Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1540: Take a bath with BOSS1

Before everyone could reflect on what happened, the BOSS's body swelled again, and the five people were lying dead.

What kind of ghost setting is this?

Using the skill to bomb the BOSS will make the Dark Monkey King more powerful. If you don’t attack, the black pool will also strengthen the BOSS. In the end, you will die?

Everywhere is death, so should everyone attack to death, or wait for death?

Could it be that the BOSS cannot attack with his eyes closed, and he can be attacked when he opens his eyes, without becoming stronger?

How can there be such a nonsense and willful setting?

There is absolutely no scientific reason in this, okay?

"As long as the boss opens his eyes, everyone will be bombarded with skills, maybe it can be interrupted to absorb energy."

"Can this work? What's the difference between not opening your eyes?"

"I think I should pull the BOSS out of the hot spring! Even if it can't be pulled out, why should it be soaking in the hot spring alone, and we still perform tricks for it outside? Yes, let's go in the hot spring and let the BOSS come out to act as a meow!"


Which eye do you see that the black water pool is a hot spring?

Shouldn't it be considered a poison pool under normal circumstances?

Even if the boss is enjoying it, he can't really treat it as a hot spring, right?

It's not fortunate that it's an alien, and the art master is bold enough to go to the hot spring with the boss!

Are you afraid of poisoning you?

Even if you are not poisoned to death, take a hot spring bath with the boss, are you afraid that the Dark Monkey King will do something to you?

Shall we be more practical...

However, after killing the regiment several times, Jing Tian had to seriously consider the alien's suggestion.

Jing Tian began to doubt his life. Maybe the people in the planning team have been held hostage by aliens, otherwise how could he come up with such a leap strategy?

However, it is obviously impossible to pull the BOSS out, and not to mention that the knock-to-fly skill is not effective for this guy. Even if it is effective, the player should not enter the poison pond first, and then use it for continuous knock-up?

Since the BOSS cannot be prevented from becoming stronger, can everyone and the BOSS become stronger together?

Ever since, after Jing Tian adjusted the personnel again, he let all five rush into the black water pool where the BOSS is, and soak in the hot spring with the Dark Monkey King!

In fact, the mood of the five people is tragic, and this kind of black hot spring is not easy to soak in!

However, when the five people stepped into the black water pool anxiously, the BOSS opened his closed eyes, and the next breath it didn’t have the next five people to commit, the black water pool boiled again, black air lingered, but What shocked everyone was that the bodies of the five people gradually expanded like a BOSS. Without opening the attribute panel, everyone guessed: everyone is stronger!

That's right, it's true: There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there is another spring in the dark!

I didn't expect this to work!

"Brother, how about it? I said that I should take a hot spring with the boss. Soaking in a hot spring is good for your body! Look at everyone, everyone is getting fit, and I have to go up and take a dip."

"Brother fool, didn't you look at everyone's status?"

"What's the status?"

That's right, although the five people have undergone a powerful mutation at this time, they actually have a strange state in their bodies, that is: [Dark Poison Outbreak].

Within a certain period of time, the player's body becomes strong due to the poisoning. After a certain period of time, the player will be poisoned and die without medicine.

I go!

What kind of black technology is this?

Doesn't this mean that no matter whether the Dark Monkey King can be killed, everyone will be destroyed?

There are side effects of feeling stronger, and it is also a side effect of death.

Why don't you see the BOSS poison us after killing us?

That's right, after they killed us, they reset their hot spring posture...

Although bitter, the five did not dare to hesitate, and tried their best to output.

After all, strengthening BUFF is only vaguely said: a certain period of time.

Certain time?

Who knows how long it is, obviously this is a time limit. If the Dark Monkey King cannot be killed within this time, the group will be destroyed!

Maybe it's only a few tens of seconds. If you are dazed now, it is tantamount to suicide!

Not right, why is there no such kind of cheating buff on the Dark Monkey King?

If the Dark Monkey King also has it, everyone can delay the time, and they can all die together. Isn't it good to have it all at once?

However, BOSS is BOSS, there are not so many rules at all, people may be naturally immune to this insoluble poison!

How else could the Dark Monkey King dare to soak in the poison pond for a while?

This is a hot spring for others, and it is harmless!

So, don't expect to delay the time, wait for the boss to die together, and do your best, small motor!

The ideal is full, the reality is cruel. Although the BOSS can't beat the player in seconds, but the skin is thick and thick, everyone's output is not enough within the specified time limit!

This really made Jing Tian a little speechless. Before, he had a lesson for overtaking. Jing Tian replaced Nangong Lingxi. Now the output is not enough...

It seems that Nan Lingxi must be put on the field so that she can increase her output with Nangong Sixty Cannon!

And it's not normal enough. If you say it's 10% to 20% worse, you can adjust the team and work hard. However, when everyone is poisoned, the BOSS's vitality value is still 60%!

If you simply increase the Nangong sixty cannons, the output is not possible, so what should be done?

"Hit goods, this is a copy that cannot be cleared. What about taking the first kill, I think you can't even pass the original. If you die like this, everyone will become a world boss!"

"World Boss Meow? Good, good, quickly destroy the group, quickly destroy the group... Let me help you destroy the group, and ensure that the big transformation is successfully completed!"

It's really chilling. The BOSS is powerful and ruthless. It doesn't matter if you don't make sense. Why is there a strange creature in your team?

" I don’t know if your puppet can soak in the hot springs? How about you try to bring the puppet in? The damage of only sixty guns can’t make up for the gap. It can also be enhanced, that's easy to say."

"This profiteer thinks there should be no problem, but the pool area is too small, and I can't put many puppets in. This profiteer is estimated to be like ten puppets at most. With ten, it seems that there is no way to increase the output so much, right? "

Indeed, the output problem cannot be remedied by such a little puppet!

To double the damage is simply a dream.

After the surge in all attributes, the damage of the BOSS seems to be no threat, but his defense and vitality have become a natural barrier, blocking everyone's sneaking door!

"Uh...Why don't you come out and take pictures at home? We will consider this notebook when our output improves. If the damage is not enough, there will be no way to pass, unless we find other strategies."

While Jing Tian spoke, a sense of sourness and frustration spontaneously emerged in his heart, and the whole person looked a little sad.

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