Sky Dungeon

Chapter 203: Phantom Blade

"My god, it's right, but it's a pity, I really want to attend my sister's wedding today." Yang Miaomiao's thoughts began to jump again, so anxious to sell her sister, shouldn't it be because no one will rob her in the future Ice cream, right?

"My biggest problem is that I don't like to use these melee weapons." Yang Mimi's words were very disgusting.

"Then you can use long-range weapons." Zhao Jiaxue said rushingly, as if she wanted to brush up on her presence.

"But the long-range weapons here are not the same as the ones I played before, and they don't feel at all." Yang Mimi explained, while operating the character [Sister who doesn’t eat mice] raising the magic stone staff to show everyone. She cast a basic attack skill towards a moving butterfly beast in front, but this blow passed the butterfly beastly.

"Stupid sister, you give me a good aim!" Yang Miao didn't get angry. It seemed that this scene was not the first time it was staged, but it was like a lingering nightmare that enveloped Yang's sister and brother.

"Stupid brother, I am very serious about aiming, but it's not the same as the previous game." Yang Mimi's natural voice was filled with grievance.

"Oh? What game did you play before?" Liu Yaya was very curious about this question. Her woman's instinct told herself that Yang Mimi was not as simple as it seemed, and it vaguely gave her an illusion of deja vu.

"Hey, I forgot what my name was..." Yang Mimi stuck out her tongue, and her answer really made everyone vomit blood, but Luo Xia thought she was the most invincible and lovely in the world.

"Internet celebrity disease, you can die if you don’t sell cute! Death mission online is an FPS first-person shooting competitive online game. My sister is ranked in the top ten in the world, and she is the first in China. And as long as it is a similar FPS game, The silly sister can always adapt and play the internet celebrity Fan Ermiao in the shortest time. Unfortunately, I have to play online games with me this time, how about it, Waterloo!" When Yang Miaomiao said this, his tone was With a strange smell, as if he himself didn't believe what he was saying. How dare you believe this?

"Hey...yes, that's the game. I haven't played it for half a year. The name is a bit awkward. I only remembered the startup icon." Yang Mimi's words are full of fond memories of the death mission, and of course there are also some regrets. That's it.

Wait, Yang Mimi plays fps games and is in the top ten in the world? And is the top spot in the Huaxia Division? Everyone's open mouth seemed to be filled with turtles, unable to keep up and could not speak.

After a while, someone finally said coldly: "Magic Bow." It was Yun Yiyi who spoke.

"No, I also tried the bow, but it doesn't feel the same as the guns in FPS games." Yang Mimi said discouragedly.

Luo Xia instantly started thinking, what is the difference between guns and bows and arrows? In the next moment, he discovered the problem. In his heart, he even attributed it to the power of love. He laughed and said, "I know what weapon you are suitable for!"

"Hey... Giant panda, you are so amazing, you are even smarter than me. I really have no idea at all." Yang Mimi said in a surprised tone.

Smarter than you? I'm afraid I'm no worse than you! I can't feel a sense of accomplishment even if you are so praised! Everyone thought so in their hearts.

"Don't sell it, Lao Xia, please tell me, what kind of weapon is she suitable for?" Zhao Jiaxue is also very curious. After all, if the remote magic wand and magic bow can't be played, there is really no big difference between these two weapons.

Women really have a gossip heart.

"Hey, I guess Mimi is the inertia of playing FPS games. The firearms and weapons in FPS are all fired instantly, but the basic skills of magic stone wand and magic bow are more or less accompanied by short-term singing, and it is precisely this short-term. Her chanting interferes with her judgment. She is suitable for instant mid-range and long-range weapons. Prompt is best for her career. Although most melee skills are instant, players who are accustomed to FPS are not used to close hand-to-hand combat, but there is one I believe Mimi can use the spare weapon perfectly. That is the dagger. This is an indispensable hand-to-hand weapon in FPS games." Luo Xia is very confident.

"Giant panda, you are really stupid than me. I never use daggers." Before Luo Xia announced the answer to the main weapon, Yang Mimi had already rejected Luo Xia's ambitious plan.

"Yes, my sister has never used knives in the death mission. She is a complete gun madman. Even in close hand-to-hand combat, my sister can use firearms to suppress enemy daggers. The pistol in her hand is more than any dagger. Sharp, the angle of attack is more tricky. It was once worshipped as the Phantom Blade. This blade does not refer to any knives, but a pistol, so it is respected as..."

Before Yang Miaomiao could finish speaking, someone interrupted impatiently.

"I'm doing it, why didn't you tell me such important information earlier?" Luo Xia looked embarrassed and made everyone laugh, but he was not discouraged, still confident and continued: "Then talk about your main weapon first~www should choose the trap box, and the Tang sect for the later career. You can also use the frog to make a physical attack crossbow, which is also an instant weapon."

"What... what is a trap box? It sounds like a weapon like M134!" Yang Mimi asked with her eyes widened. By the way, the M134 rapid-fire machine gun can be classified as a member of the well-known Gatling machine gun race. It is an army heavy machine gun that often appears in many movies and games, and it is even called the Vulcan.

"Silly sister, of course it's impossible! Meow! The organ box sounds like a box. Didn't you pick up your suitcase and hit someone at the high-speed rail station?" Yang Meowmeow was ashamed of her sister who had such a leap of thought, but he I didn't realize that everyone was actually looking at their siblings with the same eyes. That's right, that kind of eyes were only when they looked at aliens.

"Cut, it's not that Clenbuterol kept on talking to me, he would follow me even when going to the bathroom, and grab my suitcase, but there is my favorite Steyr TMP model in my suitcase!" Yang Mimi exasperated. Said drummingly.

"You are so embarrassed to mention that people just want to help you look at your luggage. How do you go to the bathroom with your suitcase? Also, I have told you many times. Don't bring the tactical 9mm submachine gun model like Steyr. Going out, even if it’s just a model gun made of pure rubber, you can’t meow! Doesn’t the security checker know how to teach you a lesson, the silly sister is really helpless.” Yang is really like a big brother at this time, a little brother. Nothing looks like.

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