Sky Dungeon

Chapter 327: Call all players in the league

Due to the tight wind tonight, everyone went back to their rooms and naturally played the game immediately. Within two minutes, Liu Yaya was also on the line. After pulling her into the chat room, Zhao Jiaxue asked curiously: "Don't you need to do the dishes? Why? So fast, keep things until tomorrow, be careful that they will smell!"

This is also a good point of attack. Women are not diligent, and the whole family should not be clean.

"Oh? Don't you know that there is something called a dishwasher? Just rush it and throw it in. Didn't you install it?" Liu Yaya said in a disdainful tone.

"Can such high-tech things be cleaned?" Zhao Jiaxue questioned. In her opinion, no matter how advanced machines are, there is no way to replace human labor. Otherwise, why do you still need Liu Yaya to cook in person, just a cooking robot? That's it!

Jing Tian wiped a sweat from his heart. Most dishwashers are washed first and then steamed. High temperature disinfection is definitely better than washing by hand, and the added brightener makes the washed dishes look better than hand washing, but Zhao Jiaxue is useless That's it. Thinking of this, Jing Tian stumbled in his heart. He actually ignored this. On weekdays, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi cook, and most of the bowls are made by them. He and Luo Xia rarely help, presumably their hands will become too hard. It's rough, it's better to buy one for them yourself, isn't this a matter of your own, why do you think of it now?

So, Jing Tian immediately said indifferently: "Uh...I will pay for one for us later. Although the dishwasher is not as good as yours, it does not hurt your hands. Your prolonged exposure to detergent will make your skin change. Bad. Don't mention rubber gloves or something, after all, you are not used to them."

In this way, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue are warm in their hearts. Naturally, they think Jing Tian feels distressed for them. This is full of love, but in fact, Jing Tian’s heart is just a little more guilty. The open-mouthed man is ashamed to use his friend as a nanny for free.

Although Liu Yaya might have guessed what Jing Tian was thinking, she was full of jealousy. She absolutely couldn't let the two women misunderstand something, so she quickly reminded: "Oh? You are an old man and care about everything around you. People, it's easy to be sentimental like this."

"Cut, frogs are very good to us, and foreigners like you don't understand it. If you are jealous, you can take down your own dishwasher and throw it away." Zhao Jiaxue is nothing. She didn't shy away, she seemed to have caught another very advantageous attack point, and said so happy.

Disassemble your dishwasher and throw it away? The evil lady has this kind of jumping thinking, right? After throwing it away, so that I can buy one for Liu Yaya because of guilt?

"Uh... Everyone gather in the guild, let's do the guild mission first. Mouse, how high is your sister?" Jing Tian deliberately changed the subject and let the woman quarrel like this, but the result could only be dark!

"You have to be psychologically prepared. I'm afraid to say it directly and scare you to death. My sister is already at level 28." Yang Miaomiao made a mystery. The key is that he said that everyone should be psychologically prepared, but But I didn't give everyone the time to prepare, and the mystery was revealed directly. What is it about? It is really difficult to communicate with aliens!

"Wow..." the women exclaimed in an enviable tone. It has to be said that Yang Mimi's upgrade speed is indeed a bit too fast, even reaching the level of abnormality. At present, the first player echelon of the African Cloud Riding Guild is only a little more than 29, and it should be upgraded to 30 tomorrow. Now, Yang Mimi, who has just started playing the game for a few days, has already reached level 28. At this rate, isn't she really breaking the world personal upgrade record? I am afraid that she will become the player who takes the shortest time to upgrade to level 30 in the world, and even Jing Tian has to admit defeat, and she is the kind of five-body cast.

"Tonight, let your sister prepare too, so that she can also see and see the invasion of the demons." Jing Tian smiled faintly.

"Is my sister okay, but at the current upgrade speed, I feel that she won't be able to reach level 30 tomorrow." Yang Miaomiao asked in confusion.

"Almost, even if she is only level 29, the system doesn't stipulate that she can't fight the demons, isn't it?" Jing Tian smiled mysteriously, arrogantly.

"You can participate in Meow if you don't reach level 30? Then we call all players from the Alliance, isn't it easy to shoot the players of the Moon Destroying Force?" Yang Meow said noncommittal.

Sure enough, aliens are naive!

"Of course, it’s just that it’s completely unnecessary. To kill pigs with a dragon-killing knife, even if there are only a few of us, it’s enough to deal with Demon players. Besides, if a large number of Alliance players come to our guild as goalkeepers, the Demon gang Will people come to die stupidly? Not only will they not come, I am afraid they will secretly record the video, and then publicize it on the official forum, saying that our alliance players are useless, then we can become the sinners of the whole alliance." Jing Tian explained lightly.

In fact, Jing Tian didn't have any certainty to pull alliance players to help his guild guard the gate. Now that other guilds have not yet been established, they are looking forward to seeing the camp of the riding cloud guild being trampled by the demons. How can they help? It's hard to say that there is no guild personnel. Those angry youths who hate the demon and are bullied by the demon are likely to be used, but Jing Tian is not 100% sure.

"It turns no wonder you have no fear. Even if the demons invade the guild, the demons are still demons. When they come to the alliance area, the alliance players can still attack them. But the holy sword warns me, they You should and can attack the Alliance players at will. If these 50-person 30-level teams are entangled together, I am afraid that many people will be unlucky. Since I am the king, I can’t bear to suffer a massacre of my people.” Yu Yan is a little worried. The second path in the earth.

"Uh... When will your people expand to the entire league? Besides, not many league players have already agreed to guilds. At this time, it depends on the reactions of those guilds. It is also a good practice. If you just spoil them, It’s impossible to thrive.” Jing Tian immediately persuaded him with the second disease thinking that he is not a superman who maintains world peace. Besides, there are so many players in the game, how can they listen to him, even if he has organized scattered players to encircle and suppress. The Mozu's strategy, but no one has implemented it, it is still a dampness.

Everyone warmed up with the guild mission first, but none of the guild missions on this day were related to Jing Tian and the others. It seemed that they wanted to leave the good show behind, so everyone still ran to the underground of Chisa City as planned. Level 7 in the city. At this time, there are more and more world channels. It’s not the topic of Ruiyue and Riding Cloud Guild, but about Yang Mimi. After all, her upgrade speed is too fast, and the fan group of the Empress is even more brain-dead. The ground surrounded her to kill monsters voluntarily, and her level was about to break through level 29. Sky Dungeon

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