Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1523: The cook goes out, 1 top 2

Frog, you are going to be poisoned into a toad. You can change your name to Old Poison in the future. Not bad, this name is much more domineering than your real name. Fortunately, we were smart and retreated outside the safe zone. Hahaha, we are so great with the foresight! "

   Old poison is more domineering than my name?

   Your greatness is based on trampling on me, right?

   "Will the president be poisoned into a virus, the germs will die, if you can't die, I will help you! No way, everyone can disinfect and sterilize together!"

   He didn't understand the white and also expressed his dissatisfaction with Jing Tian in his own way.

   Is there a mistake?

   I took personal risks, but you all treated me like this?

   Where is the law of heaven?

   It's really hard to be the leader!

   However, Jing Tian soon discovered that the law of heaven was still there. Although he did not try to hold his breath at all, he was directly poisoned and resurrected, but the other four were harvested by the system **** and sent to the dungeon entrance at the same time.

   "Uh... why are you hanging up?"

   "This is unscientific, why did we hang up? We are clearly hiding out of the poisonous gas range!"

   Obviously white does not understand black and does not understand what is going on.

   You are a magic stick and even talk about science?

   "Idiot, this is the death mode. Since the cracking fails, everyone will die. The death mode means that once the decryption error occurs, the copy will be reset. In fact, it is not a real death, it is just as transmitted."

   At this moment, Zhao Jiaxue pretended that I knew a lot about reading, and it was very awkward.

   "Frog, what did you find after eating jelly beans?"

"Nothing found. Each jelly bean tastes different, and the order of appearance of the fruits is also different. I am not sure whether to find the fruit that appears most often. According to my judgment, every jelly bean has a sour taste, so I chose Got lemons, but the result was wrong."

   "Pit goods, so many fruits have a sour taste, how can you be sure that they are all lemons? Sure enough, you lied to us to accompany you to death, right? You bullied my sister so, I want to fight you!"

   Bai does not understand black and has great doubts about Jing Tian's taste.

   Is this little thing worth the effort?

  Your sister didn't say anything, you got excited about it!

   That’s right, although what the system transmits to the brain is fraudulent taste, everyone’s criteria for judging the taste of fruit are different. Some people think apples are sweet, but some people think apples are sour. Obviously, this benchmark cannot be exactly the same.

"It seems that the chef has to go out, one is better than two, let me and Yiyi come and taste it, we have more control over the taste. It is just to judge the taste of the fruit. This should not be difficult for our two big beauties. ."

   is right. If the old witch comes, I am afraid she can crack this mechanism alone!

   Now I can only believe in the strength of Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue, and the two children, the black and white brothers and sisters, should have the same taste discrimination ability as their own.

   Soon, the five people came to Shimen again. Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi swallowed a jelly bean one after another. While savoring, they blurted out the fruit: "apple, lemon, passion fruit, orange, pineapple."

   "Passion fruit, apple, kiwi, cherry tomatoes, lemon."

   "Kinghuo, are you taste-blind? You said you had a few kinds of fruit sourness before? Have you seen it, this is the gap! Amitabha, may God be with us!"

   Jingtian was sweating in his heart, and said with a little bit of self-confidence: "I feel that it is the sour taste of lemon, it makes no difference. It seems that the skills are not as good as people, and the skills are not as good as people. Xiaosheng admires them.

   "Haha, frog, it turns out that you have such unreliable times! This time, we can see you clearly."

   Really fantasize about yourself as a omnipotent robot cat?

   Jingtian didn't excuse anything, and urged directly: "You taste the other two."

   Yun Yiyi did it directly, and in the next second, he muttered: "Apricot, green plum, passion fruit, pineapple, orange."

   Zhao Jiaxue originally wanted to sarcasm a few more words, but seeing Yun Yiyi has finished, she was not far behind, so she picked up the penultimate one and consumed it directly.

   "Pineapple, kiwi, apple, cherry tomatoes, passion fruit."

"First of all, green plums and apricots are excluded. There are not at all on Shimen. A total of seven kinds of fruits appear, pineapple, kiwi, apple, cherry tomatoes, passion fruit, lemon, and orange. According to what you said, each one contains passion fruit. Fruit, each one does not contain the last fruit, hawthorn. I am afraid, the answer is either hawthorn or passion fruit."

   Jing Tian was a little embarrassed at this time to realize that he still thought of the problem simple. Although thinking from the perspective of game planning, when he saw the results, he still found more possibilities.

"Doesn’t this institution understand the embarrassment? How do people choose? No hints are given, how do we know what to choose? If I say, just choose hawthorn that does not appear. I prefer to eat passion fruit. Hawthorn candied haws!"

   Do you want to be so casual?

   But that’s right, life is not satisfactory, the Ming Dynasty gave out a fart, the big deal is to die again!

   "Then choose hawthorn! Who will put it?"

   Before Jing Tian could finish asking questions, the four of them ran out of the gas zone and waited to die.

   Compared to being tortured to death by poisonous gas, they are more eager to die instantly inexplicably!

   Jingtian gritted his and didn't say much, picked up the last candy and stuffed it into the hawthorn hole above the stone gate.

   However, the poison gas overflowed, and Jing Tian was tortured to death again.

   "No, I like hawthorn so much. Hawthorn shouldn't treat me this way! Is it wrong that I like hawthorn? Hawthorn doesn't like me at all!"

   Zhao Jiaxue put on a naive expression that is irrelevant to himself, all blamed on the cottage.

   Your thoughts are jumping too much, how could Hawthorn like you? Does it like being eaten by you?

   Sure enough, it's not an exclusion question!

   I should have chosen passion fruit just now!

"Could you two also get something wrong? The fruit you have tasted just now is hawthorn. The sourness of hawthorn is also very similar to other fruits. Can you tell the difference clearly? Why don't you think about it? Where is the problem?"

   Bai doesn't understand black, and I feel that none of the two beauties in front of me is reliable, they are all scams!

   "What are you kidding me? Of course I can tell clearly, don't believe you! Don't make yourself like a famous food or broadcast, just talk about it!"

   Zhao Jiaxue was not happy anymore, her apricot eyes widened and she could not understand black.

   Although this woman speaks of loyalty, she can't tolerate sand in her eyes, especially she despises those male chauvinists who don't work by themselves.

   White doesn’t understand black because I feel sorry for my sister is always affected by innocents. Of course, I have to ask clearly.

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