Sky Dungeon

Chapter 397: Waiting for leisure to change but a woman's heart, but a woman's heart is ea

"It's so beautiful." Nan Lingxi liked the cartoon rabbit band-aids that Brother Jing put on. She even planned to wait for the wound to heal, so she cherished the two band-aids stained with her own blood as a gift from Brother Jing.

At this time, Nan Lingxi seemed to have a lively rabbit in her heart. She didn't know what to do. She was very happy now. After so many years, she had never been so happy before. When Jing Tian took his wounds seriously At that time, she began to suspect that Brother Jing was back again, but she knew in her heart that it was impossible, but for a moment she even thought that the current Brother Jing was better than before. She seemed to like the current Brother Jing better.

"How can I eat if the bowl is broken?" Although Zhao Jiaxue knows that Jing Tian is angry, she still has to say what she should say. If the guilty conscience exposes the trap she arranged, then the big thing is not good. Besides, this is not in line with Zhao Jiaxue's character. If she is asked to say nothing, she will definitely be suffocated to death. The more Jing Tian cared about Nanlingxi, the more angry Zhao Jiaxue's heart became, and the more she wanted to find embarrassment for Nanlingxi.

"Okay, go to the dining table and rest. Don't worry, I'll replace the bowl with something else." Jing Tian comforted Nan Lingxi, but in fact said it to Zhao Jiaxue. He ignored Zhao Jiaxue's troubles and blocked the bullets for Nan Lingxi. , It can be seen that Jing Tian is really angry.

Zhao Jiaxue's face immediately darkened. She didn't expect Jing Tian to be mad at herself because of this rich woman. She secretly angrily said: Even if you play tricks on the rich woman yourself, how can you elbow Jingtian's friendship with me? Turn away? Is his position in Jing Tian's heart still less important than this elementary school classmate who came out halfway through? However, Zhao Jiaxue wanted to see how Jing Tian could help Nan Lingxi. When Nan Lingxi walked out of the kitchen wearing high heels, Jing Tian turned a pile of cups from the kitchen. Zhao Jiaxue instantly understood what Jing Tian wanted to do. He threw all the larger-caliber quilts into the pool and put away the slim cups again. Zhao Jiaxue couldn't stand it and said, "Can those cups hold?"

"Of course you can. Pour it out if you don't have enough prosperity." Jing Tian finally agreed to take care of Zhao Jiaxue, but Jing Tian's tone was not salty or indifferent, rather indifferent.

"Jing Tian! Are you going to help an outsider to be angry with me for an outsider?" Zhao Jiaxue was angry at Jing Tian's attitude, she said without fear when she closed the kitchen door.

"It’s not a question of who to help. Although Nan Lingxi is wrong, but you have to limit her embarrassment. If you hurt either of you because of me, I won’t be happy. Even though you might not expect things to happen. It’s all because of me to develop to this point. I hope you can make concessions for me and stop doing things that hurt others. And I care more about you to help you like this. You don’t even know Nanlingxi If you let her family know how wronged she has been, I may not be able to save you. Rich people are very hypocritical, and they are often very careful and protect their calves." Jing Tian finally said his worries come out.

"You care about me more?" Zhao Jiaxue didn't know what she thought. She seemed to block all Jing Tian's other words, only remembering Jing Tian's sentence, and because of such a sentence, she turned around with joy, her face rustling. He looked like he had eaten honey, as if there was a tape recorder in his mind repeatedly playing Jing Tian's words.

Can your expression not be so disgusting? What the **** are you thinking about?

Jing Tian didn't expect him to say such a thing. As a result, Zhao Jiaxue listened to such a sentence and solved the current problem completely. When Zhao Jiaxue woke up from the sentence that made her self-intoxicated, Jing Tian has washed all the large-caliber cups. Zhao Jiaxue didn't get angry anymore, and immediately stepped forward to help, but she still had breakfast in her hand, and couldn't help much. She could only pass the breakfast in her hand to Jing Tian and let Jing Tian pour them into the cups.

Women are so easy to get angry, and they are so easy to get rid of their anger, often because they admire such a small word from a man. As the saying goes: Waiting for leisure to change is a woman's mind, but a woman's mind is changeable.

Yes, it is better not to understand women too much. You will regret it after you get to know them, and you may no longer believe what any woman says. Not that they like lying, white lies and malicious lies...but they are fickle! It is their philosophy of life to adapt to changes. So you have to learn, let a woman change what you need, and use your own words and deeds to influence, the knowledge inside can be great.

When Jing Tian and Zhao Jiaxue came out with a big cup of breakfast, everyone was already sitting at the table, and they seemed to be a little impatient. They only heard Luo Xia grumble: "I'm doing it! Why is it so long? Time is enough to paste dozens of bowls with paper. Did you do something that you shouldn’t do in the kitchen? Can’t tell, frog, you started to gnaw on the grass?"

Obviously, Luo Xia and Yun Yiyi have learned what happened from Nan Lingxi mouth.

Although Luo Xia said this jokingly, after all, they only spent ten minutes in the kitchen. Could it be true that something could not happen? If it did happen, Jing Tian was young and energetic, how could it only last ten minutes? However, Yun Yiyi and Nan Lingxi had already looked at Jing Tian and Nan Lingxi with questioning eyes. Jing Tian immediately numbed his back and said: "The bowl is all broken to the ground, of course we are doing something that should not be done. Take out all the cups and wash them, or let you drink the porridge directly in a bag? Of course you can, fat guys. I believe that with your ability, even plastic and rubber can be ok."

Plastic rubber? How do you feel that you are scolding me around the corner?

"Then why don't you go to the other side to borrow a bowl? Your IQ is showing a parabolic trend with Although Luo Xia can't find the right language to fight back, she is not ready to let Mai Taijingtian go so easily. Opportunity.

"Liu Yaya is not at home, she has an urgent task to assemble." While Jing Tian was dazed not knowing how to answer, Zhao Jiaxue took the question first.

"How do you know? You won't fool us." Luo Xia reluctantly said.

"I think your wings are hard, do you want to cook your own food? I went out with Liu Yaya. Of course I know, if you don't believe me, go knock on the door and have a look."

Zhao Jiaxue naturally didn't know that Liu Yaya was smiling with a small coffee spoon in her mouth at this time, intoxicated with a sense of accomplishment. After all, she succeeded in countering Zhao Jiaxue’s plan to fall into trouble with the golden cicada. The woman Zhao Jiaxue always wanted to go against her, but she only tried a little bit to win her game. Then she thought of the foolish Nan Lingxi being killed by Zhao Jiaxue. The little woman was playing around, and she felt that she was much smarter than Nan Lingxi, and a sense of superiority instantly covered every pore of her body, and that kind of comfort was not much worse than comprehending the way of heaven into a god. Sky Dungeon

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