Sky Dungeon

Chapter 371: Demon Army

"You understand now, I said why I didn't need to come over deliberately, just in this situation, the Guild of Ruining Moon is coming two, and they are not their opponents." Jing Tian explained lightly, seeming to show how prescient he is.

"My holy sword said, maybe you were wrong this time. According to my understanding, Ruiyue established the Pact organization. The forces of the Demon Race who joined the Pact Organization will come out this time, although I don't know the demon players who eventually gathered. How many people are there, but they are definitely not fewer than those of Blue Wolf."

Yu Yan’s words shocked everyone present. The demons had already formed an organization. This was obviously a step ahead of the alliance. There was still a disc of loose sand on the alliance. There were different calculations for the demons. Isn't it as crisp as white paper, it breaks with a poke? If it is true as Yu Yan said, then this trip is necessary. Even if you don't do anything, you must understand the current situation. If you can't understand the situation, the next time the demons invade, you might suffer a big loss.

   After all, it is impossible for any guild to resist the artillery fire of a pact organization of the Demon Race. The truth of field warfare is that the number of heads determines everything!

   A scene shortly after further confirmed what Yu Yan said that the moon-destroying forces did not directly attack, but gathered everyone in a remote valley outside the Blue Wolf Guild. After all, this piece of land belongs to the mountain area, and only then has the Azure Wolf Guild’s resident Yufengtai, but this also allows the Demon Race players to find a relatively remote assembly place far away from the main road. They did not reveal their whereabouts and did not rush to launch. Attacking, but waiting for something. A few minutes later, the first demon team from the convention organization arrived. In the next half an hour, the number of demon troops gathered from all directions was no less than 150!

   This number is indeed far beyond Jing Tian’s estimate, and there are still troops from the Mozu side arriving one after another, and the number of people is constantly setting new records! But the time for the Demon invasion mission is limited. The boss of Ruiyue seems to be a little impatient. He gave an order, and more than 800 demon army rose from the ground and slowly drove towards the Blue Wolf Guild resident. The war of disparity in strength has thus begun.

When this powerful joint army of the convention organization stepped into the field of vision, everyone was a little dazed, and even forgot what to do afterwards, just want to hide in the corner and wait for the blue wolf guild in the distance to be completely Tread flat.

"My God, are we going to help Meow?" At this time, Yang Miaomiao actually retreated. He thought it was a win-win situation, but the development of things now exceeds everyone's expectations. There is a desire for PVP, but there is no desire to give a head. Anyone who sees this mighty demon army at this time has the feeling of avoiding it. I am afraid that it is possible for such an army to slaughter the Union City!

"It seems that before the overbearing, we still despised our guild. If we take this kind of battle and are attacked by Mozu players in turn, we will go offline and run away. What guild is based on, let the enemy trample on it." Jing Tian laughed at himself. Said lightly.

   "Even if you die, you must help. If this battle cannot resolve the grievances between our two families, then we will have no chance of winning in the face of the growing demons." Taurus took the initiative to express his views at this time.

"That's right, not to mention that we have been waiting for so long and can't go back empty-handed. Although it seems that there is a huge gap in strength, there are still some hidden variables. It is too early to make a conclusion about who wins and loses. "Jing Tian predicted lightly.

   Variable? Who wins and counts, isn’t it there? Why is there any suspense? At this time, some wise people knew the variables well, but no one said that they broke. After all, variables are variables. They may be the killer's trick to comeback, or they may be the sharp edge held high behind them. No one can conclude.

Although the demons assembled quickly during this period, the Blue Wolf Group Guild was not idle. Players who went online one after another also rushed over. Since the time of the demons invasion was rather strange, it seemed that they had deliberately targeted the poor **** to go to work. The frustration of the tribes chose this time period for normal work. However, the number of members of the Blue Wolf Group Guild Alliance at this time has reached about 600, and its momentum has reached its peak for a time. Many players have also speculated that the Demon players will leave when they see the current grand square. However, when a player screamed for the demon to kill, the eyes of everyone gradually became a little dim and anxious. Although there were 200 more Mozu players, no one dared to look down upon the crowds of people.

"Attention everyone, MT stepped forward, the long-range profession followed MT closely, the close combat profession protected the far attack profession, the treatment all retreated to the guild wall, everyone opened the BUFF and retreated against the wall, ready to fight!" His voice is heavy and He didn’t feel pressure, but it changed from being easy to a little uneasy. He believes that with his organizational ability, he can still fight against demons, even if it’s the number of people. Disadvantages, relying on the advantages of the terrain, this battle also has a 60 to 70% chance of winning.

The Soul of the Blue Wolf still somewhat overestimated his strategy and the power that the advantage of the terrain can bring. The terrain of Pingchuan is nothing more than a guild on the back. Of course, it is not that the terrain plays a small role in the game, but At this stage, players do not have the ability to change the terrain at all. How can they rely on the advantages of the terrain?

Yes, in the later stage of the game, some professions can change the terrain of the game. If the current map environment of the game undergoes a drastic change, that is the real terrain warfare. You can turn the map scene into an environment that is beneficial to your side to achieve real terrain warfare. .

  The Blue Wolf Guild is a group guild, so the city defense established is also a big city defense. Several branch guild stations are all enclosed within the big city defense. There are no other defense measures in the big city defense. This is different from Jingtian's philosophy. After all, the Green Wolf Group's trade union is always a family. There are naturally many benefits to using the big city wall and the guild gate, which saves the total cost of city defense and facilitates the deployment and use of guild funds.

However, the small guild alliance that Jing Tian wants to create, although it is an alliance, is impossible for everyone to transfer their guild funds to Jing Tian to manage it. It is just a relatively loose association. Therefore, the guilds established by Jing Tian adopt independent urban defenses. According to the concept, there are independent city defenses within the total city defense. This is a lot more than the total amount of money spent on unified city defense. However, the independent city defenses of the loose alliances are borne independently, and the cost is not alone. Therefore, it does not greatly affect the development of the guild.

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