Sky Dungeon

Chapter 181: Cherish occupation away from villagers

However, this fighting method of hiding in the space ring after the fight is indeed too rascal. After all, the space warehouse is an absolute safe area. Even the BOSS has nothing to do with the village woman, and will directly forget the existence of the village woman and empty it. Her hatred value and existence threat value seem to have never been in contact with her. However, once the village women enter the space warehouse in exchange for weapons, they will inevitably go through a short space scene change. During this time, the BOSS will naturally select the attack target on other player characters. At this time, they will sit and watch their skills attack. It seems very important, it's a perfect match.

In fact, although Jing Tian planned out the perverted fighting method of the hidden occupation of the villager in his mind, and affirmed the development prospects of the villager’s occupation, he was not tempted by it, let alone think about how to take off the coat of the general. A villager. In his mind, this kind of villager profession is always marginal, and the method of hiding in the space ring is also suitable for fighting in the wild. Some copies and special scenes do not allow players to enter the space warehouse. In the future, Tengyi Company will be restricted everywhere, and the villagers’ PVP ability will still be affected by the load, and they will not be able to use the space ring strategy to add the finishing touch.

Of course, even if the wild PK can enter the space warehouse through this method, and come out after changing weapons, it is actually very easy to be hit by the hostile player. For example, the Elemental Mage can release a continuous range attack skill. The villagers enter the space warehouse to change weapons, not to hide in. The length of time it takes to change weapons is easy to be seen. The villagers only need to return to the game from the space ring. , Must be violently beaten!

If you say that it is purely to escape and hide into the space ring, the villager profession is not privileged. In the wild, as long as the player finds an enemy attack in a non-combat state, he can hide in the space ring for the first time. The point is, can you really not come out if you hide in? Instead of being a coward, being scolded, and thinking about when to slip out of the ring of space, you might as well make a thirty-six trick with the enemy, just like Jing Tian once Said: I smiled at the enemy from a horizontal knife, turned around and drove two Kunlun!

"What kind of skill is this? What kind of profession is she?" One-horned Taurus was very curious. Before, they noticed that the weapons in the hands of the village women were varied, but the pace of the battle had been too fast for them to inquire.

"It's almost like a living weapon spectrum." One-eyed Aries exclaimed.

"Isn't it going to hang up?" Two-tailed Scorpio questioned sharply.

"Sister God won't open the hook, GM itself is just a plug-in."

Not eating mice is a bit proud, as if the village woman has become his own sister at this moment, what about your own sister? If you let her hear that you recognize others as your sister so casually, she will definitely discuss your blood relationship with you?

"Don’t guess, she didn’t find her job, she’s just an unemployed villager. She can change weapons at will, but through some special means, we can’t achieve it if we’re already inaugurated. Of course you don’t know the best way. It’s not easy for Tengyi to block this bug in a few days. There is no need to imitate it. In addition, the equipment has high requirements in the later period. Is it necessary to rely on a bunch of green weapons and blue weapons to fight the world? If you want to come up with a full set of top quality I am afraid that even the local tyrants will shed tears of heartache.” Luo Xia was instructed by Jing Tian on the team channel before explaining to everyone.

Jing Tian considered that the hidden profession of villagers would be exposed sooner or later, and now concealing his guild’s prospective members would only increase the barriers between families. It is better to let them understand the pros and cons of the relationship, and cherishing professions away from villagers is the real kingly way. To put it bluntly, poverty still limits our gameplay!

"There is such a hidden profession, which is really interesting. No wonder the village woman's name is not found on the ranking list, and I thought she had just changed her ID name." In fact, the unicorn Taurus really wants to find out all the information about the villager's profession, but Suffering that I have not even entered the guild that rides the clouds and Luoxue, Luo Xia's remarks just now clearly meant to be kept secret. If I had to break the casserole and ask the end, it would seem a bit uninteresting.

"Where is the ID change setting? Although Sky Dungeon can be reborn and changed races, there is no way to change the name and surname. Unless the character is completely deleted and rebuilt, it will take a month." Zhao Jiaxue seems to be deliberate. Pull the topic away.

"So, I thought it was because I didn't find a way to change the name myself, thank you for your advice." One-horned Taurus said very politely.

In the next moment, everyone's eyes returned to the village woman again, because at this time the BOSS once again used the ground-splitting attack, and deep ravines were once again cracked on the black ground, but before the golden light appeared, the village woman had already Cleverly escaped the battle and hid in the ring of space sitting Jingguantian in place, sitting Jingguantian's body was quickly penetrated by countless golden light beams rising from the ground. Fortunately, in the next moment, the skill attacks of the people in the distance finally interrupted the skills of the Headless Horseman. At this time, everyone realized that the skills of this BOSS cannot be interrupted at the start, but it seems that a certain number of skills are required to continue. The attack can only be interrupted after a few seconds. If the remote output cannot be interrupted perfectly in the face of the headless knight’s ground-splitting attack, then I am afraid that no matter how many melee careers come, it will be completely consumed by the BOSS’s ground-splitting attack.

"come out."

Accompanied by Jing Tian's voice reminder, the village woman's figure flashed again. In the next instant, the village woman displayed a continuous skill to interrupt her with a double-edged axe in her left hand and a thunder whip in her right hand. It’s not that the village woman could not change the primary and secondary weapons into different types of weapons in the space ring before, but in that case, she needs to equip two weapons in the space warehouse, and cannot equip two different one-hand weapons at once. , This may affect the continuity of the battle somewhat. Just now, just taking advantage of the headless knight’s actual combat range attack skills, she naturally did not stay idle in the space warehouse. After replacing the left and right hand weapons with different types of one-handed weapons, the basic skills that can be hit continuously have also become Six!

During these six combos, the BOSS actually made a fearless sprint at Jing Tian, ​​but the headless knight’s knight gun hadn’t made a second combo, and he was hit by the thunder’s whip in the hands of the village woman behind him. . In this way, the risk factor of the BOSS's two skills is far greater than the fearless sprint.

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