Sky Dungeon

Chapter 485: Phobia

"Rest assured, Riding Cloud Guild only accepts 25 elite players. At present, there are only 14 official members and 1 reserve member. In the future, it will never exceed 50 people. In terms of scale, Riding Clouds and Snow can be regarded as Sky Dungeon. It is the smallest guild, and has set a development strategy that never expands the upper limit of the number of people. Riding the Cloud Guild is the most suitable guild for you. It can not only exercise to get along with people, overcome fear and become stronger, but also not be like a big guild. That way, you need to deal with hundreds of people and lose yourself. What's more, as long as I am here, it will definitely help you become stronger." Yu Yan had already thought up a good explanation and elegantly persuaded.

  What many doctors, Bai did not understand, black began to suspect that this woman in front of him was studying psychology!

   He now suddenly found that this woman enlightened her sister from the beginning, and seemed to be preparing for this moment.

Although Bai doesn’t understand the black guess, he can only smile embarrassingly now. After all, for so many years, it’s not that he doesn’t know that he has been sheltering his sister and is actually harming her. Even a large part of his sister’s phobia is also himself. As a result, he must not give up any hope of possible change.

   Black does not understand Bai although she has a withdrawn character, but her biggest illness now is: [phobia of people].

  Phophobia: commonly known as anthrophobia, people who are afraid of looking at others, or think they are peeping at others from the outside of their eyes, and are therefore worried, called phobias or phobias. This disease is characterized by avoiding fear of objects, situations, or activities; the patient knows that this fear is unreasonable or excessive, but cannot control it. The clinical manifestations are special, so the diagnosis is not difficult.

   That's right, Hei doesn't understand Bai Ming knows that he shouldn't be afraid, but he can't control himself at all. It is precisely because of this that he stays at home and doesn't communicate with the outside world at all.

Of course, the cause of the incident is campus bullying. Those who bully black and don’t understand white all the time, spilled moist and sticky dog ​​food on her desk, stuffed the leftover bones from home eating into Xiao Hei’s lunch box, and even Tuck it directly into Xiao Hei's mouth in the bathroom and treat her like a dog.

   No, maybe even a dog is not as good as a dog. Dog abuse is often accused of abuse, but the black bullying incident has become a daily joke in the eyes of everyone, and no one has stood up to stop and enforce justice.

  The arsonists and the bystanders are murderers in the white and black eyes!

   Later, Xiaobai, who learned everything, rushed into the school and class where his sister was, and fought...but still failed to save his sister's fate, and her sister was diagnosed with anthrophobia.

   Bai did not understand the black and bought a VR game suit. On the one hand, he wanted his sister to see the outside world through online games. The world heritage style mentioned in the game promotion was one of the important factors that attracted the interest of brothers and sisters.

  Although there are other methods, such as online video, the traditional method is passive after all, and there is no feeling of actively visiting or being in it, but Sky Dungeon does. Moreover, according to the official introduction and official announcements of major scenic spots in the world, Sky Dungeon will be connected to the real scenes of many scenic spots, which makes the brother and sister full of expectations.

On the other hand, there are other players in the game. Bai doesn’t understand the black and hopes that his sister’s phobia will no longer occur after entering the game. After all, although the characters in the game have an image, they must naturally still be far from the natural person in reality. .

   It's a pity, when Bai doesn't understand how Hei sees his sister trying to hide after seeing other players, he is completely desperate.

   He can only choose to take his sister to do some uninterested tasks to upgrade, and when he took a job at level 20, he recommended his sister a stealth stalker job...

   I didn't expect that after learning to sneak, the younger sister completely let go of the burden in her heart. As long as she was in the sneaking state, she would not be afraid of anymore even if she met other players.

   This time, Bai did not understand black and regained hope. After all, he believed that as long as his sister saw more people, even if she was hiding in the shadows and peeking at everyone, she would gradually become more cheerful.

   What made him even more gratified was that after his sister took office as a stalker, he was stunned by the joy of playing, and the actions of the characters made him dumbfounded.

   Maybe my sister is a natural shadow dancer, a queen in the dark.

However, what impacts his inner world even more today is that his younger sister actually has a good impression of the king of swordsman and even willing to try to change and try to communicate. What kind of magic is this woman who has only met for a while, and has managed to do it for so many years. Things that have not been done.

  Excitement and unwillingness are overflowing with the heart that white does not understand black, but reason has allowed him to overcome unwillingness. He will never destroy the opportunity of his sister to escape the sea of ​​suffering because of unwillingness.

When the King of Sword and Cavalry said he invited Hei to join the Guild of Riding Clouds and Falling Snow, Bai didn’t understand Hei’s horror. How could he let his younger sister accept an impossible painful experience, and he could not be fat with one bite. The truth.

However, he suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and wanted to see how his sister would respond. Even if the sister agreed, he could stand up to stop him, but as long as the sister agreed, it would mean her. The determination has overcome the difficulties faced.

   However, when he heard the further explanation of the King of Sword and Cavalry, all his dissatisfaction disappeared. He understood that this was a godsend opportunity. If he missed it, he might not encounter it again. After all, the smaller the number of people in the guild, the easier it is to fully understand the people in the guild. If you spend a long time with them, you may be able to integrate your sister into it and slowly heal your phobia.

   But as an older brother, he would never encourage his sister to try to change, because the change must be painful.

   Nothing in this world can completely change a person, except that person himself. When he realizes his shortcomings and realizes that he needs to change, to adapt to the environment, to adapt to the society, he will truly change.

   Therefore, Bai does not understand Hei and always chooses to be silent. He is also waiting for his beloved sister to make his own life choices.

   In the next second, black did not understand Bai finally spoke.

   "Really... there are only a dozen people? No, at most... only 50 people?"

Although I don’t understand what the guild does, but the world and regional channels frequently see the guild’s income, and it means upgrading to the second guild immediately. If there are hundreds of guild positions, she naturally knows it. The maximum number of people will continue to expand, so she asked questioningly.

"Yes, I can promise you in front of my holy sword, and come and go as you please. This is a big family, not a school, not a prison." Yu Yan's elegant voice has an unquestionable taste. It is impossible to question.

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