Sky Dungeon

Chapter 448: Serial misleading

"Oh? This setting is also very clever." Liu Yaya made a rounding speech.

"What are you talking about? What's ingenious? Why don't I understand?" Zhao Jiaxue looked disbelief, apparently thinking that Liu Yaya was trying to flatter Jingtian.

"Oh? That's right, naturally you can't see it with your IQ. After we first entered the dungeon, we first thought that we should select the most effective group damage skill among the 20 skills, and then use it frequently. This inertial psychology is designed with natural enemy skills. When the player discovers this setting, he must pay attention to finding natural enemy skills. After finding natural enemy skills again and again, new inertia is generated. But after four BOSSs start this strategy method will not work. , Players must use the most effective group attack skills."

Liu Yaya deliberately paused for a while, let Zhao Jiaxue clear her thoughts.

"However, when it comes to Qiongqi, facing a BOSS, everyone will definitely use the most harmful skill, and even try to find the natural enemy skill, but ignore the Thousand Butterfly Kill, which is neither a natural enemy skill nor a high-damage skill. Even if it is a strategy. Qiongqi, entering the final level, everyone will definitely fall into the inertia of finding effective skills. As a result, there are no natural enemy skills to use, and it has changed back to the original level. You should choose to use the most powerful group damage skills. The difficulty of this dungeon It is to allow players to constantly switch their minds and keep away from their own inertial thinking. If they cannot switch, they will definitely not get high scores."

Liu Yaya explained it in detail. When she said that, she didn't forget to stare at Zhao Yunxue'er with contempt. Unfortunately, Zhao Jiaxue didn't notice it at all. After all, there are still some technical problems with the game equipment in reading and processing player expressions. Now It has not yet reached the online standard. Even if we enter the era of brain information reading in the future, we have not been able to interpret the player’s facial nerve signals in the first time. This information is quite complicated to read and process. This is why human facial expressions and eye expressions Wait for the sake of delivering a lot of information.

Now in the game, if you want to find the malicious in the opponent's eyes, you can almost rely on the sixth sense.

However, women's sixth sense of women is often very poor.

"My Sacred Sword said that Yaya is right. This is a series of misleading. Through continuous misleading, players’ thoughts form short-term inertial thinking. In order to enter the next level, players will inevitably form a certain inertial thinking. This kind of inertial thinking in the next level will lead to failure. I have to say that this series of misleading can indeed make the player confused for a while, but it is not difficult to figure out the truth." Yu Yan added gracefully, she This has indeed successfully raised the confidence of everyone.

The key is what is your holy sword, why do you talk, don't you imagine you have a holy sword that hosts your soul?

Don't want everyone to believe that the big sword in your hand can say these things after it turns into life! Is it possible that Yu Yan, who suffered from the second disease, has multiple personalities?

"Uh... I think you should not be too optimistic. Although you understand the essence of this copy, you still have to avoid damage and improve output efficiency as much as possible. After all, there will be a state of exhaustion in the last level. The negative state will greatly reduce the defensive power and attack power of the Butterfly Dragon King. The reduced value is based on the previous performance. The description of this negative state is a bit esoteric. What the specific previous performance refers to is not explained in detail, and I can't guess , I think everyone needs to lose as little blood as possible in the front level to kill more humans in the final level.” Jing Tian reminded lightly.

He is naturally afraid that everyone will be too self-confident and carelessly lose Jingzhou. After all, now only they have reached level 32, using their level advantage to win the first kill of SS level, SSS level, and even L level and G level as soon as possible is the current dungeon priority. .

However, beyond Jing Tian's expectation, the level 32 dungeon has even more amazing settings, but there is no way to trigger it now.

Thinking of the important task of the dungeon, there is currently a 30-level dungeon with the first kill of the ss and sss. After all, most players in the first echelon are only at level 30. Even if they can completely clear the land, they are experts, except for the Riding Cloud Guild. No one got a grade above A.

In any case, the first kill of SS-level and SSS-level will be rewarded by experience, but equipment is second. If you can win those two first kills, maybe you can reach level 33, which is faster than the natural upgrade. too much.

Therefore, Jing Tian pulled up several people from the last dungeon and went to the level 30 dungeon [Heaven and Earth Crater]. The area where the level 32 dungeon was located was just not far from the dungeon Heaven and Earth crater. Shi and the king of swordsman were ruthlessly abandoned by Jing Tian.

The three people who were abandoned all cast aside a few words from Jing Tian sullenly, and then left to find the sister who did not eat mice to upgrade together. The sister who did not eat mice did not choose to return to the Alliance City, but chose to enter the nearest city of victory. Upgraded the dungeon.

Yang Mimi didn’t even think about relying on the monster’s rapid upgrade of the play style. Faced with Jing Tian’s reminder, although she didn’t care on the surface, there was a thousand waves in her heart. She even secretly made up her mind to be the fastest in the world. Of upgraded players, and surpassed the second place by 10 levels.

Advanced level will inevitably cause monster bonuses to be unusable, so no longer use monster bonuses. Even so, Yang Mimi is determined to play his own upgrade method in the surpass everyone.

Aliens are aliens, who are always so unrealistic to determine the goal casually. If there is an upgrade method that allows you to surpass the second place at level 10, I am afraid that you will be unable to sit still by kicking the patio. The game is balanced. This is very important to allow low-level players to quickly catch up with high-level players. This is for game balance.

However, if you want a player to surpass the 10th level of the world's players, it will definitely break the balance. Once this happens, Tengyi will make corrections and kill the threat in the cradle.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, not to mention the impossible.

In the 7th floor of the dungeon, Yang Mimi kept studying how many monsters she pulled at a time to gain experience points. It was more effective, but she would inevitably be disturbed, either by mistakenly robbed of monster hatred, or a demonic player lurking and being beaten Come out for a wild kite beating, so that the demons players now see her are retreating, and do not expect to survive in the dark.

In the eyes of the Demon players, the woman's bullet seemed to have a plug-in, and would always hit her sneaking like a tracker, causing the stalker players to complain one by one. Sky Dungeon

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