Sky Dungeon

Chapter 390: It's so easy to give people a good face, and to hide a knife in a smile is the mo

Before Luo Xia came up with a perfect sacrifice plan, Petrochemical Arrow brushed the huge body of Luo Jing Xia Shi even more unceremoniously. That's right, just after passing it, Luo Xia's heart changed from shock to surprise, because he knew that this arrow must have been shot by a friendly army, and who could support such an arrow in time, besides Yun Yiyi, who else? However, don't hamper my sacrifice plan casually!

That's right, this arrow is exactly the petrochemical arrow issued by Yun Xueyiyi. Thanks to the success of the decapitation team, the news of the overbearing death of the moon-ruining forces spread quickly among the demons. Now they have no leader and lost the command system. The battle is also a little weak.

This is also the difference between Sky Dungeon and traditional online games. Many traditional online games can lie down and continue to observe the command after death, but this game forces the commander to send the return ticket, which makes the single command tower mode very easy to be destroyed .

Without the command tower, the player's battle will lose its tactics. The Demon players will naturally retreat steadily. Yun Xueyi can only extend the attack range to where the current Blueberry is. Although Zappi Blueberry has learned lessons from the past, her body has not been freed from the interruption of the action. This gray petrified arrow shot from a distance hit her chest, and the petrified state took effect instantly! Although there are only a few seconds, but in these few seconds, the formation of the Demon Race has been rushed to pieces, and the new round of long-range attacks of the Alliance players have also covered the whole body of the **** faction Blueberry. Where does she have a chance to continue Chase?

At this point, the decapitating team of Qiyun successfully completed the decapitating task and retreated perfectly. Although most Alliance players do not know how strong the sense of cooperation and luck this process requires, the Unicorn Taurus secretly praised him in his heart. At the beginning, he was not optimistic about Jing Tian's beheading decision. After all, the overall situation has been set and there is no need to take such a risk. However, Jing Tian's beheading action has greatly promoted the development of the entire battle situation and made the war firmly held in his own hands. In the end, all the demon player characters with visible vision were all sent back to the demon domain under the strong attack of the alliance players.

The first world-class battle against the invasion of the demon finally ended with the victory of the alliance. Although it was said to be world-class, there were not many players participating. This was just a miniature of the future invasion of the demon.

Moreover, the glory of this battle was all taken over by the Blue Wolf Group Guild. Obviously, the Soul of the Blue Wolf was well calculated and planned long ago. The world was full of cheers from the Blue Wolf Guild players, and all the glory was lost to them. Without shame, they took over, as if the demons had been repelled by their guild. Although the other guilds participating in the war felt a little aggrieved in their hearts, after all, the members of the Blue Wolf guild did not even say a word of thanks. How could this not make people angry? However, before the members of these guilds stood up and complained, the Demon Race began to scold the Blue Wolf Guild.

"You are embarrassed to put gold on your face from the Blue Wolf Guild. If it weren't for more than a dozen guilds to come and help, can you hold it?" ID [Doomsday Thief] can't stand it anymore, he has seen shameless people, but Never seen anyone who doesn't want BFACE like this.

"Blue wolf, if you have the ability, you will come to the field again. The number of people on both sides is the same. Don't know that you can win by number. We are all shy for you if you spend money to hire a bunch of guild thugs." ID [The weather is colder and the water is colder] provoked. The key is that the guild thugs are suffering, where did they receive the money?

"Don't pretend, why are thousands of you demons here at once? Don't you want to bully the less? If you can't lose, you will know your saliva." ID [a tea, a chair and a book] took out some of the facts and said .

"That is, the demons use more to lose but less. What's to clamor for, don't accept it and fight again!" ID [Xingyue Mingchen] completely turned black and white.

It has to be said that many people are born to exaggerate and scold, and both sides exaggerate all the facts at the same time, and the exaggeration can be used to write novels. It's true: endless drooling, endless saliva.

During the period, the Mozu naturally unceremoniously tore through the mask of hypocrisy of the Blue Wolf Guild, and both sides insisted on their own words, but often the facts were better than the eloquence. The victory of the Blue Wolf Guild was a fact, and the words of the Mozu players were all eloquence, so Most Alliance players are still willing to believe in the victorious Blue Wolf Guild. Only the players on both sides who had experienced the resident battle at that time knew who decided the victory of this war.

Especially the Alliance players who participated in the Demon annihilation battle before the final virgin forest. When they saw the players of the Riding Cloud Guild bravely rushing into the enemy line and beheading the overbearing power of the Moon Destroyer, they all had the same idea: riding The Yun Guild is not the number one in the rumored name, but the number one guild in the alliance! Their strength lies not in the number of players, but in their boldness and wisdom.

The Soul of the Blue Wolf naturally knows that the help of other alliance guilds has played a pivotal role. At the same time, he also sees clearly that even if these guilds don’t make a the demons are only the ruining forces that can attack their own guild. The Blue Wolf Group Guild only needs to guard the gate of the resident, come to kill one person, and kill one pair of children. As long as there is an absolute advantage in the number of people, it will not lose the battle. Therefore, the League Guild’s help will not have the effect of changing the ending. In a sense, they just pushed the ending to come earlier. To put it bluntly, they are here to grab the credit. For this kind of help, the Soul of Green Wolf resolutely refused to admit it, and instilled this theory to everyone in the guild.

However, if it is true that the Mozu has formed a pact organization, it is just that the various forces on the Mozu have just been established, and the time to declare war has not yet been reached. If it is time, then it is only the Blue Wolf Group. Unable to resist the attack of the entire convention organization. They can declare war on the branch guilds in their own residences separately. At that time, I am afraid that their own group guild may not be the opponent of the entire demons.

Therefore, the Soul of the Blue Wolf took the initiative to send a thank-you letter to the presidents of several alliance guilds. The thank-you letter is nothing more than commending the previous guilds for their acts of helping out, and worrying about the future growth of the Demon Pact Organization. One topic is the alliance. Only when alliance players form an alliance can it be regarded as a true alliance, which is consistent with the game background and the pace of game development.

Although it is a thank-you letter, it is also a private letter, not an open letter. It can be seen that the depth of the city of the soul of the blue wolf does not affect the views of the world players at all.

It can be said that it is so easy to give people a good face, and to hide a knife in a smile is the most talkative.

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