Sky Dungeon

Chapter 226: Game drives economic solutions

uncle? My dad? Just betrayed his son? What a wise thing to cut off the relationship between father and son! That man is indeed a cold-blooded existence, clearly playing with himself as a chess piece and a prop! Jing Tian was very fortunate to leave that home that year. His father has always used whatever means. It seems that 80% of his marriage contract has been formed since elementary school, no, maybe it was settled in kindergarten! Political marriage?

Haha, I will never admit this marriage contract! Regardless of Liu Yaya in front of him, Jing Tian made up his mind again secretly. In any case, his own marriage is in charge. No one should control himself, and no one should think of playing himself as a puppet between applause. This marriage, I quit. deal!

"Oh? Did you misunderstand something?" Liu Ya Yadai frowned, wondering if she should tell the truth about the matter, but even if she said it, Jing Tian would not believe it, but if she didn't say it, There is a bundle of invisible knots between himself and Jing Tian, ​​and it is impossible to relax.

"Uh... No, let me be quiet for a while, there are some things I need to remember." Jing Tian said lightly, as if he was talking to a taxi driver.

Liu Yaya regretted telling Jing Tian this, but in fact she still had a little hope, hoping that Jing Tian could recall what happened in the kindergarten. However, despite giving Jing Tian so many reminders, he showed no signs of memory recovery. This somewhat frustrated Liu Yaya, and she stopped saying anything. After all, some things in the past were told not to talk nonsense by thousands of elders.

In this way, there was nothing to say all the way, Jing Tian carried large bags and small bags to Liu Yaya's house. I have to say that the pile of things bought made Jing Tian ran back and forth three times before moving them all, although Liu Yaya might be stronger than Jing. The sky is still big, but the machismo Jing Tian naturally refused her help. After everything moved into Liu Yaya's room, Liu Yaya had already put the first batch of ingredients in the refrigerator.

To Jing Tian’s surprise, Liu Yaya’s house didn’t add any luxury goods, but rather simple furniture. However, Liu Yaya seemed to add a variety of cute plush toys to all the furniture. For a moment, Jing Tian was surprised to find that these plush toys turned out to be special peripheral plush toys of Sky Dungeon, and many of them were not even sold on the official website!

"Husband, I really like the game you designed. As a senior game consultant, I asked them to send me a set of all the surrounding plush toys that they are going to launch, and I personally evaluate and score them, and put forward constructive comments." Liu Yaya noted When Jing Tian's eyes stayed on the halberd beast, he explained it.

"Uh...I'm going to sell it when Ziwu starts to be released on a large scale. I didn't expect to be able to launch air pets so soon. These things should make all countries around the world happy." Jing Tian said with deep meaning. In fact, this is also part of his game planning. Games can change the world and promote the development of the world economy. It's just that he wasn't sure whether he implemented it according to his plan. He said that more because he wanted Liu Yaya to give the answer to confirm what he thought.

"Oh? That's right. Husband, your plan is amazing. When talking about the game entry with countries around the world, I also included a set of game promotion economic plans. In other words, at the beginning, everyone did not believe that games can be used. Promoting the development of the world economy is considered to be a fantasy, but after listening to the grand plan, the representatives of various countries have to lower their noble heads, one by one, and to sign the cooperation book on the game project. I believe that this game can be obtained. The global support is mainly due to your planning." Liu Yaya said with some pride. After all, thinking that such a powerful person is her future husband, she felt a kind of airy, as if these plans were also made by her. My husband’s is my own.

"What you have here are just pure toys, and more importantly, the smart AI version of the air pet, which is the product that can promote the world economy in an all-round way. Ordinary peripheral plush toys can only drive the recovery of traditional toy factories around the world. And it is only some manufacturers behind the ruling parties in various countries. But the smart AI version is different, not only driving the development of toy factories, but also driving the development of manufacturers of smart speech recognition and dialogue modules. According to the contracts signed with various countries, Yi Company should invest in the technology of a manufacturer capable of producing, and the local manufacturer will produce the corresponding products for supply to the country, just like a VR package. The VR package originally contains these modules, if the company that produces the modules is only used for VR games It's a pity, it can be applied in various fields." Jing Tian looked a little excited, and after a two-second pause, he continued.

"If there is no country with such enterprises, Tengyi Company can guide the construction of factories and sell production lines at the most favorable price to help local people produce and create more job opportunities. Of course, countries that have no conditions can only choose to import~ But under the premise of ensuring a uniform global price of goods, these unconditional countries can still collect expensive taxes." Jing Tian recalled the details of the sky-defying plan to use games to promote world economic development.

"Oh? Yes, no country will refuse economic benefits, and the game's prospects are good, and sales are guaranteed. It's your husband. You are too insidious... I thought of buying smart partners around and you can bind them in the game. Weapons above Ziwu, through offline voice interaction, can allow online characters to earn points, which can be exchanged for more skill comprehension points, and can also be exchanged for the growth points required for weapon growth. You really firmly understand the player's offline behavior It is tied to online behavior, forming a perfect closed loop." Liu Yaya scolded with a smile, and the words were full of appreciation.

"Uh... it doesn't have to be bought, but if you don't buy it, Ziwu grows slowly and needs more magic cores. Even civilian players, as long as they spend enough time in the game, they can compete with Krypton gold players sooner or later. It’s just as powerful. This is a concept that I will never change. Krypton gold can only make it stronger and faster, but it is definitely not invincible. Civilian players can beat Krypton gold players as long as they spend more game time." Well Tian said very firmly.

"To put it bluntly, it means to earn more money from the rich and create jobs for more poor people. Husband, you are so gentle to the people of the world, I will be jealous." Liu Yaya said to Jing Tian's ear, Jing Tian The whole body was agitated when he heard it, before he drew away, the fragrant lips with color-changing lipstick had already been printed on Jing Tian's cheeks.

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