened up multiple one-way barrier channels.

   Now, when the demons invade, the demons who declare war on different cities will descend into the Chaos Demon Sea through different enchantment channels, but not all demons pass through the same enchantment channel, causing the demons to be unstoppable.

   The instructions given by the system are very simple. The transport capacity of each enchantment channel is limited. If all demons enter the Chaos Demon Sea through the same channel, the channel may be broken and cannot be used normally in the future.

   This is naturally an excuse to find out casually by kicking Tiannongjing. The key is to give the guild army in each alliance city a chance to intercept the Demon Race's invasion of Chaos Demon Sea!

  If all channels can be then the demons can completely agree on a channel invasion. Then who can stop the army?

  The key is not the unstoppable problem. It is also possible that the demon army may slaughter the city in disguise and gather so many demon army. Isn't it a pity not to slaughter the city?

   Therefore, the channels that the demons can use for invasion are limited, and the channels correspond to the area where the attacked guild is located.

   This is also convenient for the demons to invade. If there is only one entrance to the entrance, if the city is far away from the entrance, just running over, it will waste an hour, then the invasion is really impossible to fight.

   If you are ambushed by Alliance players for a few waves during the raid, you may be able to end the invasion war ahead of time, so that the gameplay can also come to an end.

   Therefore, the invasion of the demons must be divided one by one, which is beneficial to both the alliance and the demons.

As long as all guilds in each city of the alliance can fight against the enemy and reach an agreement to jointly fight against the demons, they can naturally fight against the demons in the Chaos Overseas, disrupt the position of the demons players, and at least give the demons a kind of master. Unfavorable illusion.

However, it is a very difficult thing to just unite all the alliance guilds in a city. Just like the previous Jingtian, there is no alliance leader. The name of the tribal alliance city is really ironic, nameless, and even It is better to change its name: San Regarding City.

   The fact is so cruel. Without absolute toughness, there is no way to make others surrender.

   However, today is probably the craziest time for the demons in the history of Sky Dungeon.



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