Sky Dungeon

Chapter 209: Heaven and earth crater

In a short time, the five people arrived at the entrance of Tiandi Crater. This is also due to the monster design of the Baihua Cemetery. If you don't walk around the pyramid, the monster will not trigger an active attack. They watch the sky and avoid the pyramid all the way. Yes, it saves the trouble caused by disturbing mobs.

A middle-aged man with disheveled clothes was sitting at the entrance of the powerful barrier at the entrance of heaven and earth. He was completely different from the white-haired old man before. He seemed to be still practicing some exercises.

"Why don't you see the old-fashioned white-haired bull nose, how can you enter the dungeon?" Yang Miaomiao asked, looking around.

"Mouse, didn't you find someone squatting over there?" Zhao Jiaxue kindly reminded.

"I see it, isn't it just a beggar, let's find the old man with white hair to enter the copy, these days the beggars have to pay you online, maybe wait for a pop up dialog box , Then pay a big loss.” Yang Miaomiao's thoughts continued to jump, causing everyone to stop and think about the logic in his words. I have to say that the middle-aged man’s clothes are in tatters, and I don’t know that it’s because of the monster. To harass, the exercises he practiced were too tyrannical, his skin was dirty and dark, and he really looked a bit like a beggar.

Jing Tian said in surprise in the next second: "Uh...I said Ya Ya, you should recommend the mouse to the game planning team. This guy's brain is more shameless than the main policy. He actually thought of the mandatory beggar. Certainly, maybe he can come up with a touch of porcelain. The jokes in the game will be even richer. Don't just bury it in gold."

"Oh? That said, why don't you submit a resume as my little brother?" Liu Yaya said very cooperatively.

"Forget it, I'm so talented, wood Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it, and I still understand the truth of being above everyone else. I don't want to be a crowded office mansion, it's better than me. My sister doesn’t have a formal job. What am I worried about? Although there is no fixed income and no savings, we can still take care of ourselves.” Yang’s self-confidence did not know how it expanded. Get up, if you just met someone you might really believe it.

More importantly, you, the second generation of dignified demolishers, are ashamed to say that you have no fixed income? Why don't you let the unemployed people find the ground and get in? You are not fixed, do you have tenants coming in and out every month? You have no savings? Maybe everyone will believe this. The key is that your sister is the first shot goddess in the Huaxia District. Before galloping in the FPS arena, she must have made no less money. Her savings can be divided among you casually, and your savings are more than everyone combined. Okay?

Although Jing Tian complained in his heart, he flipped over the page and said: "That beggar is the dungeon guardian NPC, let's go, let's talk to him and pick up the task."

"Brother Tian, ​​don't you? Aren't the dungeon guards all white-haired old men, this is a middle-aged man." Yang Miaomiao is still struggling with this setting.

"Let's talk about it." Jing Tian was a little helpless, unwilling to explain more, as the saying goes, he doesn't talk about lengths with aliens.

So before Jing Tian sat down in Guantian, he began a dialogue with the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man stopped his practice and stood up and said, "Adventurous? Welcome you to come and suppress the crater in the world. Monsters, the number of monsters has been increasing recently. It's a good time for you to show off your skills. However, I still have to make it difficult for you to get a glimpse of your strength and collect 100 Gravekeeper's waist cards for me. To help you enter the heaven and earth crater."

The world channel, the system channel, and the dungeon channel simultaneously pop up a headline message prompting: "Important reminder: Players [Sit in the Well and Watch the Sky], [Village Women], [Yun Xue Yiyi], [Zhao Yun Xueer], [Do Not Eat Mice] in Baihua Cemetery A mysterious crater was discovered, and a 30-35 level daily copy of "Heaven and Earth Crater" was activated. Players who meet the level requirements can go to challenge!"

What a coincidence, Jing Tian and the others were here yesterday to kill the boss with mobs. Naturally, they collected a lot of monsters exploded in the mission package. Among them, the most is the waist card of the grave guard. People completed the pre-task of the copy in an instant. In the next moment, the picture was like water dripping into the lake, and after a burst of ripples, the picture changed from blurry to clear, and several people entered the heaven and earth crater.

"Unexpectedly, the main strategy of this **** game really doesn't play cards according to the routine. The dungeon guardians are all exchanged. It will not be the old, weak, sick and pregnant, right? You are not afraid that the player can't find the entrance?" Yang Miaomiao accepted the reality that a beggar was the guardian of the instance after entering the instance.

Jing Tian was really helpless, although this copy of the guardian is not his design, the key is that this guy was still complaining about the game the main strategy can only play routines, the next moment he complains that the main strategy does not play cards according to the routine, even more important The thing is that this guy doesn't seem to notice the back-and-forth contrast of his complaints, like a forgetful. Sure enough, we can't keep up with the jumping thinking of aliens!

There is a man-made staircase hovering down in front of me. I have to say that the staircase is narrow and pitiful, only enough for one person to Fortunately, after teleporting into the copy, most of the spiraling staircase above the head has been omitted, otherwise the player will be so. Hovering all the way down, even if you are careful not to fall down, you will be completely stunned, and you will not be able to find the north, south, east, or northwest. The five people in Jing Tian felt a sense of discomfort just after walking for a few laps. It seems that the game settings are still quite considering the player experience, and it is quite necessary for the beggar to send everyone this ride.

When they reached the bottom, everyone did not see the meteorite that hit the ground so powerfully at the beginning, but saw a dimly colored crystal stone gate. Inside the crystal stone gate, there is a wide and deep passage, which is good for the tunnel in the game. There are also some crystals on the wall that emit light that is not very bright, otherwise, don't players need to bring their own lighting equipment when they come in.

"These crystals can be deducted and sold to NPCs as light bulbs." Yang Miaomiao drooled at the crystal in front of him.

However, the others didn't bother to talk to him.

Without taking a few steps forward, a behemoth monster blocked the front, just listening to Yang Miaomiao immediately spit out: "This will not be the boss, the main strategy of the game is too ruthless, and it does not follow the routine. It's a card."

"Mouse, you are so courageous, this is just an ordinary monster." The prototype of the monster in front of her was naturally designed by Zhao Jiaxue, she knew nothing better.

However, the dungeon game planning after level 30 has not been carried out, and the specific skills and measurements of these monsters are temporarily a mystery.

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