Sky Dungeon

Chapter 270: Black sand ray

However, when they saw clearly that there was a smiling cloud wearing sunglasses on the head of the Alliance player ahead, they were a little panicked. As the so-called level suppression, they naturally know that the cloud-riding guild player in front of them is a real 30th level. Everyone is a tycoon on the ranking list. When they see the purple glowing party in the hands of Zuijing Guantian After the halberd smashed heavily on the head of the scum lobster, they even felt the gap in equipment. After all, it was the first time they saw Ziwu.

With the difference in equipment, there is naturally a huge difference in the amount of damage. The bloodline of the scum lobster suddenly dropped by a large amount. Of course, this is also the effect of the hidden setting of the fallen angel race, the key to the crit.

When the Demon players cast their skills one after another, all their movements became much slower due to being hit by Zhao Jiaxue’s third-order magic arrow rain. Before they could release any skills, a black wind whizzed past behind the well and watched the sky. Several of the demons players were interrupted by a stun in an instant. Thanks to the narrow passage of the dungeon maze, players like to line up in a straight line when moving, especially with the meat shield in front, as players often say : The head can be broken, the formation can not be chaotic. The secret of the King of Sword and Cavalry had an unexpected effect, directly giving the Demon players a bunch of incense!

"Dawn breaking!"

Jing Tian didn't even think about whether the opponent's skills could be successfully cast. Sitting in Jing Guantian just did not hesitate to hit the scum lobster with biting and breaking dawn, but the direction of the breaking dawn was in the direction of a exposed fallen angel. For a moment, the death scythe in the hands of the fallen angel was inserted into the chest of the scum lobster. Needless to say, that beautiful fallen angel is the [village woman]. Undoubtedly, the fate of the scum lobster does not need to be repeated. There is no hope all the way to the black.

After Jing Tian handed out Dawn, he turned and glanced at the Demon player in front of him. The next second he locked the **** faction noodles, sitting on the well and watching the sky violently rushed out. In the next second, several crossbow arrows passed by. Slag Pie Noodles' horrified gaze fell on her head, Jing Tian shot as she walked, and the crossbow almost hit the spot. The Demon players have not yet freed from the dizziness, and there is a melodious flute sound in their ears, which is the melody of [Magic Sound Break]. After all, the Demon players already know some skills, and some of them can recognize them instantly. After this skill was released, everyone entered a state of fear for 3 seconds in the next second. All the demons began to tremble in place. A group of demons trembled, as if Zhao Yunxueer were the real demon king.

Jing Tian keenly grasped a very important information: it seems that under PVP, under the advantage of poor level, the triggering rate of the hidden setting of the race has also been significantly improved!

At the same time, Yun Xueyiyi’s magical offensive also turned towards the scum-pie noodles, and he quietly posted it without eating mice, aiming at a magic that was densely chanted by the demons. Before the fear was over, [Slag Pie Apple] Dense thorns grew under the feet, which tied him together with the other two Demon players.

Jing Tian just glanced at the scum pie apple, and secretly admired that the operation consciousness of not eating mice has become more and more mature, and the next second, not eating mice has started singing again, the target of the attack is impressive and Jianqizhi Wang kept the same, it was [Slag Pie Pizza]!

The scum pie pizza profession is very tricky. It is the ghost Buddha with the most group control skills. In the next moment, a black thunder light emits a terrifying arc. The scum pie pizza is the first-order [black thunder] that does not eat mice. After disappearing, the wand without eating the mouse was waved again, and he unexpectedly launched long-range attack skills continuously.

However, Jing Tian nodded his praise in his heart. At this time, if he didn’t eat the mouse and rushed forward, he could form a synergy with the King of the Sword and Cavalry, but if he went deep into the enemy line, he was too far away from the player on his side, and it was easy to hit his own skills. Later, he was sent back to the city by Jihuo. After all, he was not an output class, let alone a meat shield class. It was definitely not a wise move to charge into battle. However, not eating the mouse obviously found that the output of the king of swordsman was not enough, so he chose to support. His behavior of supporting his teammates once again proved the correctness of Jing Tian to let him choose to protect the shaman. Help!

I saw the magic stone staff trembling violently in the hands of Don't Eat the mouse, and in the next instant a black granular beam was madly fired. This is exactly the skill he learned from the broken pages of the lower-grade skill book: the black sand ray!

Black sand ray, only for auxiliary class learning, single magic, causing fluctuating fixed dark attribute damage to the target. This so-called volatility fixed damage, Luo Xia once said to Yang Miaomiao: "In Sky Dungeon, if you ask which kind of skill is the most abnormal, it must be the random fixed damage of this kind of volatility. If your character is good, a skill can cause the enemy to lose 100 times the damage of your level. If your character is poor, then it is possible that the opponent will only suffer 1 point of damage. It is a good gambling to describe it."

Luo Xia is right. The range of this kind of volatile fixed damage is large, the randomness is extremely strong, and the damage is not stable. There are even players in the world who have learned this skill have already done a video continuous Using the fluctuating fixed damage comprehension skill once, the probability of causing damage exceeding 50 times of your level is only 1%, and the probability of causing damage to the target less than 10 times of your level is as high as 90%, so the reviewer concluded that the skill In 90% of cases, it is not as good as the basic attack skills of the weapon, and the actual combat is more tasteless.

When Jing Tian saw it, he naturally shook his head in disapproval. After all, this kind of probability is controlled by the system secretly smiling, no one knows the basic probability, and it has to be said that this kind of random fixed damage magic has a certain relationship with the player's lucky value. The lucky value is more esoteric. As mentioned, each player’s birthday constellation is different, and the daily fortune is also different. Although the lucky value in the player attribute panel does not change, the actual lucky value changes every day. Who can guarantee that the tester is not mold on that day? What's the luck day?

Moreover, the reviewers did not understand that the reason why Jing Tian set up such a damage and unstable skill is to create a ray of life for the auxiliary occupation. If there is no such comprehension skill, the auxiliary occupation will be reduced to nothing. The foil of the power of the chicken binding, in the case of PVP, especially 1v1, there is no chance of winning at all. It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of skill that in the later stage, one jaw-dropping competitive result has been achieved, making the game full of unpredictability. Therefore, the evaluation is just nonsense! However, we will not mention these for the time being. Sky Dungeon

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