Sky Dungeon

Chapter 426: Once the sea is hard for water, it is softness to remove insidiousness

"I'm doing it! The frog finally said something human. The eight great masters of ancient times, no matter how powerful in reality, they are also Xiaobai in the game. We crush them every minute." Luo Xia disdainfully said what he said to Liu Yaya and the others. Still half-trusted, after all, if there are any ancient Eight Great Masters, there are really powerful mysterious powers, why not unify the earth?

Soon after the meal, everyone returned to the game. At this time, the king of swordsman was already online and pulled everyone into the chat room. Jing Tian notified everyone to gather at the guild’s premises. On the one hand, Jing Tian also contacted five other people to rent Qiyun. The guild leader of Luoxue resident has made an appointment to allocate the lease in the resident. On the other hand, as long as they have done the guild mission, they can upgrade to level 32 and challenge the level 32 dungeon.

Although players cannot enter other guild residences under normal circumstances, if there is a temporary pass issued by the resident owner, then it will be unimpeded. This is to facilitate the sub-leasing of the guild resident and facilitate the exchanges between guild leaders.

Jing Tian himself was in Alliance City. He flew into the guild’s premises by taking the Dapeng. Before he could settle down, he sent a voice message. Jing Tian turned out to be from Nanlingxi. Without reading the content, Jing Tian guessed that this piece of information was 80% related to the puppet master. Maybe Nan Lingxi was crying and complaining that the puppet was difficult to control, maybe he was going to retreat?

But looking at the voice-to-text message sent by Nan Lingxi, Jing Tian really lost a hundred pairs of glasses, because Nan Lingxi asked pitifully, "Brother Jing, I don’t know how to accept the job assignment, you Help me quickly."

Feelings, Nan Lingxi doesn't know where to start the inaugural task, don't you know how to use the built-in browser to search for tutorial guides? Or maybe you don’t even know that there is such a thing as a built-in browser? Give you a cannon, do you have to use it to make popcorn?

Jing Tian was a little helpless. He directly opened the browser and searched for the relevant process strategy and prepared to forward it directly to Nan Lingxi, but when Jing Tian chose the name of the forwarder, he was surprised to find that Nan Lingxi’s game nickname was from his friends list. Disappeared! That's right, it just disappeared. There is absolutely no Nanlingxi in the three-character nickname ID! In the next second, he took a closer look and found that there was a strange nickname in the friend list that was locked out by his binocular screening. The nickname ID was exactly: [Nangong Lingxi]!

It’s no wonder that Jing Tian mistakenly thought that [Nanlingxi]’s ID nickname disappeared at the beginning. After all, there are not many three-character players among his friends. You can easily find Nanlingxi by locking the three-character name first. But now Nan Lingxi has become four characters abruptly.

After Jing Tian chose the name of Nangong Lingxi, he posted the guide. Two seconds later, he received a voice message from Nangong Lingxi: "Brother Jing, how do you know it is me? I just changed my nickname."

Jing Tian was full of black lines, and he was naturally depressed thinking: if you want to keep people from knowing, you can change a completely different nickname, but what is the difference between Nanlingxi and this Nangonglingxi? It's just a word. , As long as you are not mentally handicapped, you will know it is you.

However, Sky Dungeon is not allowed to change the name, so Jing Tian jumped over the question of Nanlingxi and asked embarrassingly: "How did you change your nickname? The game shouldn't have this feature."

Of course, Jing Tian also thought of the answer, but it would be more fulfilling if Nan Lingxi said it by himself, otherwise it would be very disappointing to say it directly. Although men can be smart, they can't always be smarter than women. Let them occasionally succeed.

"This is of course simple. Our Nanjia and Tengyi have a very deep cooperation. Asking them to change a nickname does not violate the principle. I have even thought out the most suitable excuse for them." Nan Lingxi is very self-confident. .

"Uh...what excuse?" Although Jing Tian didn't have any surprises with her answer, she couldn't think of what excuse she found. After all, she still had a modifier in front of the excuse.

"I just said that I actually used these four characters when I named my name, but I didn’t know what was wrong with the speech recognition. The palace character couldn’t be typed, and one word was missed. After my feedback, the staff The operation intervened and corrected my nickname." Nan Lingxi replied quickly, but Jing Tian couldn't see the cuteness of Nan Lingxi now, as if a little rabbit who pleased the owner was waiting for his praise.

"Uh... your excuse is really appropriate." Jing Tian had to accept this woman's thoughts. Could this be the reason why he only changed to Nangong Lingxi? If the change is too great, it is impossible to justify, and if such a change is made, it may also cause people who know her to doubt life and think that they have misremembered.

"Using my real name is not very good, it is too easy to reveal my identity, but if the change is too great, I am afraid that you will not recognize me, so I ask for everything, just choose this name. If others find out I will die, huh Humph!" Nan Lingxi considered it fully.

"You'd better go and find your job. Just follow the strategy that was sent to you just now. It doesn't matter if you make any mistakes in the first link of the job. The main thing is that you must defeat the NPC in the final link. If you can't win, you won't be able to successfully find your job. "Jing Tian reminded lightly, although he wanted to see Nan Lingxi but Nan Lingxi was his friend, he couldn't ignore it, and at the very least, he could not be stingy. The master leads in, and your practice depends on the individual, and you are waiting for your defeat and retreat!

"Okay, Brother Jing, you are so gentle!" After Nan Lingxi said this, she closed the chat window. Even if the chat window reminded her at this time, she would definitely not open it. After all, her cheeks were red at this time. It's like eating several catties of Indian devil chili.

Jing Tian just glanced indifferently. Although he was happy in his heart, he did not reply. After all, he is so insidious, why would he be embarrassed to answer?

It's true: once the sea is hard to be watered, it is softness to remove insidiousness.

It didn’t take long before everyone from the Cloud Riding Guild gathered in the guild’s premises. The guild mission supports a team of up to 25 people to accept the same mission. Of course, the difficulty of the mission must be seven-star. The guild mission will only spawn two seven-star missions every day. It is also one of the reasons why the 25-member elite guild is formed today. Only in this way can we maximize experience and guild contribution points. Of course, it is not necessary to have 25 people to complete the seven-star guild mission. Jing Tian chooses the seven-star mission every day. After all, the seven-star mission in the early stage of the game is not necessarily completed by the number of people, but as the level increases, the seven-star mission is The difficulty will continue to increase. Sky Dungeon

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