Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1626: Such a small mistake

Because the body of the crow is still covered with black feathers, but the feathers continue to have black breath and raging flames, and drops of magma-like liquid will drip, which looks a bit hideous and strange.

No one knows exactly how these flames are produced. The ultimate darkness and darkness and the ultimate flame light shouldn’t have appeared together, but the two diametrically opposed things reinforce each other. The darkness emanating from the black feathers of the crow seems to want Dyeing the surroundings into endless darkness, but the flame above the dark curtain seems to bring the whole world into eternal light.

How should I put it, the picture in front of me has an extremely unnatural beauty in it, which makes people look a little lost. I always feel that this crow is very strange. It seems to be fighting with the flame, trying to extinguish the darkness of the flame, and Want to burn out the black light, giving people the illusion of infinite contradictions.

   The plague is staring at every move of sitting on the well and watching the sky, thinking about what kind of skills this guy will use to cooperate with the weird crow's air raid, and whether he will choose to shoot himself or his teammates first.

   Suddenly, he thought of what Xie Wendong said before, if the other party casts a halberd to sink the sand, then he must interrupt the other party at all costs.

   That's right, this guy is most likely to use the halberd to sink the sand. This range control skill is very easy to form an opportunity, and it can be used in all directions with air strikes.

   But, can I really be interrupted?

   Some reviewers did mention this before, but they couldn’t confirm it at all.

   You must know that sitting Jing Guantian is a guy who can make fake moves. Although the action of breaking a weapon cannot be faked, whether it can be interrupted is still a mystery.

   is wrong, it must be interrupted, all skills cannot be perfect!

   If you hesitate, you are likely to miss the best opportunity, and you must go forward!

  Moreover, you must interrupt the opponent's skills to avoid becoming passive.

   just waited for the starting action of sitting on the well and watching the sky, once it was determined that it was smashing the halberd and sinking the sand, I must make him look good!

   However, while thinking about the plague, Jing Tian yelled in a low voice: "The dark dragon is dominating the sky!"

   That's right, Jing Tian actually launched a charge instead of breaking the halberd into the sand!

   This was unexpected by the plague material. After all, at this time, there was a certain distance between sitting on the well and watching the sky and the dog constellation. If you start a charge again, doesn't it mean that the sheep enters the tiger’s mouth and rushes over with one enemy and two?

   Even if there is that strange crow in the air to cope, but after the charge, there will be a long distance. When the crow flies over, I am afraid it is too late?

   Can the two of us still be unable to clean up and sit on the well and watch the sky alone?

   This guy is usually very cunning, why shouldn't he make such a trivial mistake now?

  What is the conspiracy of the other party?

   Is it right? What if the other party made a mistake?

   If you are afraid, don’t you want to watch the duck fly back?

When    2V2, it is the easiest to play and cooperate. The two must keep a distance that is easier to take pictures of each other. If you blindly advance, you will be separated from the team!

   Jing Tian just used this kind of inertial thinking, and used the Dark Dragon to dominate!

  His body turned into a dark dragon under the cover of the solar eclipse effect, and instantly passed the sky and appeared behind the plague. The bone-refining halberd in his hand plunged into the back of the opponent without any suspense!

   In the darkness, Xie Wendong reacted faster than the plague. He had already determined that he was killed by sitting in the well and watching the sky, and the target might be the plague!

   After all, the plague holds the lore skill in his hands, if it is thrown on the hound, 80% of death.

   If the hound dies, then the flying beast will also disappear, and you will lose if you sit in a well and watch the sky.

   Must protect the plague!

   So, he didn't think about superfluous things at all, and directly used it: [Bao Xiao]!

   Knife Howl: The magic knife makes a screaming sound, slashing to cause physical damage to the surrounding targets, and at the same time attach a sound wave attack. The backlash effect is reduced by 10%.

That’s right, Xie Wendong uses very particular skills. Other skills may need to track the target during a solar eclipse and predict the opponent’s location. However, this sonic attack does not need to lock in and watch the sky. As long as it is shot out, the enemy is in the skill again. Within the range, then the attack can definitely be delivered to the opponent!

   In this way, you can easily interrupt the opponent and successfully launch the next attack.

After Jing Tian hit the plague, the plague quickly sent out a message. Xie Wendong did not hesitate to launch an attack. A whistling sound unique to the weapon came over. This is the whistling sound produced by the high-speed vibration of the weapon, as if too imprisoned. The long-awaited demon was finally cast, and screamed from the heart.

   More importantly, sonic attacks cannot be dodged. Without invincibility and resistance skills, it is equivalent to a must.

However, how could Jing Tian not be prepared? In fact, he planned to activate another skill before he activated the breath of the Dark Dragon Yibatian. This type of operation is rarely used now, but not everyone will give up. Regardless, if you want to play a perfect combo effect in a specific time period, you can use a predetermined command.

However, the pre-order instruction in non-complete stealth cannot be Once pre-booked, it is irreversible, and the system will perform strictly according to the schedule. If multiple scheduled skills are used in the process of being interrupted by the enemy, or cancelled by themselves If it does, all unplayed predetermined skills will enter a semi-cooled state.

   So most players seldom use predetermined skills. Even under the current system, it is very difficult to calculate the time to perform skills perfectly, especially if you want to accurately determine the location of the enemy and ensure that the predetermined skills hit the enemy.

   However, there is one exception, and that is the use of buff and auxiliary skills.

  For example, if he doesn't eat mice, he can set a red light on his teammates' heads, and then he will show the blood blessing again in a few minutes, so as to ensure that the lights on everyone's heads will not go out.

   When using these group support skills, there is no need to consider whether to hit the target, as long as one's position is not separated from the team.

   That’s right, when Jing Tian uses a predetermined skill at the moment, the plan is to perfectly connect a buff skill after activating the Dark Dragon One Overlord, and under the cover of the solar eclipse effect, it can also make the enemy unexpected.

   The plague couldn't detect that Jing Tian used the predetermined skills, let alone Xie Wendong, who had been paying attention to the sky situation, he naturally did not find that Jing Tian would have such a perfect connection operation.

   In a sense, it is the first time Jing Tian has done this in public!

   Under unobstructed conditions, everyone thinks that Jingtian can only use the next skill after the eclipse effect is completely over.

   This is actually Jing Tian's fake action.

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