Sky Dungeon

Chapter 365: Regardless of the smoke, wind and rain, the carrier will be ashamed to cross Jiangnan

"Fatty is right. You should be careful to make the Wannian Boat. The queen of the Nanlingxi mixed shopping mall is definitely not on the upper hand with clean conspiracy, and will use some conspiracy more or less." Jing Tian is also out of concern and Remind lightly, of course he has a more invisible sense of guilt, a little worried about Nan Lingxi.

"Oh? If you see her now, you won't think so. Besides, women's intuition has always been accurate." Liu Yaya smiled mysteriously.

Everyone naturally thinks that Liu Yaya has not finished speaking, but no one asks, because Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue naturally have the same feeling. They can feel from their hearts that Nanlingxi absolutely loves Jingtian with all their heart, absolutely no adulteration. Any evil thoughts and impurities. However, if such a woman is reprimanded by the man she loves, and even draws a line, then what kind of apocalyptic scene will be in her heart, even if she can't imagine it, she can feel the pain of falling to pieces by the sky.

Liu Yaya didn't want to comfort Nan Lingxi, or to say that comforting herself might only be counterproductive, let alone one less competitor, why not do it?

As their thoughts passed, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi had already made four more delicious dishes and brought them to the table. The staple food became bread, and everyone was still very satisfied. Needless to say, Liu Yaya’s craftsmanship is still so amazing and delicious. It can be regarded as top-notch cuisine.

However, although the four dishes prepared by Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi seem to be inferior, each dish has a slight sweet and sour aroma, which makes people never tire of eating. Jing Tian and Luo Xia are naturally the clearest. These four dishes are set. It is a special seasoning, not that kind of thing? Thinking of this, Luo Xia said in a frightened tone: "You don't have poppy shells, right?"

Poppy shell! That’s right, the meat cooked with this kind of stuff is really fragrant and addictive, but for cooking, I’m afraid it’s necessary to boil poppy husks in water and boil them into a specific soup for cooking wine. Of course, You can directly marinate poppy husks with cooking wine, and you can also make something with the same effect. Fat people who have been in the society have seen some unhealthy braised meat shops using this kind of contraband. After all, those processing plants need to be sheltered by local snakes. Without security, it will naturally cause a lot of trouble.

"Zhao Jiaxue's own words are possible, how could Yiyi be so confused?" Jing Tian didn't doubt it at all, and lightly denied Luo Xia's hypothesis.

"Returning the poppy shell, I gave you aphrodisiac! Fortunately, you can figure it out. You are doubting the strength of our two beautiful chefs. In the future, you should stop eating the food we cooked. The province will poison you. I really deserve to be single for a lifetime!" Zhao Jiaxue wanted to scold it just now, but she didn't expect Jing Tian to come out to refute the rumors at the first time. Zhao Jiaxue was also happy in her heart.

"Yaya, Nan Lingxi, did she go back?" Jing Tian asked lightly. In fact, Jing Tian didn't have a very good lunch today. The beauties were naturally aware of it. Now that he asks like this, it means he doesn't fight. Self-recruitment shows that all he was thinking of for lunch was the woman from Nan Lingxi.

After all, Nan Lingxi was made cry by Jing Tian. The man who made the woman cry is not a good man. Jing Tian is not a good man, but he is definitely not a bad man. He always blames himself in his heart, and what he said seems a bit too heavy. Moreover, I didn't make others treat myself well, and I also reciprocated the same kindness. On the contrary, he gave the other side a lot of malice. This was the reason why Jing Tian was uneasy. It was this sense of guilt that made him eat this meal like a needle.

"Well, I went back, but I didn't eat a bite of food. Although I don't want you to go, you are a good person, even if I stop you, you can't stop you, even the person who stopped you can't stop you. Heart, I will accompany you back to warm up the food. You can bring it to her to eat.” Liu Yaya actually showed weakness at this time, as if she was going to hand her fiance to others. This is contrary to Liu Yaya’s usual style. Even Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi on the side were dumbfounded, thinking in their hearts: What kind of style is this woman?

Of course, perhaps only Jing Tian and Liu Yaya understand that Nan Lingxi’s identity is there. If Nan Lingxi goes on a hunger strike because of Jing Tian’s remarks, or if there is anything more extraordinary, then Jing Tian’s responsibility is not at all. Shirkable. It is said that dying for one's beloved one is a happy thing, but to die by one's beloved popularity is definitely a sin rejected by the world.

What's more, Jing Tian and the Jing family have long drawn a clear line, but the Nan family will not simply think that this is Jing Tian's personal behavior, and will even anger the Jing family. Although it may be very small, after all, the comprehensive strength of the Nan family is not as good as that of the Jing family, and a head-on with the Jing family is self-defeating, but even if there is a probability of one in ten thousand, Jing Tian does not want this matter to involve the Jing family, because he and the Jing family The Jing family has nothing to do. He didn't want the old witch to come to him, and he didn't want the old witch's husband to scold him. Compared with that person, he would definitely laugh at himself: "It is really bad luck for a bereavement dog that was swept out to return to the original owner."

That's right, it's the feeling that I don't want to cause trouble to the Jing family, even if I hate that family. Jing Tian's thoughts are a little confused at this time. He is such a responsible Even if he knows that his starting point is correct, when his friend is insulted, he should be angry and should turn his face. , But Nan Lingxi is also his own friend. Is it right to hurt friends for the so-called friendship?

Of course it’s a friend. Even though Jing Tian didn’t talk to Nan Lingxi a few times in elementary school, Nan Lingxi often appeared behind him, like a little sister, a little tail. She has been secretly paying attention to herself. It is not that she is timid to observe everyone, her small heart is all dedicated to herself, but the feeling of fetters hidden deep in her heart is awakened bit by bit.

Besides, from the perspective of Nan Lingxi, in her cognitive world, or in her identity, what is wrong with saying that Zhao Jiaxue and the others are common people? Isn't Nan Lingxi saying this for her own good? It is true that she has been too casual in these years, and it has been a long time since she has had a physical examination. She really should pay attention to her physical condition.

Do you want to show concern for your friends? Are you someone who casually hurts others' love? Even if you want to have a clear relationship with Nan Lingxi, you can't trample on other people's kindness to yourself!

This situation and this scene are precisely: regardless of the smoke and wind and rain, the carrier will be ashamed of the Jiangnan. Sky Dungeon

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