Sky Dungeon

Chapter 253: 1 inch lovesickness 0 million threads, set a lace in the heart

This NPC actually started adding chips? Jing Tian felt more and more weird. A reward like an ancient skill book was already the ultimate reward for the fun gameplay of the Yonghan Palace. Now she actually said that she would give everyone two books, which is clearly a trap! Jing Tian couldn't help but think of the demon king who had entered in the 25th professional mission. That guy is a typical example of constantly increasing the bargaining chip in an attempt to subvert the player's camp.

It can be seen that if the NPC increases the bargaining chip casually, it is definitely a prelude to a conspiracy!

"Excuse me for rejection!"

Jing Tian chose to refuse again. This time, everyone did not hesitate, and they all chose to refuse. At this time, everyone did not completely believe the fact that this Seraphim was controlled by the beast Bifang, but wanted to see if this NPC would offer any more temptations. People’s price tag. If you agreed just now, it feels like you missed tens of millions, now it is better to blackmail to the end.

"You are blackmailing! How can you see the dead without saving, when the beast Bifang reappears on the earth, and the lives are charred, can you afford this responsibility?" Loli's voice was full of strong reprimand, and then sighed With a cry, some grievances said: "One person has three broken pages of ancient skill books. There can be no more. You have so many people, and I can't take out more."

"My god, let's agree, my little sister is almost crying." Yang Miaomiao said distressedly. Don't tell me, the eye sockets of the NPC in front of me are actually moist, and it seems that tears are about to roll down. Is it possible that the NPC will also sell cute and pitiful?

"Excuse me for rejection!"

Jing Tian was heartbroken and still rejected her proposal. Everyone was even more curious whether Seraphim would have no more bottom line.

"Well, pull out the chains, and I will reward bunch of useless bugs, just die!" In the next moment, everyone couldn't believe their ears, because Lori's voice suddenly became sharp. Get up, the voice is full of hostility! Could it be that this guy is really controlled by the fierce beast, everything was pretended just now, and now there is nothing to do, he can only kill people?

Sure enough, the next second Seraphim's body burned with red flames, sitting on the well and watching the sky immediately jumped away, everyone also took out their weapons to launch an attack, but there was no NPC name on the Seraphim's head, and there was no blood. The bars and the signs that can be attacked are like a building item that cannot be damaged, which makes it impossible for everyone to start.

"It doesn't matter so much, just hit it!" Jing Tian issued an order, and everyone cast a range of attack magic at the location of the so-called Seraphim, but these magics did not have any effect as if they hit the air, and the Seraphim in front of them still gathered. With Chi Yan, it seemed that they would completely defeat everyone with a single blow, and everyone refused to give up and still used all their best to attack the direction where Seraphim was.

In the next moment, Seraphim finally finished charging up, and a fireball like a scorching sun appeared behind her. It can be seen that she said that she could not use magic to deceive everyone. This scorching sun fireball faced everyone's attack in the next second. It swallowed in the direction of the seven people, and the attack of the seven people was as if the starlight was swallowed by the scorching sun, completely extinguished in the strong light.

At this time, several people are already mentally prepared. If there is nothing to do, where can they escape, and how long can they escape? It's better to fight to the death! When a fireball like the scorching sun was about to swallow everyone, a white light flashed in the sky, and a bolt of lightning fell down, but when everyone saw the lightning, everyone was shocked.

It turned out to be a solid lightning made of ice crystals, and it hit the fireball of scorching sun without slanting, and instantly solidified the fireball into a huge ice ball. The next instant the ice ball fell to the ground, it did not burst out as powerful as imagined. The impact made a hole in the ground, but it was like a xxxx brand ice cream ball falling to the ground, directly shattering into ice chips in the sky, so gorgeous and beautiful!

"Old beast, let me kill them, don't get in the way!" Loli's voice was full of resentment.

"Hehe, the old man is quite fond of these adventurers. He can get here and lift the twelve seals without your temptation. Otherwise, let alone kill them, the old man will naturally not let them leave alive." A vigorous voice reached everyone's ears, and a phantom appeared in front of everyone in the next instant, and the seraph wings were stretched out on him. Could this person be the real Seraphim She Tina?

This is a man, and he looks like a 100% beautiful man! If you want to ask how beautiful it is, it is so beautiful that it makes a man's heart touch.

"Uh...this setting is right." Jing Tian finally understood that it was not Seraphim who was locked by the twelve chains, but the fierce beast Bifang. He didn't expect this guy to turn into a loli angel. The appearance deceives everyone, and wants everyone to help it unlock its seal and return to the mainland of Aiyinsi. Thanks to it, it just kept saying those noble words, it turns out that it is a conspirator!

Of course, all of this is also attributed to the main game strategy of Tengyi Company. If Jing Tian had not been questioning the fake Seraphim in the shape of Lolita Angel, otherwise he could not help its temptation. I am afraid that everyone has been caught by the real Sarah. Fragmented to pieces.

"This turned out to be a a pseudo-mother, compared to your compatriots, you are so ugly!" Yu Yan ridiculed with a graceful expression of disgust, and the first half of the sentence was rare with admiration. taste.

Sure enough, Zhonger Disease has no immunity to imaginary beautiful men!

"Uh...I am not ashamed of you saying that. This guy is like a fake female archangel. It's just set with a menswear addiction, so the appearance looks like a super beautiful man. Unexpectedly, you would be opposite The eldest sister of men's clothing is emotional, and she is really an inch of love, with a lace in her heart." Jing Tian said lightly, and she was satisfied with her setting in her heart. This is a classic figure who pretends to be a man dressed as a man. You can pass Liu Yaya in the future. It is also good to make a few original pictures of Seraphim as mobile phone wallpapers. This is the historical evidence that someone is idiotic and tempted by women, and will be able to fight back against Yu Yan's personal attacks on her in the future.

What, the most beautiful man in the world is actually a woman? Yu Yan was a little uncomfortable with this reality. For a moment, she even fell in love with the appearance of this NPC, and she was thinking about how to make Jing Tian's character look like this. Although she needed to consume krypton gold props, she came to her. Said that as long as I can be with such a handsome two-dimensional character every day, I will feel full of happiness. Of course, these thoughts, Yu Yan will not speak out. Sky Dungeon

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