Sky Dungeon

Chapter 230: Make it a beauty

"Yeah, Liu Yaya is cooking fire rice tonight. You are the main force. No matter whether it is delicious or not, you have to perform supernormally and clean up all the dishes." Zhao Jiaxue said in a commanding tone, naturally smiling in her heart. This sentence of myself is the most powerful response to what Liu Yaya did before.

"Oh? Yeah, the slaves are not talented, but they don't know how to cook so many delicious dishes. I will invite Haihan to you at that time." Liu Yaya said very modestly. It seems that she didn't take Zhao Jiaxue's words seriously. However, hearing this in Zhao Jiaxue's ears seemed to be hearing Liu Yaya surrender with a white flag, which made her happy for a while.

After Jing Tian and Luo Xia helped bring a few leftovers into Liu Yaya's house, the two returned to prepare for the game. At this time, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue were waiting in the living room, as if they had something to say.

"Why, do you have a meeting in advance today?" Jing Tian asked curiously.

"Yaya is weird." Yun Yiyi said coldly, seeming to see some clues.

Is it a woman's sixth sense? A drop of cold sweat fell off Jing Tian's forehead.

"That is, how could she, a veteran special soldier, become a senior game consultant for Tengyi Company? And she moved to the opposite side of us without any deviation? I think she may be a spy. She has figured out our situation a long time ago, and now she deliberately approaches We, investigate us, and even supervise us! If we leak out the secrets of game planning or something, she will definitely take us to court!" Zhao Jiaxue said that, naturally in her heart she scolded Jingtian for a fool, and the other party made it a beauty The plan, maybe it is to let us completely let go of our defenses, and then unexpectedly crush our famous plan in the game at a critical moment!

"Uh... I certainly understand everyone's concerns. You reminded me the first time before that I was not stunned by her. But after all, it is Tengyi, not us, who is the best player in the game. The way is to use the plan. We can keep getting the latest development information of the game from Liu Yaya, and even ask her to disclose some internal information that will be announced in the near future. This kind of internal test information is not completely confidential, and she has no reason not to tell us. , As long as we get acquainted with her, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. It doesn’t matter if she investigates us or monitors us. If Tengyi Company really wants to hinder us from playing games, I’m afraid we have already banned our account for an inconspicuous reason. As for the breach of contract, we only need to be tight-lipped outside, including the Raiders of the dungeon. As long as it is not spread through us, the problem will not be big." Jing Tian paused deliberately. He looked at everyone who was thinking seriously. He felt sorry for them for hiding from everyone, but he must continue to fabricate this white lie.

How can Liu Yaya yin herself behind her back, if she plays with herself, she has a sharper method!

"Since Tengyi knows that we are playing and sends someone to monitor us, it is definitely not to hinder us, but to see the value of our use, or to see if we can use our absolute understanding of the game , Discovering more unknown bugs, or discovering more ways to play, so as to promote the development of the game. Just like the profession of village women, they want to know whether this is something we did deliberately, and they want to understand the deeper gameplay of village women. Now because of a village woman, how many curious players have entered the game, and how much revenue has been generated. In the future, how many people will generously donate the krypton items of the village woman? How much will this income be? Since Tengyi Company To use us, we have to use them in turn, give them what they want, and at the same time exchange what we want. This is peer-to-peer trading." After Jing Tian said this in one breath, he walked into his bedroom alone. The three of them are still thinking in place. In fact, Jing Tian was really afraid that he would be seen through by the three of them, so leaving may seem more real.

Sure enough, the next moment everyone seemed to be empowered. They understood what Jing Tian was going to do and laughed. In fact, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue only need to figure out one problem: Jing Tian does not have Liu Yaya's beauty plan! I have to say that Tengyi Company really made the blood this time. I don't know where to find such a big beautiful game master, and it also has a set of real estate. Hearing Jingtian said that there are car products, it is a bit jealous! Pity them, the true chief strategy members of Sky Dungeon, they are still running on their own legs when they go out!

Of course it’s not that they can’t afford a car, but they don’t have a driver’s license. Wherever there is time to take a driver’s license, driverless technology has just begun to be tested. Everyone seems to be looking forward to the moment when driverless driving is fully implemented. Let the driver’s license test go to hell, the elderly no longer have to have a driver to travel, and human travel will once again revolutionize. Brand new unmanned highways are being constructed in densely packed areas in various cities. Unmanned vehicles use dedicated lanes and are under unified control by the system. This way, the probability of a car accident is extremely low. Once a vehicle has an accident, the surrounding unmanned vehicles can also be instantly Make the best response strategy to minimize the damage.

There will be infinite variables in places where people are involved. If driverless cars and manually driven cars are driven on the same road, the fault tolerance rate is extremely low, and traffic accidents will inevitably occur frequently, even exceeding the current traffic accident rate. In the future, manual driving will be eliminated.

Of course, relying too much on unmanned driving is not a good thing. I am afraid that human health will also become a big problem by then. Maybe when you are in your 50s or 60s, walking a few steps will be awkward. Therefore, Jing Tian put forward the concept of national game fitness in the mid-term plan of Sky Dungeon. Of course, this is a later story, and we will not mention it for the time being.

The three people then got up and went back to the room to enter the game. Of course, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue went back to Jingtian’s room, but Luo Xia’s expression at the time was not as melancholy as before. It seemed that he already had a man who belonged to him in the early days of love. Even Huaxin will completely forget, not to mention the true first love, not the usual unrequited love, which is the most brilliant moment.

Entering the game, Yang Miaomiao and his sister are already online. Needless to say, the king of sword riding seems to have been online. Jing Tian knows by asking casually that Luo Xia privately added Yang Mimi’s mobile phone contact information and has notified her to let Yang Miao Miao took her to the Alliance City to level up. Yang Miao Miao did not show the shamelessness that everyone expected after learning about her sister’s upgrade method. Instead, she praised her sister very abnormally, and reflected on her own. I didn't find that he could still vote like this, which made Jing Tian sincerely wonder if modern young people have no bottom line.

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