Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1520: Rabies

Even if you clear the customs, I've done it, we can only die and go out. The three mobs have destroyed the group four times, and when you encounter the boss, you have to trigger the plot. Come on, everyone, meet the BOSS early and fly home early. "

Crow's mouth is really effective!

Everyone only walked a short distance without encountering any monsters, and they encountered a BOSS room.

The door of the BOSS room was closed tightly, looking a bit gloomy.

When Jing Tiancheng tried to open the door with trepidation, he found that the giant door in front of him seemed to be locked, and he couldn't open it interactively.

"Is this a dead door?"

As Jing Tian muttered to himself, he didn't forget to look at the pattern on the BOSS door. After a while, he keenly discovered that this turned out to be an organ door, and the organ had to be cracked to open this door.

Because there is a turntable carved on the door, and eight kinds of fruits are vividly depicted on the turntable.

"Have you noticed where there are signs such as fruits? There are eight kinds of fruits engraved on this door. We need some clues to know how to open the door."

Fruit logo?

Everyone turned around and swept away, only to see eight stone platforms stacked unevenly around.

Eight stone platforms?

Eight kinds of fruits?

This hint seems very obvious!

Jing Tian felt that he had caught any clues, and immediately ordered: "Look at the stone platforms and see if there are any clues or clues."

As a result, everyone scattered to observe the scattered stone platforms, and found an operable mechanism on one of the stone platforms.

It really has something to do with Shitai!

But what is the function of this institution?

Everyone had their own speculations, but they didn't have a complete idea, so Jing Tian said indifferently: "You will know after a try. Be careful, you may trigger hidden weapons of monsters or something."

Jing Tian triggered the mechanism. After a breath, there was no imaginary heaven and earth cracking, no imaginary arrow rain poison gas, the stone platform shook slightly, and a stone box popped out with a "bang".

Inside the stone box were five pills. Everyone picked them up and checked them separately. The props turned out to be: Unknown pills may have unique effects, but they smell delicious.

"What do you mean, feed us poison? My dear sister, we can't eat it. Let me let the president of the pit bull with such a good thing. If I die, I can resurrect him. This time I don’t believe him to take medicine. It can poison me to death."

What is poison to let me?

Am I invincible?

You are obviously taking revenge on me. Didn't you accidentally smash you to death before?

Besides, it’s to blame you for not paying attention to people falling on top of your head.

"Is it going to feed the pill to the door, and the door can be unlocked after taking the pill? Don't we eat the poison to kill, let the door, try to poison the door, we can go in!"

Worthy of being Zhao Jiaxue, thinking is jumping.

Can the door be poisoned?

Is this poison sulfuric acid?

Or is there something super corrosive that can corrode everything?

It would be great if there were such a simple mechanism, and a three-year-old child can also be relieved.

However, Jing Tian can't attack her yet, after all, they are also exploring the fun of games and know how to enjoy them.

Maybe the guy kicking the Tiannongjing really took the jump route once?

"You can try it, but I think maybe you can find the problem better by eating it."

"Three nos." Yun Yiyi coldly objected, and the fault of cherishing words like gold has never changed.

But this time everyone understood what she meant. Obviously, this pill is a three-no product, and it will definitely cause stomach trouble after taking it.

But eldest sister, what are the three things in the game?

Didn’t you have a great time eating the previous food? Isn’t that also Sanwu product?

"That's it, don't just think that I'm a foodie and just use the whole jelly beans to deceive me! Eat the frog yourself. We must live well. Never eat jelly beans that pop out of the ground. It is not hygienic at all."

Zhao Jiaxue was obviously on the side of Yun Yiyi.

"I said the **** stick, you are not in a hurry to die, you are still afraid of being poisoned by eating? It is better to be with me, anyway, I am used to running with you."

"I'm afraid that I won't die after being poisoned, especially after the incomplete stealth system. The most disgusting thing is the plague priest. After that guy used the virus skills, I and I were poisoned and sick, and I turned out to be hot and uncomfortable. I want to die. I don’t want to experience the sensation of being poisoned and dying inexplicably. In case of torture, it would be a tragedy. You should enjoy the fraud by yourself. Maybe you can get some pleasure from it."

Ghosts can get pleasure from poison!

No, right? How come you say that these pills really become poison?

Don't you distort the facts, please?

Does this pill have other effects?

However, it is true that the white does not understand the black. The most unpopular profession now is the plague priest. Although the system will not cause pain to the player, it can bring some sickness to the player, especially high fever. The effect of the class is rendered vividly by the system.

There is also a feeling of weakness, and the player will feel that he is weak, as if he can't get any strength after working for several days.

The non-complete stealth system can convey these non-painful feelings to people, and it is extremely real. Although everyone can bear it, but the whole body is uncomfortable.

The plague priest has some very special skills, such as [Rabies]. When the player is hit by a skill, there is a higher probability of being infected with rabies. Tier 6 rabies can last for 10 seconds, and within 10 seconds, the player’s speech will directly become a dog bark. , And the player character may bite any creatures around him if he is out of control, and has a certain probability of continuing to infect course, the probability of infection is much lower, otherwise it might become a dog on the battlefield. Yeah!

Another example is [chicken plague] [flu] In addition to the illusion of high fever, there is a certain probability that the player will lose voice function, sneezing continuously, and when sneezing is very similar to reality, all controls will be disturbed, and it is easy to close eyes and blindness. .

There are also [poisonous insects][poisonous rats][smallpox][Ebola], these poisonous attacks may make the target produce some weird itching, so that the player can't help but want to scratch, which is easy to cause misunderstandings. Clear games and reality.

These have made plague priests who were not good at all, gradually becoming popular professions.

In particular, some anchors have turned to the plague priest one after another to spread the plague, create various funny videos, and cooperate with some verbal curse attacks. The effect of the scene is still extremely good, making people laugh from time to time.

For example, when some anchors use [Rabid Dog], they will dub: Wangcai calls twice, I will give you bones to eat, hurry!

Then after the player on the opposite side was hit by the rabid dog, they would really bark...

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