Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1619: Jing Tian's Masterpiece Part 1

On the one hand, because the Eighth Master of Tang Sect is a lone ranger who doesn't care about the world, he doesn't like the excitement or watching the excitement, so naturally he knows little about sitting in a well and watching the sky.


   On the other hand, it is not that bone skills are relatively rare. Most weapons made of bones as raw materials will add such a skill, but few people create bone equipment.


Why is this?


  The main reason is: the weapon made of bone material has too low attack!


   We mentioned the rationality of weapons and equipment before. The bone material is relatively light, and the relative attack power is lower than that of metal and other materials.


  , of course, is not absolute, some bone weapons can also be comparable to metal weapons.


   That's right, the bone-refining halberd in Jing Tian's hand was purely an accident. It was the world's first equipment created by magic blueprints. The main material was dropped by the class owner, and it was definitely not ordinary bone material.


   In other words, dog bones and keel bones are both bone materials. Can the weapons created have the same damage?


   This is precisely the embodiment of the rationality of weapon building.


It is also the combination of the two reasons that triggered the mutation of forging. The attack power of the bone-refining halberd surpassed other bone equipment, but there is still a certain distance from the physical attack power of metal weapons, and it still cannot catch up. .


   So most players don't like to use bone weapons, so weapon talent skills like bones are relatively rare.


   This is also the reason why Jing Tian prepared the Moon-by-Month Halberd as we mentioned before, and why he didn't abandon the Bone Refining Halberd and only used the Moon-by- Moon Halberd.


   Moon Chasing Halberd cannot be equipped with such an excellent weapon skill as Bone Refining Halberd. Besides the bones, Bone Refining Halberd is one of the few weapons with dual skills, and Moon Chasing Halberd cannot be compared with it.


   Therefore, Jing Tian resolutely decided to leave the bone-refining halberd. At this time, the bone-refining halberd played a very good role in restraint, so that he could rush all the way to the grove of Tangmen Eighth Master.


  If it were the complicated terrain of the previous game, Jing Tian might even let the Eighth Master Tang Sect slip past, but now, Jing Tian is confident to stop the Eighth Master.


Although Tang Sect Eighth Master is not particularly familiar with White Bone, she also knows the principles of these skills more or less. It is either for a long time or needs to be broken with output. So instead of misfire, she has increased the intensity of output. Strive to break the bones of Jingtian.


   She guessed right, and bet the treasure very accurately. The amount of damage the bones can bear is limited, and the negative effects they can bear are unlimited.


   Therefore, as long as the amount of damage is sufficient, the negative resistance effect of the bones will fall apart, there is nothing to fear.


   But how could Jing Tian not know this flaw?


   ran quickly, his figure flashed, Jing Tian had already appeared on the edge of the small forest.


   This is also thanks to the limited attack range of Tang Sect's hidden weapon. Although there are many tricks, it does not have the long range of a crossbow, so that Jing Tian can rely on the effect of the bones to reach the small forest.


   Some people may have guessed what Jing Tian is going to do. Some people say that they will use the Broken Halberd to sink the sand and directly force the Eighth Master of Tangmen out.


   However, Jing Tian did not break the bone-refining halberd in his hand, but slammed the bone-refining halberd into the ground!


   That's right, the sand can only change the environment, which has the effect of being flooded by a sandstorm.


   However, the drowning effect has a high degree. If the Tang Sect Eighth Master climbs a tree and launches an attack, the broken halberd and sinking sand will have no effect on the Eighth Master.


   Now, the bone-refining halberd is firmly inserted into the soil...


   That’s right, it’s underground, and what Jing Tian drank from his breath before: "Buried a thousand bones!"


   Thousand Bone Burial is the second skill added by Bone Refining Halberd.


   This is also one of Jing Tian's masterpieces!


   After the whole shot was submerged in the ground, all the referees and spectators saw a scene where the style of painting changed sharply.


   Players who have fought with Jing Tian may not be unfamiliar. The skill effect of Burying Thousand Bones is to make magical bone spurs grow on all the buildings in the range!


   That's right, this is one of the nemesis of the wretched stream, and it can easily expose the wretched stream players!


   is like the devil bones buried in the earth, unwilling to be silent in the ground, one after another breaking free from the shackles of the earth, relying on all things to bloom the last splendor.


   So, within a certain area of ​​the small forest, white bone spurs grew strangely on the trees. The bone spurs were like fast-growing branches, which instantly made up for it.


   actually seems to have a strange beauty, people can't help but look at it.


  The general profession is really poor in AOE skills. This is one of the reasons why Jing Tian cherishes the bone-making halberd. There are thousands of bones buried, and he can rely on this skill to achieve very good group injury effects at critical moments.


   Not only that, after the Thousand Bone Burial hits the target, it will also have a burial effect. The white bones in the ground are like sleeping souls. If they hate any bones and blood on the ground with a skin, they will be buried together.


   Burial: Take the player into the ground, the degree of burial depends on the environment.


   Yes, it is a special environmental skill.


   However, the effect of this environment is limited, and it may not take effect in any environment.


   This is what makes Jing Tian somewhat dissatisfied.


  Because, if the player is in a city with a bluestone floor under their then the burial effect will not take effect at all!


  In other words, the harder the ground in the environment, the worse the burial effect, or even the direct ineffectiveness.


   At this time, the Eighth Master of Tang Sect is in a small forest, and the soil under her feet is naturally softer. Half of her has been buried in the soil...


   Of course, this burial effect is also time-limited. The time limit is not based on the skill level, nor the eradication level, but the depth of the burial in the ground and the height of the body.


   The lower the player's body height and the greater the depth of the burial, the longer the burial restraint.


   In other words, the control effect duration is still related to the environment.


   This also makes PVP more changeable, there is no absolute strategy, facing this kind of environment skills can only be judged based on experience.


   Players with higher body height generally receive a relatively shorter burial restraint time.


   However, even if he could only control the Eighth Master of Tang Sect for a short time, Jing Tian would be content.


   said it is control, but it is not a strong control, especially when the player is only buried in the lower body, the upper body can already wield weapons, and naturally it can still launch an attack!


   After being shocked for a moment, the Eighth Master of Tang Sect immediately looked around to find the enemy. She decided that she must show the view of the sky through the well, and she would never let the other party's conspiracy succeed.


   However, what made her break down was that Jing Tian did come, but he came from behind!

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