Sky Dungeon

Chapter 470: Don’t continue in the outbreak, just erupt in the continuation

But at this moment, the situation changed abruptly, and a steel needle sent out from the trap box of the sister who did not eat mice violently hit an inconspicuous four-armed demon ape, and this four-armed demon ape seemed to be the death **** sent by the system. After being hit, he didn't chase up like other monsters, but jumped violently in place and roared loudly!

   "Damn it! It's the assembly number!" everyone said in unison.

Rally number, the chance of triggering this setting is very rare, unless some passive skills that will trigger the rally number are placed on some fixed monsters, such as the inconspicuous one in the level 25 instance [Dry Water Curtain Hole] Thin and weak corpse monkey.

   Everyone may think that the dungeon setting is definitely understandable, but the monsters that will inevitably trigger the rally number like the field setting can’t play happily.

   However, in the future, kicking Tiannongjing really gave players all over the world a big gift package, adding special passive skills that will inevitably trigger the collection number to certain wild monsters.

   Although it is a disaster-like existence, if it is used well, it is also a holy place for upgrading, but this is all for later, we will not mention it for the time being.

   Obviously, this four-armed demon ape did not necessarily trigger the rally number to exist. It was purely an accident, but was hit by an alien named Yang Mimi.

No one likes to see this kind of catastrophe. The number of kites flying by my sister who doesn’t eat mice is already astonishing. If a large number of monsters are brought over by the assembly, let alone whether Yang Mimi can turn the tide, the key is the tide of beasts in all directions. If you do, it will definitely harm the pond fish, and maybe everyone will destroy the group!

Without further ado, Sit Jing Guantian led the crowd and rushed forward. Although most of everyone's group attack range skills are cooling down, how could all single attack skills be thrown out? After playing games these days, everyone knows how to stay. There is leeway, even if you don’t meet the assembly number, you might encounter a Mozu player, isn’t it?

   At the next moment, everyone threw out the long-range attack skills without reservation. The four-armed demon ape that triggered the rally number seemed to have performed a glorious sacrifice, and all the skills smashed to its location...

   sword flying sword!

   Black sand rays!

   Bowing·Bear Hunting!


  Alchemy·Whirlwind Wheel...

Everyone is the Eight Immortals who cross the sea and show their magical powers, but this four-armed demon ape is like a golden bell and iron jersey. It doesn't eat all the negative states at all. It still roars and jumps on its own, even for a moment. I have the illusion that he is mocking everyone as soft as hell.

   More importantly, this guy's blood limit is actually much higher than that of the ordinary four-armed demon ape. A wave of attacks failed to take his life away. It was like a deliberately strengthened monster leader!

At this moment, there are many roars in the distance, and they seem to be responding to the call of the four-armed demon ape, and it is like a spring beast responding to the mother beast’s courtship signal, as if they are all at this moment Yelled shamelessly: "Take off and wait for me, I will be here soon! Wait for me, hold on!"

   Well sky pipes don’t have to be that many, and blurted out and gave a voice command of skills: "A tyrant!"

   In the next second, everyone around felt as if the huge magic glass above their heads had been smashed to pieces by sitting in the well and watching the sky. The entire dungeon was dark to the extreme in an instant. It was simply that you could not see your fingers and completely lost your vision.

   After a while, I saw Zuijing Guantian appearing behind the four-armed demon ape that started the rally. The Fang Tianji in his hand no longer knew when it penetrated its heart! If it's reality, this guy should have his eyes dull, and he wouldn't say anything.

   It's a pity, this is the game, and the mocking face four-armed demon ape is still roaring.


Fang Tianji pulled it out, before it was fully recovered, it had already been stabbed on the back of the head of the demon ape, directly giving it a close-range big headshot, the pink mosaic had disfigured it, but, assembled The horn still didn't stop, as if the roar came out of its chrysanthemum, it was really speechless.

   Jingtian's VR screen instantly popped up with a triple damage value.

   is also a 6-second blood loss effect. Fortunately, the monster's level is 37. The biting blood loss effect does not produce level suppression, taking away 1% of the monster's blood every second.

   That's right, it's not 0.5%, it's not 5 seconds, this biting skill has been upgraded to Tier 2 by Jing Tian.

   Before everyone hit the four-armed demon ape in the second wave of attacks, the demon ape fell under an ordinary attack from Sit Jing Guantian.

   Although the dangerous rallying number was lifted, some of the monsters attracted had already discovered the people who were sitting on the well and watching the sky. Although the sister who did not eat mice was desperately pulling the monster's hatred, how could she be able to pull it over by herself?

   "Run towards Mimi's current direction. She has already led the monster over there. Let's run as far as possible. Mimi, please try to pick up all these monsters." Jing Tian immediately commanded and said lightly.

   Before he finished speaking, he sat and watched the sky and ran.

   "I do! You are the escape champion, I despise with ten toes!"

   Luoxia seems to be a little dissatisfied with Jing Tian's After all, leaving behind his wife's palace, how can he bury himself in Jingtian to balance her aggrieved mood.

Of course, you have to run faster to watch the sky. After all, there are dozens of four-armed demon apes behind him. Jing Tian definitely has no confidence in the speed of other people. If they can run past these four-armed demon apes, then just fly the kite all the way. Now, why let Mimi come to pull away the hatred?

Fortunately, everyone can't escape at a fast speed, but their escape skills are first-class. It seems that in the elite guild of Qiyun, everyone has no sense of security and must practice escape to the extreme. Fortunately, escape is not a skill. Otherwise, this skill must be upgraded to the current full level by them the first time.

   Yang Mimi did not live up to everyone's expectations, and took away a large number of magic apes. Unfortunately, some slippery fish chased it, but the number of slippery fish was still within the acceptable range of everyone.

   The nephew played lanterns, gathered monsters, bombarded and killed... When it was over, the crisis was resolved.

   The only sister who doesn't eat mice is still madly running and flying kites. Her stamina is really amazing. It doesn't last in the outbreak, but just in the process.

It seems simple, if it weren’t for everyone to kill the four-armed demon ape at the assembly number in the first time, there would be hundreds of demon apes besieged, even if there is Yang Mi Mi La, hundreds of monsters where is she? Pulled here?

   I am afraid that the guild can only be destroyed once.

   Everyone is shocked, and they have not calmed down so far. Sometimes the more exciting, but the more exciting, everyone inexplicably likes this unexpected feeling.

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