Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1514: Sky Demon Flash

In the past, the dungeon tested everyone's effective evasion of mob attacks and tried everyone to minimize the damage. Now the dungeon has higher requirements, and it is not easy to get a higher score. It seems that everyone wants to kill a bit more boldly, and throw big moves when they come up, Xiaohei, don't use wretched streams, and increase output as much as possible. Other people should not think about flying kites to reduce the injury, and appropriately support the injury, let Xiaobai give everyone a blood transfusion. "

   The third attempt to open up wasteland, Yang Fan!

   As a result, the group died.

   "Uh...Xiaoxue, why do you directly use ancestor possession?"

   "Don't you say you want to be a little bolder and amplify the move when you come up? My big move is the possession of the ancestor."

  Your big move is not possessing ancestors at all, but thinking jumps, right?

   Can you go through your brain before doing things?

   It’s easy for us to wander on the edge of a runaway if you play like this, maybe it will hurt you directly!

"The key to your ancestor's possession is the PVP ultimate. The effect under PVE is very limited, and there is no harm! We now need to output. After you transform, your field control power becomes weaker, let alone the output power. How to quickly kill the three monsters?"

   "Hey, it's not that you didn't make it clear! I did what you said, why do you ask me now? Is your command not accurate enough? It is easy to misunderstand!"

   Sister, after playing games for so long, don't you have any points in your heart?

  Is it easy to misunderstand what I said, or is it easy to misunderstand other people's words when your thoughts jump?

   Sure enough, girls play games all depends on their mood, never on logic and technology!

Zhao Yunxue’s ancestor possessed no other skills. This magical skill itself can be upgraded. Zhao Jiaxue is very satisfied with the effect of the skill’s transformation into Nine-Tailed Tsutenki. Therefore, no matter how tempted others are, he did not integrate. , So that the possession of ancestors is consistent, without any actual lethality.

   To put it bluntly, this skill is an illusionist. It is undoubtedly used to deceive players, but it is really wrong to use PVE output.

Compared with Zhao Jiaxue’s conservativeness, Yun Yiyi is very bold. However, it is her boldness that makes Zhao Jiaxue’s will to persist in not merging even more firmly, because Yun Xueyiyi’s royal skill [Bow Art·Devil Strike] is fused once, It has directly become an ordinary king-level skill [Bow Skill·Sky Demon Flash].

After using this skill many times, the player has already cracked the twists and turns in it. It has already been understood that as long as the blood is not added, everything will be fine after a few seconds, so the demon strike has already become a useless skill. In PVP, there is no effective role to play.

Therefore, Yun Yiyi thought twice and decided to integrate the Heavenly Demon Strike. According to his own will, he spent a lot of guild points in exchange for a fine ancient skill book [Bow Art·Sky Flash], but the result was a bit sad. The special effect of the original Demon Strike was directly obliterated.

Bowing·Sky Flash: Arrow rain turns into sky lightning, causing lightning damage to targets in the range, and at the same time adding a galvanic state that lasts ten seconds to lose mana. The galvanic state cannot be driven away, but as long as it accepts non-continuous The treatment of sexual healing skills can relieve this state.

   This skill is rather biased. It was originally only suitable for single-player battles, or after killing the opponent's healing profession. Very few players exchanged for this high-level comprehension skill.

   However, if the sky flash and the sky demon strike are fused together, there is a certain chance to produce a continuous burning blue, while retaining the special curse effect of the sky demon strike.

  As long as the enemy's milk blood, although the negative state of burning blue can be broken, it will cause the own player to be cursed back, causing a large amount of blood loss.

   Yun Yiyi wanted to use the combination of sky flash and sky demon strike to create a dilemma for the enemy.

   I have to say that this kind of idea is very innovative, and once it succeeds, it will greatly increase its combat power.

   However, she failed.

[Bow Skill·Demon Flash] after fusion: A large-scale group damage skill, summons the gods of different worlds to launch lightning bolt rain attacks on creatures in the range, causing water magic and lightning magic damage to the enemy at the same time, there is a certain chance It causes the opponent to be entangled by lightning, creating a current state of the demon that loses mana for ten seconds, and the current state cannot be driven away.

   That's right, the curse effect of the Sky Demon Strike has completely disappeared. Although the attack damage of the Sky Demon Strike has been significantly improved compared to the previous single magic attribute damage, it has no deterrent to the enemy.

   Originally, this skill can also cause the enemy to have a healing fault for a few seconds, and then blast the enemy with the momentum of thunder, but now this trump card is completely lost.

   This is the result of superfluous. In order to pursue perfection, it is extremely risky to give up the benefits of current skills.

  Unfortunately, human desires are endless. Everyone hopes that their comprehension skills will be more powerful. Every day, countless players try to integrate skills, but they fail.

The only consolation is that the current state of the sky flash can be broken, but in the sky flash, it becomes the current state of the sky and cannot be broken, cannot be driven away, it is a good one. Burning skills.

If you insist on assessing, the original Heavenly Demon Strike must belong to the Emperor-level skill, and the restricted Heavenly Demon Blink is probably between the king-level and the Emperor-level. The role that can be played in the group battle is significantly reduced, so that these heavenly clouds are Yiyidu Somewhat unhappy.

This kind of fusion failure is definitely not uncommon. In fact, many times, after you try to merge skills, you will get unexpected results. This result cannot be said to be good or bad. New effects are obtained, and the effects of old skills are lost. The top off, it makes people feel like picking up the watermelon and losing the cantaloupe.

   It can only be said that everyone's voice for the integration of perfect skills is too high, and the system **** will definitely not show kindness because of everyone's cries.

   However, Jing Tian had a high evaluation of the Sky Demon Flash. After he conducted the test, he immediately affirmed the value of the new skill. After all, the two sides are in a deadlock, and the amount of magic power often determines who can have the last laugh.

This is also the only argument that Jing Tian, ​​a good old man, can find to comfort Yun Yiyi, and this argument cannot be said to be a strong argument. Under the unobstructed situation, when the combat strength of both sides is similar, it is true that whoever has a longer blue bar may win the final victory. .

   The reality is even worse. The equipment of Alliance players is generally one-half to one quality worse than that of the Demon. In seemingly even wars, the Demon players are often the ones who support it in the end.

   However, if there is a Sky Demon Flash, it is different. Ten seconds of mana burning is enough to make the opponent's position misfire at a critical moment, and there is no magic value to use, which will also subtly affect the entire battle.

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