Sky Dungeon

Chapter 274: fight

After having eaten this round of frantic bombardment, the vitality value of sitting on the well and watching the sky is about to be drained. Therefore, Jing Tian immediately shouted: "All come to support, the skills on the opposite side are basically empty!"

After that, Jing Tian continued to control the Alpine Snow Wolf while sitting on the well and watching the sky. At this moment, the elemental mage among the enemies didn’t know if he expected to be sitting on the well and watching the sky like this action, and even blasted a wide range of water waves over, the scope of the water waves. In the narrow dungeon passage, it was almost full of screen kills. Sitting on the well and watching the sky was not spared, and was hit by a crit.

Range magic attacks rarely hit the critical strike triple damage, after all, most magical manifestations cannot directly hit the player's head. Even the water wave slashing slashing magic that can control the direction autonomously, considering the players' different body shapes, most elemental wizards will also choose to attack the player's leg position, so that all targets can be affected as much as possible. If you aim at the player's head , Then it is possible to hit a player with a larger size and ignore a player with a smaller size.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of Jingtian’s bad horoscope today, or the opponent’s element mage’s horoscope is too strong. The Shuibo Slash that swept across the legs of Sitting Jing Guantian actually caused double crit damage, which really made Jing Tian’s heart painful. A handful.

After this blow, the bloodline of sitting on the well and watching the sky was less than 20% left. The next moment the alpine snow wolf also caught the interrupted moment of the action on sitting on the well and watching the sky, and directly bite up, and there is not much left in the next second. The blood value of Qi is quickly lost.

Fortunately, at the moment when the alpine snow wolf bite up, Zhao Yunxue'er raised the magic flute again, and the melodious flute sounded, and the notes formed by the magic went directly into the ears of the alpine snow wolf along with the air flow. Town Demons】! Although this song does not have any negative effects on the PVP player character itself, it is like a natural enemy to the Alpine Snow Wolf. Although this guy is a spirit beast, the town monster song still sends it into a state of fear for 3 seconds. The Xuelang's blood mouth was also loosened from sitting in the well and watching the sky.

However, how could the Demon's Berserker miss this chance to kill. After being interrupted by the action, Slag Pie Tomato still raised the orange mountain axe and smashed it down while sitting on the well and watching the sky. His choice was very brave, even if he died. To take away Zuijing Guantian and Luojing Xiashi, and his skills are basically empty, but as long as he can move freely, even if it is Ping A, he must send Zuojing Guantian back to Alliance City!

The basic skill attacks of the demon players in the distance are also swept over, and the form seems to fall to the demon players. However, in such a crisis, the [Nature Guardian] is smoothly applied to the two people who are sitting in the well and watching the sky and Luojing Natsushi. , The colorful characters formed by magic suddenly appeared on their chests. The content of the characters was the Chinese character "Fu", but the character "Fu" stood upside down, which is similar to the Chinese New Year sticker "Fu".


A black wind passed by behind him, and the King of Sword Cavalry stunned the two berserkers who were launching an offensive without hesitation.

It seems that the demons players are gone, how can the end of the strong crossbow be taken away with the help of everyone riding on the cloud? After all, their ordinary skill damage is still relatively weak, but they still have not lost because they have two Shennong priests. If they are fighting with the Berserkers and the Plateau Snow Wolf at this time, they may not be able to rely on their level advantages to push down the demons. 8 people. This battle is likely to be dragged down, and it's hard to say whether it will be supported by Mozu players and whether there will be monsters refreshing in this area.

How could Jing Tian not understand this truth, but the situation in front of him is that if the two berserkers and the alpine snow wolf are ignored, the characters of himself and Luo Xia will probably be brave. Once brave, even if the output is not enough, even rushing over I am afraid it may not be possible to kill the two Shennong priests. Only the two berserkers and the alpine snow wolf can be trapped first!

"Prepare to be bound naturally, interrupt the two berserkers, and tie them together with the wolf."

At the same time that Jing Tian gave the voice command, the king of sword riding and the village woman had already rushed to the location of the two priests of Shennong, but a glorious light had already enveloped the two berserkers, and their blood line was quickly Back to full. However, at this time, the King of Sword Qi and the village woman were in front, not really to rush over, but to resist some long-range damage to Zuojing Guantian and Luojing Xia Shi.

On the other hand, Yun Xueyi has already opened his magic longbow. After chanting, a huge blue magic circle appeared on the head of the demon player in the distance. Needless to say, this is the third-order magic arrow rain. , In this long and narrow passage, there is no way to avoid it. The next instant flood of water condensed magic arrows poured down, and the attacks of the demon players in the distance were temporarily interrupted, and they entered a slow state.

At this time, sitting on the well to watch the sky, the break of dawn has knocked the alpine snow wolf away, and the direction of flight is exactly where the two demon berserkers are. Due to the close distance, the alpine snow wolf that flew out also caused a collision on the two. hurt.


Just after the Alpine Snow Wolf was dropped by the two berserkers, the ground under his feet suddenly split, and the two thorns and vines firmly locked the two beasts, and they couldn't move at all. In the next second, accompanied by Yun Xueyiyi's remote cover, everyone desperately posted in the direction of the two Shennong I don’t know how to save damage skills if I don’t eat mice, after all, the guardian shaman His guardian skills are too few, just throw it away, and he simply doesn't think about when to throw it or not, as long as he can throw it, he will throw it out. At this time, Yang Miaomiao unceremoniously used a black thunder and a black sand ray, but this time his luck fell back to the bottom inexplicably, and only hit 31 points of damage, naturally only The fluctuating fixed damage value that is twice his own level, he has already screamed in the team after seeing this value: "The main strategy for designing this skill is definitely a tease who likes to play live. His skill is to see how the anchors scold him, he is just a masochist!"

Even if today is your lucky day for your constellation, it doesn't mean that you can deal super high random damage with every attack! The lucky day only increases the probability of high injuries, and cannot avoid the appearance of low injuries.

Others didn’t have the time to pay attention to Yang Miaomiao. Zhao Yunxue’s mercilessly sent [Into the illusion] this time to the more threatening plastic surgeon. The next second is the first-order [phantom killing], and the village woman is Holding the box while walking and shooting, the target was another Pastor Shennong. Sitting in Jingguantian and Luojing Xia Shi also pulled out their crossbows at this time, and shot them indiscriminately. Three seconds later, the two men and horses finally started face-to-face melee. Sky Dungeon

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