Sky Dungeon

Chapter 495: Be responsible to my sister

Because who was lying on that bed, I didn't know where Luo Xia bought the rubber man!

The high degree of simulation of that doll is really beyond doubt. The development of technology has indeed solved many needs and needs for many single men. Having such expensive and luxurious products is also the goal of many single dogs.

Before, Luo Xia couldn't afford it. Even if he could, he would not blatantly use this stuff in the staff dormitory.

But when the four of them left their jobs and bought the house, each of them had a portion of the money left, not a small amount of custodial fees. What's more, in the past few days, the four of them also had a lot of money in the game. Buy this Planting tens of thousands of dollars is naturally not too much, and it is excusable.

After all, people are most likely to be swallowed by seven emotions and six desires, as long as a normal man should have this need...

Ahem...Is it a bad idea to scold yourself?

But the point is, why does this doll open his red lips so excited to face him? Is this normal?

This thing is as terrifying as a corpse after being abused!

Jing Tian couldn't calm down, he just wanted to rush up, find something to cover the fat man's head, and violently beat Luo Xia who was sleeping.

The light from Jing Tian’s cell phone did not affect the fat man’s dreams at all, and I don’t know if this product was so wretched in the dream. Jing Tian just wanted to go online and tell Yang Mimi to stay away from this perverted fat man!

Sure enough, fire-proof, anti-theft, anti-wretched and fat!

Thinking of putting it into practice, I returned to my bedroom and looked at the two beauties who were already lying down. Jing Tian unconsciously set his eyes on their red lips, and even a few tenths of a second Jing Tian was still thinking Will Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue's mouth grow so big?

Jing Tian slapped himself severely in his heart and immediately lay on the folding bed. He decided to forget the nasty scene in the fat man's bedroom, and put on the VR game wearable device to enter the game.

Of course, the first thing after entering the game is to contact Yang Mimi. Yang Mimi may not be online because of the group photo taken last night, so Jing Tian just left a message: "Luo Xia is very wretched. If you are close to him in reality, you must think about it. , Some things may be beyond your imagination."

"What happened to Luoxia?"

Seeing Jing Tian entered the chat room, Zhao Jiaxue asked without shy.

Jing Tian was full of black lines. He was patronizing Yang Mimi just now, but forgetting that these two big beauties could overhear their private chat messages.

"I think his sleeping posture is too much, just because of feelings." Jing Tian concealed.

Of course he couldn't tell the truth, and he couldn't tell in front of so many people that Luo Xia secretly bought a large-scale otaku goods.

Moreover, I don't know how the fat man avoided the detection of the three people and put the large-scale otaku goods in the room. What if Zhao Jiaxue regards herself as an accomplice?

If the old dirty lady knew, 80% would just throw away the valuable otaku products, right?

No, no... Maybe it will be confiscated directly, and then you can find a glass cabinet and display the thing as a mannequin in the living room, right?

Not only that, the fat man also has some special hobbies and inhumane blasphemy of otaku products. What if Zhao Jiaxue thinks that he is also an accomplice at this point?

Then I have to carry an inexplicable crime and live a depressive life in the mocking eyes of the two of them!

What's more, existence is reasonable. There are more and more people in this world. How can it be that Luo Xia is the only one who has this kind of preference?

Jing Tian was also a little puzzled, maybe Luo Xia is a normal person, but he is an alien?

After all, he is indeed conservative in this regard.

"No, you haven't slept together for several years, how come you say that now?" Zhao Jiaxue asked suspiciously.

Jing Tian's brain flickered, and he immediately replied indifferently: "I haven't been out of the sea of ​​suffering for many days. I just brought him food, and then I remembered all the things about his sleeping roommates, such as snoring, talking in sleep, and being topless. dew……"

"Stop, stop, we all understand, let's not go on, the picture is too immersive, we Pisces have a strong brain replenishment ability, you don't want me to throw up the breakfast that I just ate in bed." Zhao Jiaxue quickly interrupted.

Everyone was confused. Did Jing Tian say anything with a strong visual sense?

It's just that the last word has a little bit of visual impact. Is the reaction so intense?

It seems that the combination of Zhao Jiaxue's brain replenishment ability and the jumping of thought must have produced some special chemical reaction and synthesized some breathtaking visual fragment of life.

However, the most important thing is that if Zhao Jiaxue really vomits breakfast on the bed, it is not someone else who is unlucky, of course it is Jingtian, after all, this is Jingtian's bedroom!

How could Jing Tian continue to speak?

When everyone suspected that his brain replenishment ability was too weak, Yang Miaomiao spoke. He was really an unbelievable and endless fellow. He just heard him complaining in one voice: "My God, you are responsible for this. My sister is responsible for meow! If my sister has a grudge against Brother Xia because of your huge amount of information, and eventually cannot marry, then I will let my sister marry you meow! She is stupid and stupid, I have to Take care of her forever."

Is this really my brother?

It’s just a matter of quarreling in front of my I have to stabbing a knife behind this!

By the way, are you embarrassed to despise your sister's IQ?

Are you taking care of him or she taking care of you forever?

Or should you two be locked up in the Alien Institute and taken care of by the researchers?

What I said is so informative that what you are thinking about as a kid fell to the ground, really want to use a hammer to see what happened!

More importantly, when Yang Miaomiao said so inexplicably, how did he feel that he had an idea for Yang Mimi, and then he started to dig the corner of the fat man?

This time the misunderstanding is a big deal! It's not just the problem of the fat man looking for himself desperately, don't forget that beside yourself, there are also a group of tigresses who stare at themselves and guard their dishes in the chat room!

Jing Tian was depressed and muttered to himself, but he immediately clarified: "No, I'd better withdraw what I just said. Your sister thinks that the antenna is too long like you, and the channel between us can't be in the same frequency band. on."

Fortunately, Jing Tian clarified quickly enough. You must know that the faces of all the girls turned blue last moment. After all, Yun Yiyi, Zhao Jiaxue, Liu Yaya, and Nan Lingxi are all in the chat room. They have already thought Yang Meow this in their hearts The bear child has scolded countless times. If Jingtian dared to make any disturbances, the four of them would definitely run away.

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