Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1487: Back Pot Man

   Of course, people who watch the live broadcast cannot see the anchor’s chat window, information window, let alone the system notifications in the channel of the ruined moon.

   This live broadcast mode is considered to protect personal information, but it can also cause information asymmetry between viewers and live broadcast influencers.

   Therefore, the news that the moon-destroying forces were played by the Cloud Riding Guild was not spread at all. The ugliness of the family should not be publicized, and no one dared to spread the unknown things casually.

   Besides, the moon-destroying forces have not completely failed, and there is still such a weak ray of hope.

   Meng Tianshi even made all the anchors cut off the live broadcast, creating the illusion of victory. This is also the last bit of room for overbearing.

  The other demons have no idea what the Americans are going to do. They just think that the people of the ruining moon are crazy and are ready to go to a nearby town to kill players and NPCs.

   But as far as the Alliance players are not killed here, do you want to go to PVE to kill NPCs to play?

   How can I feel that the Yankee is totally disregarding the overall situation this time!

Sky Patcher would not care about what the leaders of the convention organization think in their hearts. They want to arrive at the real guild station occupying the cloud riding alliance before the riding cloud alliance people arrive. However, just after he arrived singing all the way. , His entire face turned into pig liver color.

   That's right, after he led his army into the big resident of the Cloud Riding Alliance, what he saw was the army of the Riding Cloud Alliance ready to go!

More importantly, sitting on the well and watching the sky didn’t give myself time to think, and shouted on the regional channel: “The first is strong, and then the single is single. Brothers, rush, the opportunity for revenge is here, why don’t brothers bring Wu Gou and charge Fifty demons!"

   "Fifty heads of demons are collected!"

   "Fifty heads of demons are collected!"

   For a time, the shouts of the current channel are like drums all over the sky, shocking ghosts and gods!

   After the next breath, Tianshi Shi realized that this invasion battle might be defeated miserably. Even if he could defeat the army of the Cloud Riding Alliance in front of him, he would not have time to capture the resident of the Cloud Riding Guild...

   There was no surprise in the result. Jing Tian couldn't give the Mozu time to integrate his combat power. The Mozu that came in one after another did not have a team battle formation, and they were soon dispersed by the alliance players.

   The more important thing is that there is no follow-up force to support, and the one who died will be one less. After the death of the Cloud Riding Alliance members, they can also airborne to the garrison by riding a Dapeng, and there is no need to worry about a protracted battle.

   This is simply shameless, the entire invasion battle today is a conspiracy, a conspiracy of the demons, and a conspiracy of the Guild Cloud Riding!

   However, the Cloud Riding Alliance does not need to talk about protracted warfare. After all, the time left by the system for the invasion of the Moon Destroyer forces is running out.

   Even if it is the right time and place, and all reversals have turned to the Cloud Riding Alliance, even knowing that there is no possibility of victory in this battle, Tianshi still did not choose to give up or give up command.

This is the top game strategy master in the United States. When he was facing a losing game, he still let the members of the Mozu play an operational advantage, forcefully resisted the carbine of the Riding Cloud Alliance, and reorganized the combat power that he could call. Killed many players in the league.

   Sure enough, there is a general demeanor, victory is not arrogant or defeated!

   However, the ending of the ruining moon forces will also become more dramatic.

When the moon-destroying forces were selflessly attacking the Riding Cloud Alliance, Jing Tian sent a report to the presidents of the Jade Demon Alliance. The Russian Crown Prince smelled the spark of victory and immediately mobilized the army to destroy the moon. The back road of the forces was completely blocked.

   There is no way out, surrounded and attacked, the moon-destroying forces in a dilemma can only choose to die in front of the resident of the Riding Cloud Alliance Guild. First release https://https://

   In this battle, the moon-destroying forces were wiped out again!

   The overlord of the ruining moon forces had already anticipated everything at this time, and he had quietly arranged for someone to release the gossip, telling everyone that the commander-in-chief of the invasion was the Skyman.

   That's right, the Guardian is indeed the commander-in-chief of the final period, but definitely not the commander-in-chief of the entire battle.

   But this time the black pot is always going to be backed by someone, and the mending warrior is back!

   From the moment when the Sky Patcher stood up, he carried the scapegoat on his back, and he would not have any complaints afterwards.

   You must know that after this battle, the demons won all the other forces except for their ruining moon group forces!

   This is probably the most brilliant thing ever made by the demons in the world war.

   If the moon-destroying forces can achieve their wishes, then it is a complete victory for the demons.

However, in this most glorious stroke, the moon-destroying force of the instigator once again became the abandoned son of the goddess of luck, lost to the Qiyun Alliance, lost to Jing Tian, ​​and became the laughingstock of the entire demons. shame.

   Domineering at this moment has regretted that the intestines are all green, why do I have to have trouble with the Guiyun Guild?

   Why not let other forces attack the Guiyun Guild?

   He was absolutely sure, why did he lose so inexplicably?

If it is said that it was only for the demon tribe to achieve a full victory and become an abandoned child, then it is worth publicity. But at the end of the war, the Meng Tianshi led the Ruiyue Group army suddenly rushed to other places, discarding allies and disregarding them. The big forces all sent questions, making the extremely depressed domineering almost heart attack.

  The moon-destroying forces have somehow become selfish people who disregard the overall situation and disregard their position of the leader of the convention organization is at stake. This is completely different from the conspiracy he planned before!

   I clearly hope that after this battle, the world will surrender in one fell swoop... It is destined to be only Nanke Yimeng.

   Therefore, this black pot must be made up for the back of the Celestial Master!

In the past, the number one game strategy master in the United States turned out to be a mediocrity and a traitor among the main powers. This made Tianshi feel a little uncomfortable. Even if he doesn’t care about his reputation and is willing to take the blame, this group of people is too watery. Explicit, right?

   The clay figurines are still angry, not to mention this man of the pot?

   However, he also had to be tight-lipped. The overbearing had already told him the cause and effect. This matter really had to be accepted by him.

   As if you are selfish, as if you can't see the overall situation, as if you have lost the battle that you will win!

   Otherwise, the status of domineering in the convention organization is not guaranteed!

   Fortunately, he was overbearing and gave some other compensations to the Sky Mentor, otherwise the Sky Mentor would definitely pout a few farts and leave!

  I was hired by you, but you can't swallow it so hard. How can you do without compensation? It's a big deal! Starting

   It can be seen that hegemony is still very effective in the operation and cohesion of guild forces. On the one hand, he promoted the patch up as a scapegoat, which was ridiculed by various countries.

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