Sky Dungeon

Chapter 409: Who domineering and domineering to survive?

After Liu Yaya laughed and burst into tears, she finally stopped her laughter, but because she laughed for too long, her expression was still mixed with a smile. After a while, she said with a sarcasm on the current channel: "Nan Lingxi, thank you so much. I haven't been so happy in these years. I didn't expect you to have a talent for telling cold jokes. It would be a shame not to be a comedian. Up."

Damn Liu Yaya, let this profiteer make a laugh! At this time, Nan Lingxi had formed a Liu Yaya version of the doll in her heart, and then she was fattened.

As the saying goes that victory is not martial, Liu Yaya is also very happy, instead of chasing after him, but giving Nan Lingxi a step that is not a step. Liu Yaya knew very well at this time: if she humiliated Nanlingxi, then Jingtian might come out to stop it, even if Jingtian didn’t come out to stop it, then Jingtian would definitely feel that she owed Nanlingxi because of her mistakes, maybe I also hate myself.

Liu Yaya will never do such a thankless thing!

"Okay, Brother Jing, you join the group. I will give you the group leader. You should pay attention to whoever is too far away to keep up, secretly lazy or something, kick him, and those who kicked don’t even want to accept the award. It's gold."

Nan Lingxi sternly said on the current channel that she wanted to give these people a good start, but her requirements were somewhat harsh. After all, no one can guarantee that these few hours have not followed the team to kill monsters closely, and can not talk about people. If you want to go to the toilet, you can’t do it, but you just get stuck in the urine for a few hours. Everyone's faces became ugly.

Obviously, Nan Lingxi is using these passers-by to vent their anger, and of course she is not casually venting their anger. Her approach is somewhat advisable. If the rules are not set before the expedition, then the team will not be able to carry too much conversion.

Jing Tian naturally found a loophole in Nanlingxi's dialect, and then said lightly: "Okay, as long as the distance from me is more than 3 minutes, I will kick it, everyone pay attention, I will set a smart kick. , Will never kick people casually."

That's right, the management of a large team depends on the system's AI intelligence. If people are looking at it, don't you have to look at a hundred lines at a glance? Besides, when it comes to things like time, shouldn't you have to pinch a stopwatch? Only the system AI is more accurate and persuasive, and it is easier for everyone to accept this relatively fair constraint.

In the team, they are afraid of being unfair, afraid of being partial, and afraid of kicking people casually!

With Jing Tian's supplement, everyone's disappointed expression instantly eased. Of course, Nan Lingxi couldn't detect the expressions of the players, or she would not fail to understand why Jing Tian added a time limit to her dismissal.

However, even if Nan Lingxi doesn’t know why Jing Tian said this, Nan Lingxi believes that Jing Tian has his own reason for doing this. More importantly, if he refutes Jing Tian’s face in front of everyone, it’s not. What a qualified wife should do. From the beginning to the end, Nan Lingxi had the consciousness of being a good wife, but Jing Tian still couldn't satisfy her stalwart wish. Of course, it's not because of Jing Tian alone.

Therefore, after Nan Lingxi La sat Jing Guantian and everyone joined the group, he let out the group leader, but he left the group.

It seems that Nan Lingxi still knows that if she is in the team, the experience is to be distributed proportionally, but if she leaves the team, she starts the monsters, and then kills them by the people in the team, then the experience will naturally return. To Nanlingxi.

Everyone came to the 2nd floor of the dungeon. Nan Lingxi just wanted to say something, but Jing Tian took the lead and said: "Go directly to the 8th floor. You use a long-range attack weapon to attack the monster. We are responsible for killing it. That’s it. Experience gain is more efficient."

"I'm going... I'm going to the 8th floor underground. Crazy, we haven't been." The crowd questioned immediately. After all, most players above level 30 went to the 7th floor underground to kill at most. Strange upgrades, the monsters on the 7th floor underground are already quite abnormal, let alone the 8th floor underground, if they don’t concentrate, they might die. It’s okay to hang up once and be rescued, but if you hang up continuously and no one is able to rescue it, doesn’t it mean that the commission is lost? Someone in the crowd had already retreated.

"Oh, so I thought I had no experience in killing high-level monsters, so why not go to the 9th and 10th floors?" Nan Lingxi asked curiously. She completely ignored the voices of everyone's doubts and moved out of the 9th and 10th floors. The players who heard it were instantly in an uproar. I just want to call Zuojing Guantian and Nanlingxi crazy!

As the saying goes: savage madness and kill madness, who domineering and domineering? Isn't it for everyone to get the commission earlier?

"There may be more people on the 6th and 7th floors. Even if the unit has high monster experience, there are more monks and less meat, which is not conducive to rapid upgrades. Moreover, it is possible to encounter demons players. Although so many of us are not afraid of them, they will be a little troublesome. The 8th floor is more cost-effective. On the one hand, players have not yet set foot in the 8th floor. On the other hand, the 8th floor is no longer a narrow maze, which is convenient for everyone to attack at the same time. It should not be a problem for us to attack the Warcraft team at the same time. Upgrade experience can also be maximized in a short period of course, it is only limited to bringing newcomers. If it is our group’s experience to divide the 8 monsters equally, it is a drop in the bucket, far inferior to the 6th and 7th floors. The experience is refreshing.” Jing Tian explained lightly. It is naturally necessary to explain clearly. After all, with so many players, if you don't explain it, most people may be very confused and dissatisfied.

This is indeed the case. After sitting on the well and watching the sky, think about hundreds of people pouring into the narrow maze passage. Even if there are many people, it may not be able to make the power. More than one hundred players understand it all and vote for it. . After all, if you can get the reward earlier and put out some effort, how can everyone be unwilling?

What's more, you can explore the true content of the 8th floor of the dungeon. In fact, some players have already explored the 8th floor of the dungeon and shared screenshots and videos, but the screen is too magnificent. Everyone does not believe it for a while. In the eyes of most players, dungeons are nothing more than underground mazes. How could such a setting exist? This time they will use their eyes to witness everything there. What is more interesting than exploring on their own?

In the end, the old driver of the Qiyunluoxue Guild guarantees that everyone’s fear of the unknown world is much smaller. At least after listening to the explanation of sitting well and watching the sky, everyone will understand that the eighth floor is actually nothing great. If you cooperate well, you can’t die at all. people.

"So, Brother Jing, you are so kind to me!" Nan Lingxi said happily. Liu Yaya and Zhao Jiaxue sipped at the same time, expressing their disdain for Nan Lingxi's estrus-looking face.

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