Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1491: Don't even have an update announcement?

That’s right, although Kitian Nongjing announced during the anniversary celebration that it will launch the fashion system in the near future, everyone also understands that the fashion system is based on a non-complete stealth system. The fashion system is online recently, and this so-called "recent" will take two to three months. That's right, after all, everyone is not fully familiar with the imperfect stealth system, so they immediately release the fashion system. Isn't this a bit of a boost?

   "Uh... are you kidding? If the fashion system card was played early, wouldn't there be no major updates this year? Wouldn't your planning team want Alexander?"

   Jingtian also believes that it should be delayed for a while. The lifespan of things like games is very short, and a brand new itchy spot must be released every once in a while to allow players to continue playing and exploring.

   If all the big killers are thrown out with a single brain, the player will be extremely surprised at the same time period, but it will be too flat in the future and will lose confidence and interest in the game.

   Just like the mobile phone update, each manufacturer often upgrades the hardware bit by bit, and constantly updates the mobile phone models. There has never been a mobile phone manufacturer that will create a high-end mobile phone that will not be out of date for five years or ten years.

   Their top-of-the-line mobile phones are often spiked by new top-of-the-line models the following year.

   If it is not the case, everyone can buy a high-end mobile phone that can last for ten years in one breath. Where can mobile phone manufacturers lead their noses and drool over new models every year?

   Obviously, the non-complete stealth system has just been played now, so at least let the players be novel for a few months, and then the fashion system will be released to make everyone refreshed again.

   Whatever you think, this is more reasonable.

   But why is kicking the Tiannongjing so hasty?

"Frog, what are you thinking about? We are all waiting impatiently. You said to release it early? Do you want our female players to demolish the headquarters of the Tengyi company? Can we live a little more positively? Why do we always think about falling behind? What? What else do you have to struggle in your life like this?"


   Impatient to wait?

   I just waited more than a week clearly, OK?

   Do you live like years?

   Your criticism is untenable, okay?

"Hehe, dear husband, you still don’t understand women’s minds. We girls are not willing to wait any longer. These days, many girls have blown up the customer service number of our Tengyi company. They are all very strong. Requires immediate activation of the fashion system. But we can't bear the threat of so many women in one stage, so we have to surrender and go online."

"Uncle Se, be silly, it's like someone pre-sold a beautiful fashion piece of ours, but the result is delay in delivering it. Men can tolerate this kind of damaging thing, but women can't tolerate it! We must deal with this kind of delay. The guy who shipped the goods is fighting to defend their rights!"

   That's it!

  The female player has such a hidden attribute. In addition to a gossip heart, there is also a characteristic of longing and unwaiting. Is this a misstep to kick the patio well?

   That’s right, doesn’t this mean that I didn’t think of kicking Tian Nongjing?

   Isn’t this proof from the side that kicking Tiannongjing is not a woman at all, but a man who is just as easy to ignore a woman’s heart as himself?

  It seems that it was a woman who kicked the Tiannongjing. The eight achievements were made by that guy himself!

   is really a natural behind-the-scenes plan, even his identity and gender can be used to hype, can be foolish all the people, this kind of man is really disgusting, if it is exposed, I don't know what the world players will think.

   Fortunately, so many players say that he is a big lady in women's clothing. Even if his true identity is exposed, there will be a large group of people who can accept it and show off his predictions proudly.

   But to Jing Tian’s surprise, he did not see any news about the fashion system from the system this day. Until the next day when it went online, Jing Tian heard lively discussions in the chat room.

Especially after the reminder of sitting on the well and watching the sky online popped up, I immediately started to twitter without eating mice: "Brother Tian, ​​the game's main strategy is too insidious. This time I didn’t even give an update announcement, so I went online so quietly! Meow! Clever, we probably won't find meow at all!"

   quietly go online?

   Don’t even have an update announcement?

   Is the fashion online?

   This is not in line with the usual style of kicking Tiannongjing. Although this guy likes to play mystery, he never stingy with announcements. Why doesn't he even give an announcement this time?

   Could it be a mistake of the staff?

   How can no one notice such an obvious mistake?

   is obviously kicking Tian Nongjing deliberately!

   But what strategy did you play this time, low-key mystery?

   "Fashion is really online? I didn't expect that Ralf is still pretty reliable. Walk around and let everyone decorate the equipment. By the way, where to buy fashion?"

   Zhao Jiaxue doesn’t care whether kicking the Tian Nongjing is insidious or not. She only cares about whether she can become drifting. It's best to be taken by the rich and young...

   "I heard that it is in the smelting hall, but the battle equipment wants to have a fashion effect. Modifying the color and printing pattern not only requires gold coins, but also related props."

   In addition to gold coins, you need props?

   I have to say that in addition to the unusual and weird practice of kicking Tian Nongjing, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com also revealed the cruelty.

  To achieve the combat fashion effect, you need to submit gold coins and props. This can adjust the circulation of the props in the system, and even cause the price of the props currently circulating in the market to fluctuate, so that some props that are gradually ignored by players become active.

  In this way, the economic lever in the hands of Kitian Nongjing is virtually added!

   is really a good method!

"It's not bad, this time I can make a lot of money. The profiteer has a large inventory of props, especially the cheaper ones, which are not very easy to explode, and are of little use. Just wait for the main strategy of the game to turn over the brand. Well! This is called precaution, and this is how business is done!"

   Nan Lingxi must be the most excited person. As a big profiteer, he naturally likes to stock up stocks, especially those cheap and rare items that seem to be of little use. This guy always likes to buy a lot and wait for opportunities to sell.

   In her eyes, this is an investment in long-term fishing.

  Yes, in her opinion, there is no chance for her to appreciate her wealth in the game. Instead, she engages in some venture capital. Stocking up makes her excited.

   The props needed for fashion, think about it with your hair, are the side props that don't seem precious but are not easy to explode.

   If precious props are needed, the already tight market will become more tense, and prices will rise sharply. Once prices rise sharply, everyone will have an indelible resistance to the game.

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