Sky Dungeon

Chapter 400: Distance from the starting line

However, Nan Lingxi seemed to pouting a little dissatisfiedly and asked: "How many pieces can you control? Go can have more than one piece. What is the difference between a piece and a polished commander? The shopping mall and the battlefield also have some ideas, if only Doing one-handed preparation is not strategizing at all, it's just a matter of luck."

A novice in the game industry actually thinks about such a long-term perspective as soon as he comes up. A baby is not enough. Can I get an SSR instead?

"That's why the puppet master is more suitable for you. There is no upper limit to the number of puppets you can carry, but because the puppets must be ordered by the player to act, it means that how many puppets can be controlled depends entirely on your consciousness and command ability. It’s similar to the formation of troops. No matter how many corps are given to you and you can’t command them, then these corps are just living targets.” There was a weird smile on Jing Tian’s mouth, and Luo Xia understood it at a glance. It is clearly uneasy and kind!

Following this clue, Luo Xia quickly followed the vine and said in her heart: "Although Jing Tian is reasonable, the puppet master is also very suitable for Nan Lingxi's personality, but let a novice game player play the highest operational requirements in the 42 occupations. Isn’t it difficult for a strong man? I’m afraid that Nanlingxi will abandon the tour after two days? This is obviously a way to retreat. Is the rich woman so annoying?"

That's right, this is Jing Tian's real purpose. If she directly persuades Nan Lingxi to give up the game, I am afraid that in terms of Nan Lingxi's current strong character, she will definitely not give up the game and will be more interested in the game. However, if Nan Lingxi was appointed as a puppet master, the difficulty of the puppet master's operation was enough to make Nan Lingxi completely lose confidence in the game, and within a few days he would go home obediently and become her business queen. And with Nan Lingxi’s character, she definitely will not only control one puppet, she will definitely control at least three puppets at the same time, she will definitely not let herself and the common people on the same starting line, she must get a distance from the starting line .

Through the verification of the forum, ordinary players can barely control their own characters while controlling one puppet. Ordinary master players may barely be able to control two puppets at the same time. It is also necessary to hide the character body in the dark and concentrate on controlling the two. Only a puppet. However, if someone controls three spirit puppets at the same time, it is quite necessary to control four characters, and consciousness and voice commands will inevitably be frequently confused. The spirit puppets that can't be manipulated are just puppet sandbags, and they can only be beaten.

Nan Lingxi is not suitable for playing games, nor is it suitable for joining his circle. Jing Tian used this method to give Nanlingxi the steps and safeguarded his own interests. He didn't want to open the back door to admit Nanlingxi into the guild because of his relationship. , You must know that Riding the Clouds and Falling Snow Guild only accepts 25 elite players, this elite player is by no means as simple as a krypton player. However, taking ten thousand steps back, even if Nanlingxi is included in the guild as a non-staff, it is not impossible. Anyway, it does not matter if the quota is empty and the guild's mission resources are not grabbed.

Ask the world, what is the pit? Directly teach people to stumble and jump!

"So powerful, isn't this profession invincible?" Nan Lingxi actually had golden light in her eyes, as if she had seen something terrifying treasure.

"The theory is invincible. Although there is no upper limit on the number of puppets, each puppet needs to be purchased with gold coins. At the beginning, the puppet's death will completely dissipate and cannot be resurrected. The equipment of the puppet also needs to be purchased or built. No dungeon has exploded the equipment that the spirit puppet can wear, even if it is to improve the equipment into a dungeon, it will cost gold coins. The highest level of the spirit puppet is generally lower than the level of the spirit puppet master, and the spirit puppet needs to be operated by the player. It will not follow automatically. Without an auxiliary system, the puppet will enter a state of suspended animation when it leaves a certain distance and cannot be controlled. That is to say, one hundred puppets will be given to you. You control your character to go forward ten meters while controlling that one separately. Hundred spirit puppets walked forward ten meters." Luo Xia finally couldn't help but speak, he felt it necessary to remind Nan Lingxi, after all, seeing Nan Lingxi add trouble to Jing Tian, ​​Luo Xia still cheated in his heart, so As far as possible, let Nan Lingxi change to a simpler profession.

"That's it, it's so interesting." Nan Lingxi's eyes turned illusory, as if she had already simulated in her mind the scene of manipulating an army of hundred spirit puppets.

So interesting? Luo Xia stared at the face of the rich woman in Nan Lingxi for a few seconds, and she didn't see any trace of joking from Nan Lingxi's joyful watch. This woman didn't seem to understand Luo Xia's admonition, and the fat man complained in her heart. They did not change, but they could only cater awkwardly and smile.

At this time, even Jing Tian, ​​Yun Yiyi, and Zhao Jiaxue were a little bit stunned. They had only one thought in their hearts: It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, even if you have the financial resources to manipulate a hundred puppets in Nanlingxi, but How many mouths do you give instructions? Do you want to arrange a hundred servants to give you orders? Unfortunately, the system only recognizes your own voice commands!

When Nan Lingxi was still trying to figure out how to use one enemy against one hundred, the security door was knocked very politely.

When I opened the door, it turned out that the person came was a strange woman, but the woman didn't care about Zhao Jiaxue who opened the door at all, and directed the two strong men behind him to move the box into the house.

"Who are you, how come into my house It is illegal to break into the house, what do you want to do? I'm going to call the police!" Zhao Jiaxue didn't know that he was jumping into his mind. What kind of situation, there was a quarrel without explaining to the other party.

As a result, the woman who came in simply ignored Zhao Jiaxue's hurried walk into the room, and said respectfully to Nan Lingxi by the dining table: "Miss, I have brought all the things you ordered."

Nan Lingxi glanced at the wooden box carried by the strong man behind him, nodded with satisfaction, and then said in a very majestic tone: "Open, let Brother Jing and the others take a look, and put everything in the kitchen. It must be well-organized, unbreakable, easy to pick up, and don’t break the ground with a light touch."

It's not fortunate that it is Miss Nanjia, her aura has quietly changed at this moment, and it is no longer the relaxed state of being with Jing Tian and the others. At this time, her every word and deed reveals the aura of a superior person. . More importantly, her words seemed to reveal a sense of wisdom, as if she had seen through Zhao Jiaxue’s trap a long time ago, but recalling the previous situation, Zhao Jiaxue patted her chest, still thinking that Nan Lingxi was just an arrangement for the next person. Work, by no means doubt her.

"Yes!" The woman bowed back, and ordered the people behind to unpack the box on the spot. Sky Dungeon

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