Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1623: Backlash

Everyone could only listen to his embarrassment and laugh to the end. After his laughter spread all over the world like thunder and roared for ten seconds, he finally put away his uncontrollable joy, and said majesticly: "Unexpectedly, my family members With such hard work, two of them have reached the end of the battle of the gods. Isn’t it possible to think that my Nordic Lord can climb to the top of Sky City and become the **** of this year? There is no need for the competition to go on!"

  All players are dumbfounded...

   How can you end up with a game? Why are there so many twists and turns?

   What kind of trouble is this?

   Do you really want to succumb to others without fighting?

  The final match of the Battle of the Emotional Gods is more than the number of people who have advanced?

   How did you feel that the game was suddenly stopped at the most critical moment.

   Look at a woolen thread?

   However, not all players are dissatisfied. After taking a breath, the players of the Nordic Mythology line shouted hello.

   Although I don’t understand what benefits Odin will do to him after he climbs to the top of Sky City, as a member of the gods, he can’t be treated too badly, right?

   Maybe there is a lot of experience, equipment, and gold rewards waiting for everyone to share?

  , after all, is the main god, the upper god, there is always nothing wrong with what kind of universal celebration within the **** system?

   In that case, why not do it?

   When will you wait without celebrating?

   This feeling is so good, the other two struggled to enter the final stage, full of expectations, but their dreams were so casually shattered, they must be very broken, right?

   Think about it, most people will gloat in their hearts, right?

   However, players of other gods are not happy. If the battle of the gods is more than the number of believers, will the result be directly obtained from the beginning? Why do such layers of competitive screening?

   It is clear that the Nordic gods with the most people have the most number of promotion is a matter of course. If every game is so sloppy, how will other gods turn around in the future?

However, before other gods players were dissatisfied, nor did the joy of Nordic gods players spread, there was a dragon roaring in the sky, and the next breath, everyone saw a thousand-mile-long blue dragon in the sky. Falling rapidly from high altitude, hovering in the air in the blink of an eye, covering the sky and the sun.

  The person who came is Haotian God!

  The players who knew Haotian God became excited one by one. After all, they were only seen in the plot before, but now they can see the god, how can they not be excited?

   What's more, the current Haotian God is far more exciting than the plot...

   I saw the golden light of the dragon all over his body. In the next instant, the dragon that covered the sky and the sun turned into a human form...Oh, no, it should be said that its deity appeared.

   Haotian is the main **** of the Chinese Gods, and is revered as the emperor of the heavens by the Chinese gods. He is covered with a brocade and jade crown, and every inch of his skin involuntarily exudes the noble king's air.

   God and Odin appear at the same time, what kind of spectacular drama is this going to stage?

   It’s exciting to think about it. It’s like a narrow encounter between the master and the fighter. There must be a contest between the two!

   But, is this really good?

   Didn't it mean that the battle between the main gods would affect the whole thought of love marriage, so there was the battle of the gods.

   Now, if the gun goes off, does it mean that the battle of the gods is just a joke?

"God Odin, you are joking again. In the battle of the gods contract that we made back then, it was stipulated that if there are two sons of gods in a **** system, team battles should be held. If your family members win the team battle, then The place of God this year is naturally yours. Why should you rush for a while? Don’t you have confidence in your followers?"

   "Huh, is the agreement of the gods? It is really unnecessary. If three of my family members come to the end, according to the agreement, wouldn't it be necessary to choose one of the three and directly fight the final battle with the other person? This is obviously unfair!"

"You remember clearly, it is true. When the covenant was established, your dependents were relatively weak. It was you who proposed this counter-intuitive agreement. At that time, the more powerful Lord God didn’t care about it, and finally signed the covenant. What, Now it's your turn to become stronger, but you can't accept the agreement you created?"

"Hahahaha, if you don’t say it, I have forgotten it. It was indeed the suggestion made by the old man. In that case, I withdrew my original suggestion. As if I hadn’t said such a joking rule, we re-established a more reasonable rule. , I wonder if Haotian can you agree?"

   God Odin is like an old naughty boy who has embarked on an unreasonable road.

   I knew so long ago, why bother? Ask the world, what is the pit? Directly teach people to stumble and jump! You have to climb out of the pits you dug in tears!

  The key is that as a series of main gods, they turned back and unilaterally tore up the treaty. Isn't this treachery move afraid of being laughed at by players?

   Yes, at this time even the faces of the players of the Nordic Gods became ugly.

  The main **** he believes in is such an unreliable guy. Did he choose the wrong one at the beginning?

   However, before the God of Haotian could show his might, a thick thunder fell rapidly from the like a lightning python that suddenly flashed and stagnated in the air.

In the next instant, the purple electric roar turned into a god. This **** was dressed simply. His right arm and shoulder were exposed to the air. With a random grab with his right hand, a thick lightning turned into his weapon. Yes: Zeus, the main Greek god!

My goodness! With the three main gods appearing at the same time, should there be an unbalanced battle?

   If Haotian and Zeus join forces, then Odin has no chance of winning!

   The faces of the players of the Nordic Gods changed and changed, and the atmosphere of celebration at the beginning instantly turned into a funeral.

  In sharp contrast, the players of the Chinese and Greek gods raised their arms and shouted, clamoring for Odin to take action and learn the power of his own god.

   It seems that in their opinion, the battle of the gods has changed the direction of the wind, and the champion will definitely be produced between Haotian and Zeus.

"Hehe, after so many years, I didn’t expect Odin you to be so casual. Since the covenant signed by the six kings of God, you unilaterally change the agreement, then what should the others think? I think you should not It is good to start a war. The enemies from afar have been watching our world. The internal consumption of the civil war will only speed up the pace of invasion."

"Interesting, Zeus, you will also appear. It seems that you are also very interested in the position of God? Didn't you say that the position of God has a name, and it doesn't matter who among the six kings of the gods? It's really a guy with poor memory!" Odin curled his lips, a little disdainful.

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