Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1698: Banquet function

Brother, your sister is in charge, don't you want to treat your sister's phobia?

How can she overcome her illness if she does not go out of the house and meet some familiar people?

"I'm not going either, some things can't go away." Ye Lanmeng also refused.

Obviously you are acting with a guilty conscience?

Who are you, afraid to reveal your true identity?

After a long time, no one is willing to come to the headquarters to have a celebration or carnival party!

Is your appeal really that weak?

Not only did the offline team building fail to be successfully held, but it also caused a huge rift in the team, which is really a failure...

"Well, let's have a celebration banquet in the game first, and then in reality, how to proceed."

Jing Tian did not display the majesty of the chairman, nor did he name anyone to criticize or ask anyone to participate.

After all, the game guild is not a professional, and everyone has not signed any sales agreement. Is there any reason to force everyone to get together?

If you demand it hard, it might lead to a division of the guild. This is definitely not what Jing Tian wants to see.

It is not easy to gather some players who can agree with each other. If a crack occurs due to forced invitation, it is definitely not worthwhile, especially at this time.

However, the disharmonious atmosphere must not be diffused because of the five members of the Constellation Party, and a celebration banquet must be held.

Therefore, it is now the second priority to hold a celebration banquet in the game. Naturally, everyone will not have any complaints or reasons not to participate.

After all, the banquet in the game is still very interesting and will definitely not lose to the offline team building too much.

That’s right, since “(Sky Dungeon)” went online with taste fraud, the function of the banquet has been broken by players. Many foodies are even addicted to this function and can’t extricate themselves. They have formed a special food group and established the invincibility of the world. The great ideal and ambition of the hand has opened up the powerful task tree of forming a group to eat all the gourmet restaurants of Aiyinsi.

Of course, there are some gourmets and critics among them.

It can be said that Sky Dungeon makes players no longer indulge in fighting content like traditional online games, and inexplicably makes many people embark on a road of unsuccessful games. They enjoy the game more, not for the role of the game. The game is to play for oneself, and to play for the second life.

The banquet function can be said to be a product that came into being. It is definitely not a simple setting for players to gather for a meal in a certain restaurant.

How to say it, the function of banquet is very regional compared to eating in the store. If the player directly eats in the store, he can only taste the delicacy of a certain restaurant.

But if you open the banquet and rent a banquet hall, you can use the regional ordering function to order takeaway in the game.

That’s right, this function is similar to the take-out function, which allows the organizers to choose a certain area of ​​the food freely, which saves everyone’s travel time. You don’t have to go to each restaurant one by one, just wait in the banquet hall. , Just place an order crazy! Dong dong

This sounds a bit weird. It's obviously a game world. Why can't you make a food mall if you have to use the takeaway service? Do you place orders and send them to the players instantly?

Sorry, this is obviously against the setting of the game environment. There are no airdrop props in the game. If you can order and airdrop meals at will, wouldn't those restaurants become decorations?

You must know that it is a storefront that offline physical stores have worked so hard to open. How could Tengyi Company cut its own money.

Besides, many restaurants have decoration themes, and it is more flavorful to enjoy food in different restaurant atmospheres.

Although the banquet cannot create the decoration style of restaurants of various countries, the convenience and excitement are also quite popular among players.

Of course, the use of the banquet hall is charged according to the time, and the take-out service also has to charge a certain delivery service fee. There is also a certain price for the take-out itself, and in many cases, many foods are limited to platinum transactions.

Yes, platinum revenue can be converted into real currency. If you only charge black gold, restaurant operators will have a headache. These black golds seem to be huge, but they cannot be cashed at all. In the game, these black golds can only be used for deductions. Part of the rent, or engage in some activities to draw black gold, so most restaurant operations will mark the price of the dishes as platinum.

Although the price of food marked as platinum is much lower than that of black gold, these real incomes are what restaurant operators hope to see.

After all, although Huaxia has promoted the development of the world’s food delivery industry and made the game and the catering industry a perfect combination of reality and reality, it also has many negative effects. For example, the sales of some expensive dishes have been greatly reduced, and most players choose to enter the game. Spend cheap black gold to taste, anyway, the taste is almost the same as in reality.

This has led to a huge increase in the number of takeaway orders, but the sales of many high-end gourmet foods are not good or even slow.

Therefore, the catering industry has gradually made adjustments. High-end delicacies need to be tasted with real money in the game. If you want to spend no money, you can taste less and less food directly with black gold.

Fortunately, those cheap delicacies with high sales can also be bought and tasted with black gold, and the sales of takeaways have not declined rapidly because of this.

On the contrary, more and more players are willing to spend real money to try some high-end cuisine.

In addition, the minds of the catering industry have thought of the hunger marketing method of limited sales, and gradually the sales of high-end cuisine have gradually recovered and have a gradual growth trend.

Hunger marketing here does not mean limiting the total amount of food, but limiting it for each player.

Each player can buy only enough high-end food every day to try one or two bites and these foods are stunned by the catering business to increase the validity period of 12 hours.

Players can only spend real money to try high-end food every day, and can no longer eat high-end food as cabbage!

It is impossible to eat all you can eat at one go. It is to use the banquet function. Although you can customize the number of take-out orders, players are limited by the system and the amount that they can try is limited.

When the player wants to taste the same high-end food repeatedly, the system will directly remind: Sorry, the merchant has set a daily tasting limit, and the amount of this food you have tasted today has reached the maximum. It is recommended that you try to place an order directly online , The food will be delivered to your home within half an hour!

No business, no evil!

The game was originally to promote the development of the catering industry, but the merchants accidentally put too much in the game.

Merchants always know how to arouse players' desire to buy and appetite. Most foodies will try to place orders. Although many people eventually give up because the price is a little unacceptable, a large number of people place orders.

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