Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1648: Will you make us a fool?

"Impossible, unless it is an invincible skill! This is too ridiculous, he is not an MT!"

   The plague is reluctant to face such negligence.

"You're right, it's probably the invincibility skill! What's weird about this rough-skinned tortoise with invincibility skills? It was originally a meat shield setting. How can we be so negligent, although we rarely fit spirit beasts? There are invincible skills, but it doesn't mean there are none. Everyone has encountered them more or less before, but why did they ignore them this time?"

"It's not that I didn't expect that this guy would directly fit with the spirit beast, not playing cards according to the routine, and disrupting our rhythm. I didn't expect that sitting in a well and watching the sky is so insidious, it even blacked our skills! How did he know that If you know that the invincible skills are combined, it must be cheating!"

   only hacked your skills, okay?

  How come my skills were hacked?

   Don’t make us foolish together?

  Also, not only was the enemy disrupting our position, but also because you were too impatient at first and persuaded me many times to act first.

   It’s good now, the Ebola virus is used up, and the cooling time is so long, what other means can you defeat the enemy?

   Before Xie Wendong could refute anything, he saw the scene that he least wanted to see. The plague was attacked by Guantian and Hounds!

   said it was a flanking attack. It was a bit inaccurate. What happened in front of him made Xie Wendong continue to scold his mother... Because the sky fire stone stele on the tortoise hound was directly separated from the turtle shell and flew towards the plague!

   What the **** is this?

   is joking!

   Who designed this cheating skill?

   It exists like a small house, so it’s just thrown out?

  How can the plague be avoided?

   In the next instant, the plague was completely suppressed by the huge skyfire stele!

   That's right, it's suppression, just like Wuzhishan suppressing Sun Monkey, the whole body of this guy is only his head exposed.

   Obviously, this is an effect deliberately created by the skill designer. It also gives the plague a chance to breathe and observe the surrounding environment, which is a bit conscience!

   Isn't it right? This is definitely not a conscience, but a black heart!

   This is good, and Jing Tian, ​​who came afterwards, simply leaned the attack on the plague face without restraint!

   is equivalent to saying that the plague has exposed the vital parts alone. Isn't this stretching out the neck and letting the enemy chop?

   is almost triple the damage of a critical strike!

   Don't say the plague hurts. The audience referees also felt the pain of the plague's tragic experience. Some people even started to mourn for three seconds.

   Xie Wendong would naturally not watch the plague be killed and remain indifferent. This powerful suppression skill is often time-limited, even if there is no time limit, it is very easy to be interrupted.

   In addition, the tortoise hound leans towards the meat shield. His skill damage should be relatively low. It should be a control skill, which is not useful. Don't worry too much. As long as you suppress the sitting well and watch the sky, then the plague is not too dangerous.

   So, Xie Wendong couldn't care too much. With a swipe of the magic knife in his hand, a sharp blade of light slashed towards the back of Sitting Jing Guantian.

Jing Tian had been paying attention to his back at this time. Xie Wendong's attack was obviously a bit rushed and anxious. His skills were sufficient to meet the range, so he swung it out, so that Jing Tian just leaped forward easily and the knife behind him Before the light touched his body, it dissipated naturally.

   I didn't expect that sitting on the well and watching the sky would still defend himself, and didn't focus on the damage output!

   Xie Wendong frowned, not afraid of the enemy's strength, but fear that the enemy is cunning and powerful. Facing such a cunning and powerful enemy, people often have the illusion of inadequacy.

   However, with Xie Wendong's interference, Jing Tian's attack was temporarily suspended.

   However, this interruption must be temporary, Jing Tian stood still and immediately continued to attack the plague's face, as if eager to kill him.

   even continue to pretend to ignore himself and output with all his strength?

   Xie Wendong was quite helpless at this time. Most of his attack skills were melee type, and he had to rush to sit in front of him and watch the sky to restrain the opponent to the greatest extent.

But the key is that his demonized state is running out of time at this time, and he must make a decision, so he said to the plague: "I'm going to become a slave slave. When you see the situation, take the opportunity to run away. Wait for the skill to recover and wait for the opportunity."

"Are you kidding? The stele on my body doesn't hurt much, only some burns. You just need to suppress and sit on the well and watch the sky. This guy's attack is a bit painful. However, after you turn into a sword slave, the six relatives don't recognize it! Take the opportunity to run away, don't you want to lock the first kill target on me, if this **** stele skill is not interrupted, will it not be interrupted? Am I going to be killed by the slave slave alive?"

   "Sorry, I really owe it to you, so I will save you! But you must always be prepared to die. We are too passive now. We can't lose or can't afford to lose."

   Xie Wendong had to admit that he was a little hastily, because he lost his reason for a while.

Although it seems that the situation is not conducive to our side, they are not much better when sitting on the well and watching the sky. After all, the Hounds have turned into a meat shield, and their skills lack high-speed output ability. reality.

   Does this give yourself a chance?

   That's right, it's an opportunity. As long as you work with the plague to kill Zuijing Guantian, it will not be difficult to kill the Hounds.

   took another look at the Tortoise Hound who was still in place. Xie Wendong was sure that the current skill should be continuous magic, and the caster could not move or perform other operations.

   So, Xie Wendong, who was approaching the sitting well and watching the sky, had a brainstorm and swapped out a long-range bow and arrow.

   Jingtian was somewhat surprised by this. He didn't understand why Xie Wendong would use his bow and arrow to attack him at such a close distance.

  What is the purpose of using bows and arrows?

   Is it a comprehension skill?

   However, he realized something in the next instant, but it was too late. Xie Wendong's arm with full bowstring suddenly changed direction, and the bow and arrow were aimed at the hound constellation not far away at the last instant!

   Jingtian intentionally intercepted and even subconsciously handed out the bone-refining halberd, but it was still too late. Besides, using weapons to block the opponent's long-range attack should at least be on the same branch line, but Jingtian couldn't do it.

   Xie Wendong successfully launched a basic bow and arrow skill, and hit it instantly, interrupting Hounds’ suppressive magic!

   is really a good way to catch people off guard!

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