Sky Dungeon

Chapter 343: Good and evil are rewarded eventually

"I'll do it! I bought the food, and don't ask us to get up. Are you going to swallow the frog? Is there a toad like you who swallows swan meat?" Luo Xia came out of the bedroom, wearing big pants and a vest. It seemed that they didn't see the two beauties at all, only the food on the table was in their eyes, and they walked straight to the table, like a scavenger hungry, exuding a greedy appetite.

"The common people are the common people, and they are sloppy and casual, so you have to pay attention to the occasion." Nan Lingxi cocked her nose and muttered in her heart: This profiteer was brought back with great pains, and you are going to grab it in the well. Dining in front of the sky really trampled on the painstaking efforts of the profiteer. Be careful that the profiteer let the maids come and castrate you, so that you can experience the feeling of "castrating under the peony flower, you can only suffer as a ghost".

"What do you do! The frog doesn't wear the same clothes as me. Why am I sloppy and casual? Is he officially tall? If you have money, you can wear colored glasses?" Luo Xia said confidently against his belly, he deliberately Once again, I glanced at Jing Tian, ​​who was wearing shorts and sandals, and whose upper body was only two and a half sleeves longer than himself, his eyes were full of disobedience and grievance.

"What do you know, Brother Jing is pretending to be decadent, you are really decadent, and the temperament that your body exudes is completely different. Can the two be compared?" Nan Lingxi slammed Luo Xia with contemptuous eyes.

"Uh... Well said, you know me well. Brother is playing with decadent flow. If you see it, I will say that rich ladies like decadent handsome guys and hardworking and quick fat cooks. Fatty, you must be decadent with me. In the future, you will still exercise more and go to the kitchen to practice cooking. If you can’t apply for a **** chef school, you will definitely be very popular.” Jing Tian now dares to mention the term fat in front of Luo Xia.

"What's wrong with the fat man, I am fat and I am proud. My wife likes fat. She is afraid that I will become thinner!" Luo Xia disdainfully said, full of the beauty of fat theories that Yang Mimi said to him. In the mist, happy as a dream. In the current Luoxia, the only belief he believes in is: fat is beautiful!

Isn't this the point? Who said that made you a decadent fat man? How did your understanding ability learn from Yang Miaomiao?

"I'm going to call Yun Yiyi up. Let's have dinner first. Zhao Jiaxue probably will have to wait a while." Jing Tian didn't bother to reason about beauty with him. I believe that if Luo Xia and Jin Chengwu discuss whether a fat man should The problem of liposuction is bound to be another tense scene atmosphere.

That's right, fat people can also get liposuction, and liposuction does not necessarily make them thinner. Fat people can **** out eight packs of abdominal muscles and play bodybuilding, right?

The five people sitting at the table, all frowned slightly. After all, the soup was spilled everywhere. It is inevitable that their hands would touch these greasy things during the process of opening the fast food box. This touch made Nanling Xi was also a little embarrassed, and hurriedly drew out tissues from the drawers to distribute them to everyone.

"Frog, how come your skills are getting worse and worse, and you have produced so much oil and water. Didn't you fail to pay the bill and order the king's meal? It seems that your escape skills have improved a lot, and the boss has not chased it. You will be responsible for the next fight or something. Anyway, you run fast, and the final start is not too late." Luo Xia wiped the overflowing soup with toilet paper and teased Mai Taijing.

"'s not me today, it's Zhao Jiaxue." Jing Tian couldn't directly name Nan Lingxi, after all, she was also a victim.

"Xiaoxue?" Yun Yiyi's cold voice was full of doubts. Although Zhao Jiaxue did say that Liu Yaya would be intercepted for Jing Tian, ​​how about people?

"She took Nan Lingxi to go together. After ordering the meal, she might have a stomachache, and let Nan Lingxi come back first. Now I don't know which corner to hide in." Jing Tian said in a faint embarrassment, he still did not tell the truth. Puncture.

But who was Yun Yiyi? It was the roundworm in Jing Tian's stomach. She could understand what was going on when she just listened to it, but she didn't intend to cooperate with Zhao Jiaxue's intent to attack, and then she picked up chopsticks without a word. Dine with vegetables.

"It turned out to be like this. Rich woman, this is your fault. If you can't mention it, you can hire someone to help you. They say that the more money you get, the more stingy you are. This is really the case. The point is that you don't know how to buy more. Food? Zhao Jiaxue must pay everyone’s meal money. Although this is her hospitality, you have to show something as a guest, right? You should at least take advantage of her absence and order more. Let her bring it back later.” Luo Xia was full of bad water, and his heart was naturally smiling. Next time, if Zhao Jiaxue messes with others, she might even be cheated if he sits again. The key is that I have a big meal to eat, and my stomach is shaking with excitement whenever I think about it!

"Do the common people have this kind of courtesy rules?"

Nan Lingxi stared at Jing Tian with suspicious eyes. Jing Tian accidentally caught the signal from her. Although he didn't want the fat man to succeed, but considering the necessity of punishing Zhao Jiaxue, he had to say indifferently: "Yes. "

Jing Tian shook his head in his heart and thought: Zhao Jiaxue, Zhao Jiaxue, you will end up harming others and you will end up hurting yourself next time you play this hand. As the saying goes: good and evil will eventually be rewarded, deceiving people will reincarnate.

Just when the five people spent half of the meal Zhao Jiaxue came home slowly. She looked at a meal that hadn't been touched, and then pretended to be surprised: "Why spilled so much? "

"I'm sorry, it's because the profiteer didn't hold on to it, and the method of delivering takeaway was incorrect." Nan Lingxi admitted his mistake very generously.

"Why are you here, who asked you to eat the food I bought?" Zhao Jiaxue stared at Liu Yaya maliciously, and when she saw Nan Lingxi bowed her head to admit her mistake, Zhao Jiaxue felt so refreshed in her heart. She felt like a queen possessed her body. Beating Liu Yaya, a cheap maid, can make yourself comfortable all day.

"Oh? You bought seven copies, two of which are for Luo Xia, and one for the rest. Isn't it mine?" Liu Yaya pretended to be surprised.

Zhao Jiaxue said with resentment in her heart at this time: You cunning woman, who made me wait outside the door for so long, now I am embarrassed to sit here and enjoy it. You should mention this, don't think I will let you go! So, she immediately sneered: "The man has two servings, and I bought the frog you eat! Frog... I didn’t expect someone to grab your food in public. It’s a shameful world. !" Sky Dungeon

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