Sky Dungeon

Chapter 380: Cheating skills

Everyone suppressed the urge to rush to squash Taurus, and waited for his reply, but after a few seconds, Taurus' words made everyone immediately want to squash him ten times, and even shot him a hundred times on the spot. Just listen to Taurus saying: "If you ask, they say confidentiality."

Is this a question? Keep your sister secret! Now the Cloud Riding Guild is following the more than twenty people of the Star Guild headlessly to the north. This is originally the northern suburbs. If you go further north, you will enter the Orc Territory, but even if you enter the Orc Territory, it is not The cities of the orcs are far apart, and it is impossible to use the orcs to guard the NPC.

and many more! Orc territory? Jing Tian quickly recalled the landform situation ahead in his mind. Most of the orc territories are mainly dense virgin forests, which are still different from the beautiful giant forests in the elf territory. The virgin forest of the orcs is characterized by dense jungles and suitable for concealment. All demons who enter it must beware of ambushes from all directions. It is the first choice for ambushing prey. It is more secretive than urban street fighting. Think about the Vietnam War. Why does the U.S. military have a headache for the dense jungle? Even frantically spraying a large amount of defoliant, as long as it makes good use of the jungle, it may be possible for American soldiers to relive that tragic history.

However, there are more than forty people who are unable to complete an effective ambush without careful layout. The best strategy is to choose to disperse and evacuate. At least three-quarters of the players can escape from the chase of the demons. After all, the demons do not. They dare to carry out a carpet search easily, and their manpower is not enough. Once they are consumed by an ambush, the group will be destroyed.

Therefore, the virgin forest in the Orc Territory is really a good place to go. The President of the Star Guild, Mianzuo Bei, is also a thoughtful person, but his so-called secrecy is not a scattered ambush, or a collective ambush ? I always felt that this wasn't a backhand, it seemed like an escape route arranged in advance.

"It's coming!" Yun Yiyi coldly reminded. It is the team's eyes and clairvoyant halo that Yun Xueyiyi's vision is already farther than others, and he can always feed back the enemy's movements in the first time.

This is too fast! Jing Tian began to wonder if the equipment of the other Alliance players was paper-cut. However, they were scarred at first, coupled with the poor combat power of a low-level and low-level equipment that had just been upgraded to level 30, and now they were hit by such a carbine by the demon elite, it would indeed not last long. Fortunately, they are already a distance away from the demons. Even if Jing Tian finds the opportunity to choose to enter the space ring, it is completely possible, and then share the coordinates with the alliance players, calling on everyone to participate in this resistance to the invasion of the demons. The battle guild came to encircle and suppress.

However, this may leave the Demon with a handle for saliva. Maybe it will be videotaped and publicized on the forum. Even if it is a victory, it will be promoted by the Demon as an alliance. Only by hiding in the space ring and playing intrigues. Win. What's more, whether there will be any alliance players rushing over to annihilate the demons. After all, it doesn't matter how you hang up high, if it's about oneself, there is no experience reward for killing the demon, and it can only instigate personal feelings and the view of alliance honor and disgrace.

Even if it succeeds, the fruits of this victory will be greatly reduced by that time. Not only was it ridiculed by the demons to win by quantity, but it was also hyped as a conspiracy and intrigue to win, which really reduced the morale of the alliance. Therefore, the only option now is to reach the primeval forest area as soon as possible and prepare for an ambush.

Sure enough, after the virgin forest caught everyone's eyes, the Taurus came and said: "Don't go deep into the forest, put your formation in front of the forest and prepare to fight!"

Not into the forest? Don't fight an ambush? What is the purpose of running for so long, is it to restore the skills? What if the skills are restored? Are these fighting nations confident to fight two? Although their equipment is not inferior to the demons, their skills are still weaker in all aspects, and their overall combat effectiveness is still not comparable to players from the Moon Destruction Force.

Wouldn't be pitted by the fighting nation? The sky is endless, and people have something to do. If you don't do it, you won't die, and it's easy to roll over. Everyone waited with some doubts for Jing Tian to give instructions, but Jing Tian said in his heart: "According to the Star Guild, prepare to meet!"

"Huh? Just waiting for your words!" Yang Mimi said with a smile, and her sister who didn't eat mice turned around and rushed up. This woman was really bold enough, but there were more than a hundred people on the opposite side. She was so confident. The ground rushed up, is she really confident to fly a kite of a hundred people? However, Jing Tian, ​​who was accustomed to the bold manipulation of aliens, only sighed in her heart, and let her go wayward. Anyway, the alien halo was there, and it was not surprising that something amazing happened.

I have to say that the sister who doesn’t eat mice is like an alien possessed, with full super powers, and the attack on her by the Mozu, she can hide away casually, this is simply [precognition] Ah, a special function that only aliens have. In contrast, the steel needle shot from her mechanism box seemed to have opened the eye of the sky, and it hit the key of the demon character.

This situation can be described as: Demon's infinite salted pig hand, a skill injury cannot be achieved.

At this time, the overbearing forces of the ruining moon have to suspect that [Sister who does not eat mice] is here to deceive the skill, not to mention why she came to harass by herself, just by looking at her agile pace while shooting and retreating, we can know that, This guy clearly adds the all-sensitive attribute! Does Quan Min have this benefit at a few In the future, we will also need to train a few Quan Min dodge shells masters. The two armies will let them rush into battle first, which will definitely consume a lot of opponent skills!

Overbearing did not realize the real horror of Yang Mimi’s aliens. Although full agility and high movement speed, some professions also have locking skills, but Yang Miyue can let the other party’s locked skills be used and discarded, and will fly a kite. The distance control is so overwhelming, this is the most troublesome thing.

How much harm can such a full-minded profession cause them this group of hundred people? After understanding this, Domineering immediately ordered: "Everyone ignore the crazy woman in front, she is cheating skills!"

Hearing the overbearing instructions, the players suddenly realized that their previous long-range attack skills seemed to be empty, and the opponent also used the kite-flying footwork to prevent some attacks from reaching her at all.

Especially at this time, Yang Mimi's sister, who is not eating mice, used a first-order white eagle. Her normal attack range was increased by 10 meters. Others could not hit her, but her steel needle was acupuncture. Enter the other side's face. And every time the demons stopped to attack, she was invisibly pulled a little away, and slowed down the overall marching speed of the demons. Sky Dungeon

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