Sky Dungeon

Chapter 212: Plums flow acid and splash teeth, plantains split green hair

"Village woman, are you asking everyone to go to your new home to have a fire meal? It is true that the older generation has the custom of inviting friends to eat at home on housewarming nights, so we are not welcome." Zhao Jiaxue was a little angry, but Yang Meowao Singing together with Liu Yaya, gritted his teeth and spoke out his ghost idea.

Since everyone met in reality, Zhao Jiaxue has never seen him as much as before. Although she knows the special status of Liu Yaya's retired special forces, Zhao Jiaxue has never been afraid of her. However, since Zhao Jiaxue saw Liu Yaya's face that was all-encompassing, she still has some self-knowledge and shame. Her face itself was lost to Yun Yiyi. Now facing Liu Yaya, she has lost her previous confidence. As if in the world of women, the value of face symbolizes a person's popularity and social status. However, it is exactly the same, but Zhao Jiaxue's sense of competition is aroused, and she can no longer be silent as before.

"It's reasonable." Yun Yiyi immediately supported Zhao Jiaxue, although his voice was colder than usual.

"If this is the case, then the few of us will also be harassing tonight, calling Lao Xia, he is the main force." Jing Tian can only comply with public opinion, and by the way, he can also cure Liu Yaya's ambiguous attitude.

Perfectly cracked Liu Yaya's conspiracy!

"Ah? Brother God, you knew God Sister, no wonder you were able to hack into the game company, it turns out that you have an internal response!" Yang Miaomiao suddenly realized, but his jumping thinking is too alien. If Jing Heavenly, they are ordinary people, but knowing that there is a GM **** like Liu Yaya, do they still need to hack into the Tengyi company to steal the game trail information?

"Oh? Little brother, don't you know, I live opposite them." Liu Yaya said without concealment, as if confessing everything Yang Miaomiao said. Immediately afterwards, her conversation turned, her voice became soft and soft, and said: "In this case, the slaves are in charge of dinner matters, and the officials are requested to go home on time."

Uh...Which way to go back? Feelings My profession is to play games in the right door? You woman is fascinated by playing games like young women! Would you like me to wear some green hats for you outside? Jing Tian said angrily in his heart, but the corner of his mouth rose unconsciously with a faint arc. Jing Tian also felt a little strange, wondering whether he was amused by Liu Yaya's way of speaking, or was secretly happy in his heart.

"Your official is now living with us. Even if he goes to your place for a meal, he will not stay overnight. He will still sleep in the same house with us, so don't think about it." Zhao Jiaxue immediately went into a huff. Dao, Zhao Jiaxue seemed to be more and more open when talking because of having breakfast together, swimming, and getting to know each other.

"Oh? Sister Jiaxue is jealous? However, since you have recognized the fact that Jing Tian is my official, I don't care about it. I'll add one more dish to you tonight." Liu Yaya's voice became even more enchanting.

This situation is exactly the situation: plums are flowing acid and splashing teeth, plantains are divided into green hair. It's sour and green, don't have a taste in my heart!

As soon as this sentence came out, Zhao Jiaxue almost vomited a mouthful of blood in her heart. She was even more embarrassed and said: "You shameless woman, who was born as a special soldier and embarrassed the country, only met Jing Tian for a few hours. , I want to ride on top of the old lady's head to pretend to be the mother of the palace? Xiao San should look like a Xiao San, really pushing his nose on his face and swollen face to fill up fat!"

"Able to cook?" Yun Yiyi seemed to raise a very critical question. In her impression, the special forces are all busy people, but they are not elegant and learn to cook.

At this time, even Jing Tian felt that it was unreasonable. After all, Liu Yaya, who impressed him the most, was still staying on the coquettish and willful little demon. How could Liu Yaya cook at that time. Even those few contacts in junior high school, she is also a proud look, where is there ever a gentle and sweet side? Is it possible that Liu Yaya’s rice is the kind of drunk shrimp, sashimi, raw beef, and other super dishes? These should be compulsory courses for Liu Yaya's special forces, and the ability to survive in the wild is strong.

"Of course, just do it casually, it's more unpalatable. You are definitely not used to eating, then let the official go home alone, I won't be sad to blame you." Liu Yaya smiled mischievously.

The ghost believes that you will blame us! If we don't go, you don't know when we will be secretly happy! Zhao Jiaxue’s blood was already surging at this time, and she grinned and counterattacked: "It’s okay, we will not dislike your craftsmanship. Anyway, we will only eat one meal. We will not care about the taste. From now on we are all neighbors, you You can come to us for a meal, so that you can enjoy it and drink it spicy." Zhao Jiaxue has already made up her own little abacus in her heart at this time. As the saying goes, if you want to catch a man's heart, you must first catch a man's stomach. It is the current priority to completely blow Liu Yaya's self-confidence to zero in cooking. Waiting for Liu Yaya to eat rice later, and add some special seasonings to her bowl to make her feel uneasy!

"Let's continue with the copy. Maybe the situation just now will happen again. It really depends on everyone's excellent operation. If you don't have the skills to interrupt, you must pay attention to avoiding monster million Don't get bitten." Jing Tian still pulled everyone's thoughts back into the copy.

The next monsters are not as difficult to deal with as imagined. There are crystalized hedgehogs along the way. Although they do not have strong attack power and vitality, they have the intelligence of close-range attacks and anti-injury monsters, so they can sit and see the sky and the village. The women all hid behind and beat up the soy sauce, but they attacked every now and then. In the face of these little hedgehogs that are causing headaches in physics careers, Jing Tian and the others really have a feeling of power and nowhere to release. After all, if one accidentally hits a crit continuously, they may be injured by a quarter of their blood. Eat Rat has already cultivated Scarlet Blessing to Tier 3, but the speed of continuous recovery of Qi and blood can never catch up with the speed of their frequent attacks against injury and blood loss.

It is worth mentioning that the hedgehog guarding the door of the boss room. Zhao Jiaxue is just a magic arrow to greet him, and the hedgehog king on the opposite side evolves in an instant, and the body of the hedgehog full of needles also swells instantly. In one lap, the level jumped directly to level 40. Everyone’s attacks on him instantly became soft and weak. Fortunately, the Hedgehog King and half BOSS did not have the special setting of the small hedgehog’s close-range attack and anti-injury. , After Jing Tian's cross-section tasted the sweetness, he jumped up in place to be a skyfall, and the Hedgehog King was knocked to the ground instantly. Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the later this dungeon was played, the smoother it was. When Jing Tian and Liu Yaya attacked the Hedgehog boldly, the bloodline of the Hedgehog reached the 15% mark, but it After all, he is a watchdog, Jing Tian didn't take the 15% mark seriously.

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