Sky Dungeon

Chapter 175: I can’t clean it even after jumping into the 84-year-old disinfectant

Qiyun Luoxue and his party all surrounded the master smelting master NPC, and began to understand the materials needed to forge their own custom-made Ziwu. Most of them chose to use screenshots to record them. Luo Xia is best at recording data. These things are good for him. In terms of, it can be regarded as unforgettable. Then everyone listed a long list of materials in the team channel.

Jing Tian simply checked the materials in the list in the forging consignment system. Most of the materials were in the range of 50-500 gold coins, but there was only one material called Soul Iron, which was not sold at all.

"When you were building Ziwu, did you need a material like Soul Iron? I think everyone needs this material." Jing Tian looked at the village woman suspiciously.

"Oh? The slave family's memory is not very good. It does seem that there is such a material, but the officials are still concerned about the slave family."

The ghost is concerned about your affairs, but I only know this material!

"Then how did you get it?" Jing Tian wanted to get angry, but couldn't find a reason for the fire. Is it because the other party has such a frivolous attitude, so he has to reprimand the other party?

"Oh? Probably the points were exchanged?" The village woman replied deliberately in an uncertain tone, as if asking for Jing Tian's affirmation.

"I'm doing it! Don't tease us. We are not the demons. How can we use points for materials." Luo Xia was a bit uncomfortable. After all, he knew that only the demons could exchange unique race glory points for them. Some materials for crafting, this setting can be regarded as a subsidy method for the Demon Race to directly obtain equipment without a copy.

"Oh? The fat pig is the fat pig. I told you clearly, but I still can't believe it. First turn to the demon to brush out the iron of the soul, and then switch back to the fallen angel method. Can't you think of it?" The village woman laughed at it. Tao.

Luo Xia was so angry that his teeth were itchy. He did not expect a player to turn into a demon for a purple martial material that was not on the consignment, and then he saved enough points to exchange for the soul iron, and finally returned to the alliance. These two rebirths cost a lot of gold each time, and these gold coins alone don't know how many soul irons will be enough to buy in a few days. After all, Soul Iron is not a low explosion rate, but now the player is low in level and has not deliberately brushed the advanced wild BOSS. More importantly, the village woman actually has enough points for the soul iron, but she must have killed the players on the alliance side, no wonder she leveled up so fast, shouldn't she actually rely on completing the demons' head tasks? ? The woman in front of me is indeed the kind of person who is unscrupulous for purpose!

" turns out to be okay. With a guild, you can't transfer to demons at will. You will automatically leave the guild, and you cannot return to the guild again in a short time."

Jing Tian didn't know why he was saying this. If the village woman left, wouldn't the ear roots be cleaner? Maybe it's because GM still has the value of using it in the future? Jing Tian convinced himself like this in his heart.

"Oh? It seems that the officials are reluctant to leave the slave house!" The village woman seemed to have grasped Jing Tian's pigtails, and immediately started playing with a very enchanting tone.

"Seriously, we don't plan to transfer to the demons, we are going to brush the iron of the soul."

"I'm doing it! That was dropped by the 33-level wild BOSS Headless Knight. You must continue to interrupt the BOSS's actions at the same time by multiple people in order to survive. Even if we are immortal, with our current output ability, we will have to fight until the year of the monkey. Let's go. Besides, the ghost knows what abnormal monster intelligence the BOSS has in the later stage, and may destroy the group every minute." Luo Xia spoke out his scruples without reservation.

"If there is no village woman, we really can't make continuous interruption. Isn't she here now? Interruption is not a problem. The output power of the seven of us is indeed a problem. Then we will call the Constellation Party again, anyway. Sooner or later, they will be members of the guild. Follow us to rub some props. By the way, I think it is also good." Obviously Jing Tian has decided.

"I agree, is there any first kill of Meow?" Yang Meowmeow seemed to care more about the first kill of the wild BOSS.

"Uh...this one really doesn't."

"Who is the Constellation Party?" Yu Yan frowned. She even suspected that Jing Tian had secretly pulled five other beauties into the guild. It was true: the sloppy flowers gradually became charming, and the **** could react!

"Russian meow!" Yang Miaomiao replied cleverly.

"It's just five players named with constellations. I just met today. They are the reserve members of our guild. It just so happens that everyone can get to know each other. From now on, they will all be on the same Pirate Ship!" Zhao Jiaxue's rare jump Thinking unexpectedly explained more clearly.

"Oh? Female players? The slaves won't let them get close to officials." The village woman didn't know if she had seen Yu Yan's careful thoughts, or she also had taboos in this area, she sang a black face very cooperatively.

"Uh...Four men and one woman." Jing Tian felt that he would become the demon of the world if he didn't explain, and he was a **** demon.

"Oh? There are female players, very suspicious."

Jing Tian staggered in his heart, almost wanting to hang the southeast branch by himself. He really couldn't clean it after jumping into the 84-year disinfectant...

"Adding these five people, there are only eleven people. My sword will protect you and eradicate evil spirits under the guidance of the afterglow of my sword! How long does it take to attack the BOSS?" Yu Yan asked very sickly. For your own problems, can you not just treat us as your people?

"Two hours." Luo Xia analyzed the authoritative mobile database.

"For so long, how about turning to Mozu to collect points?" Yang Miaomiao seemed to be unsatisfied with Luo Xia's expectations. After all, he would have to catch up and down 3 copies of each The voice was full of resentment.

"Oh? Little brother, I'm afraid it will take at least two or three days for your auxiliary occupation." The village woman seemed to be more authoritative in answering this question.

"Brother Tian is mighty, brush the wild BOSS and go!" Yang Miaomiao's tone changed 180 degrees, as if he was going to take the first kill.

"Okay, everyone is ready. I have a private chat with the village woman to discuss how to play. This time the Raiders BOSS has to rely mainly on her strength."

"What kind of job is you?" Yu Yan ignored Jing Tian and went to the ground to chat with the village woman, as if she was a strong enemy in fate, and started a trial.

"Oh? You found out. They call this profession a villager." It seems that the village woman has a gentle attitude, but her words actually reveal the feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away. After all, this time we should introduce the villagers in detail. The profession is right, but the village woman stopped abruptly.

"Villager, what kind of occupation is it? No occupation?" Yu Yan didn't lose sight of being a doctor with multiple degrees. Sky Dungeon

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