Sky Dungeon

Chapter 318: Have more chopsticks

Jing Tian just took a few casual glances, and then ordered everyone to go off the line. It was already past twelve o'clock, and everyone's stomachs were grunting and screaming, but Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi insisted on the principle of not ordering takeaways. They must cook by themselves, and I don't know if it was because of Liu Yaya's stimulation. Their enthusiasm for cooking is much higher than before.

It’s actually been two years ago to resist the take-out platform. The take-out platform was originally a boon for lazy people, but as it develops, take-out is blinded by money and becomes more expensive. Many office workers would rather go downstairs to eat. No more takeaways.

As we all know, the price of take-out meals is higher than that of eating in stores. Many stores add 20-30% of the additional fees charged by the platform to the menu price. This is actually illegal, but even if someone stands up to defend their rights, the seller will Adjusted to be unified online and offline, he will also be short of the weight of the meal, and work on the weight of the meal. Moreover, it is difficult for the regulatory authorities to manage, and the volume of takeaways is too large.

Secondly, the hotel will also charge extra packaging fees, although it seems reasonable, it is not. After all, there is no need to pack the cost to eat in the store, and it is getting higher and higher, and the charges are not reasonable. Imagine that if you use tableware in a store, the store also has labor costs, depreciation costs for tableware, and cleaning costs. In a sense, takeaway saves these costs for the store. The store should not charge for packing lunch boxes. They just Just make a profit by charging lunch box fees.

There are more and more preferential traps, and the cost of eating is getting higher and higher, which makes the takeaway industry obviously downhill. After eating a few losses, Zhao Jiaxue vowed not to order takeaway again, and would rather rush to the store to pack it back, and absolutely not Order takeaway.

But Jing Tian sighed another thing secretly in his heart: Shouldn't you tell you two Liu Yaya cheated and won? Presumably, no matter what kind of dishes Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue serve, it is impossible for them to have the taste of their mother's food. After all, the taste is deeply rooted in their own memory and is indelible. Moreover, Liu Yaya is quite smart, and she only learns the few dishes that she likes the most and never tire of eating, but Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue have never asked what they like. If you want to please someone, at least respect each other. Isn't it an opinion?

Many times, the meals made by people with enthusiasm and kindness are often not in the taste of the guests, right?

The same is true for dinner. Have you asked the customers’ opinions about the pre-ordered dishes? I’m afraid that most of them are what you think is the special dish. Maybe the special dish you ordered is very spicy, but the customer is a stomach trouble. How about people who only eat light dishes? Or maybe the guests have a cold stomach these days, but you have a whole table of crab dishes? Although the guests will not blame anything, but if you want to get 200% affirmation and favor from the guests, you must know yourself and the enemy before it works.

Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue lose here, but Yun Yiyi seems to have understood this. Today’s food is simply a copy of yesterday’s dinner. Of course, it can only be said to be a copy of the dishes, not a copy of the taste, or even the color of the dishes. They can't do the duplication. After all, if you want to reach the level of a national chef, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can match.

Zhao Jiaxue, who was sitting at the dining table, was full of displeasure at the moment. The reason for his discomfort was naturally not that the food did not match Jing Tian's appetite, nor that the food tasted less than Liu Yaya, but Liu Yaya was sitting next to Jing Tian!

"Why do you show up here without any shame?" Zhao Jiaxue couldn't help but stared at Liu Yaya and asked.

"Oh? Isn't it normal?" Liu Yaya said with an unclear appearance.

"Of course it's not normal. Where can neighbors come to eat dinner at noon every day? And just grab someone else's position!" Zhao Jiaxue said angrily.

"Oh? Is that so?" Liu Yaya turned her head and stared at Jing Tian's eyes, as if she had just threw the question to him.

However, Jing Tian agreed to go to Liu Yaya's place for dinner every day, didn't he just go to the neighbor's house every day to eat dinner? Thinking of this, Jing Tian smiled awkwardly: "Uh...Everyone is in a guild, and the relationship is better than that of neighbors, and I also promised Liu Yaya to go to her for dinner every night. Everyone is also considered courtesy!"


Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue's eyes were full of shock. Didn't expect Jing Tian to be hooked away by this fox just once? Even if you want to go to her every night, if there are no other people present, wouldn't it be logical for Rijiu to be in love, then there will be their scenes in the future?

"Prepare more chopsticks." Yun Yiyi was the first to react when he was shocked. Although his voice was still cold, there was a slight tremor.

Wait, what is more than a pair of chopsticks, can't I change the problem of cherishing the word as gold? What does this mean? It means to let Zhao Jiaxue prepare an extra pair of chopsticks, and welcome Liu Yaya to come to mix dinner for a long time in the future?

Of course not. What Yun Yiyi should say is: If this is the case, if I have an extra pair of chopsticks at night, I will also be bothered.

"Yiyi!" Zhao Jiaxue still didn't understand Yun Yiyi's intention at all, and questioned Yiyi's abrupt decision.

"While losing weight?" Yun Yiyi asked without shy.

Zhao Jiaxue was taken aback when she heard that she had no other ability, but jumping thinking was one of her characteristics. In just a moment, she understood what Yun Yiyi meant. This obviously tells me to give up losing weight and eat at night. Naturally, I want to eat with Jing Tian at night!

Indeed, regardless of whether Jing Tian has another purpose or not, but the things Jing Tian decides are generally few people can change, and in the current situation, she and Yun Yiyi have no confidence to defeat Liu Yaya in cooking, because they know if it is not Jing Tian’s For this reason, they themselves will recognize Liu Yaya's cooking skills without hesitation. Think about Liu Yaya's special status again. She is a senior consultant of Tengyi Company. Jing Tian said long ago that he would get more information and intelligence from Liu Yaya. At least everyone was shocked last night. The pillow dolls surrounding the game in the full house confirm that the development of the game is proceeding according to Jing Tian's thinking. If you blindly block it, I am afraid it will ruin the frog's plan!

"Huh, just be a gift, get two more chopsticks, and I will go too." Zhao Jiaxue was a little unhappy and slammed into her bowl, seeming to put all her anger on the food.

"Oh? I didn't say that I would agree with you to come together. I want to be alone with Jing Tian. What kind of candlelight dinner is more suitable for lovers." Liu Yaya took a bite of the dish unceremoniously. Sky Dungeon

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