Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1509: Predict the feeling of attack

Do you think I am an angry bird?

   Is it going to jump through the branches as a springboard?

   looked at the surrounding branches, Jing Tian had the illusion that the problem was solved.

   Yeah, what use are these branches?

  If it's useless, why should it be designed to be trampable?

   At first, we just crawled along the tree trunk and ignored such an important issue!

   Thinking of this, Jing Tian didn't care about that much, and moved towards the nearby branch. After a few breaths, he stood on the narrow branch.

   However, at this moment, just like before, the dead air on the branches began to gather quickly, forming a human form!

   will not be so unlucky?

   As long as you stand up, there will be a BOSS?

   In other words, as long as you don’t run to the branches, will you be fine?

   But, how can you avoid the system settings and not be lifted onto the branches?

   Before Jing Tian wanted to understand these questions, the lifelessness in front of him was completely solidified. However, the monster that formed the human form this time was not the Dark Monkey King, but an ordinary corpse monkey at level 71.

   is not a boss?

   There seems to be a door!

   must have other intentions to land on a branch!

   must break the game set up by kicking Tianojing!

   Jingtian easily avoided the attack of the corpse monkey. Since adapting to the incomplete stealth system, the attribute of evasion rate has been widely concerned by players in the world.

We have also discussed before that the evasion rate is an attribute that is directly ignored before the incomplete stealth system is launched. No matter how high the evasion rate of the player is, as long as the player stands still and is cut over by a knife, there is no possibility of MISS. .

   This will never happen in traditional online games. In traditional online games, as long as the avoidance rate absolutely crushes the hit, then MISS and other phenomena will frequently occur, and no matter how bad it is, it is impossible to get a knife.

   However, Sky Dungeon refreshed players' perception of avoidance rate, thinking that avoidance is a tasteless existence.

   However, after the incomplete stealth system is launched, players with high evasion rates will inexplicably have a feeling of predicting attack. This feeling is very subtle, and if the evasion rate is high enough, you can even see the enemy's attack prediction line.

   In other words, if the evasion rate is higher than the opponent's too many hits, it is even possible to predict all the opponent's attack trajectory.

   Especially in PVE, Jing Tian added all the attribute points to the speed. Although the evasion rate is not extremely high, it is definitely not the hit rate of ordinary monsters.

Therefore, the attack route of the corpse monkey is completely within the range of Jingtian induction. He can clearly receive the information from the device in his mind, telling him which direction the opponent's attack will fall on his body, as long as he reacts quickly and makes a response. Dodge, sometimes just taking a step back, you can easily dodge the attack.

  The feeling of predicting an attack is very mysterious. It's like a premonition in your mind. You don't understand why, but you know that the enemy will attack in this direction.

   If it is not an absolute range attack, Jing Tian can easily dodge it.

   Yes, although the avoidance is high, it does not mean 100% avoidance. Players can only predict the attack trajectory, but when encountering azimuth damage, if they cannot jump out of the attack range, they can only sigh.

   And corresponding to the evasion rate is mental power, the hit attribute that can be increased, and this hit attribute has also undergone essential changes after the incomplete stealth system was launched.

First of all, when two players with very different hit rates use the same skill on a target at the same time, the difference can be seen. The player with a high hit rate can see the special auxiliary attack line of the system. This line is also very different. Mysteriously, as long as the player makes his weapon attack according to the trajectory of the auxiliary line, the hit rate is very high.

   It seems that the system is tailoring the attack route and strategy for the player, and this customization is still based on the prediction of the enemy's actions!

   And to a certain extent, following the system's auxiliary trajectory will increase the critical rate!

Originally, there was no concept of critical rate in Sky Dungeon, but after testing by mentally powerful players, more people found that attacking based on the special auxiliary attack trajectory given by the system not only increased the hit rate, but hit the opponent. The critical frequency will also increase significantly.

   This also makes some players with very poor game level begin to pay attention to increasing their mental power and improving their attack accuracy.

   Mental power once became a sweet potato, not only because of the hit rate, but also because it can improve the character's resistance to negative states.

   At this stage, the priests of Shennong and the players with full spiritual power in the medical Buddha have gradually discovered that their negative resistance has been very obvious, and the situation is smooth, and they can resist one-third of the negative state.

It’s scary to think about it. If, as the level increases, these full-spirited players may not be able to resist the negative state of 80 to 90%, then in the future, if you want to kill the healing profession casually, it must be I'm talking about a dream.

   This may be just an unrealistic prediction, but such remarks give the therapy profession more confidence.

   Of course, whether it is hit rate or evasion rate, there is still an extreme. If their value is not high, no effect can be seen at all. Once the value reaches a certain height, it will stand out.

   This makes the player very entangled. Wanting to take into account two or more attributes has basically become an impossible dream.

   To put it simply, if you want to stack your hit rate and evasion rate at the same time, so that others can't hit you, you can recruit the key points. This kind of dream awakening is better if you wake up early. The game is very balanced.

   There are special skills in the art industry. There are many ways to play Sky Dungeon, but there is no extra point that can dominate the rivers and lakes. If there is, it must be the failure of kicking the Tiannongjing.

   Therefore, although Jing Tian's evasion ability is very strong now, his attack lacks system support. He must make up for it with his own combat experience.

"breaking Dawn!"

   Jingtian avoided the corpse monkey's blow again, chose a very tricky angle, and pushed the corpse monkey down with one blow!

   However, the corpse monkey did not fall freely all the way like the player, and gave a cordial greeting to the ground or the white or black. Instead, he grabbed the branches below and disappeared completely into a mass of death.


   Is it a blindfold?

   Still hiding, preparing for the next sneak attack?

   Everyone quickly began to think about it, and after a breath, Jing Tian suddenly discovered that another portal had appeared on the trunk behind him!

   What is this portal going to cause trouble?

   or infinite restart?

   directly teleport yourself back to the dungeon entrance?

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