Sky Dungeon

Chapter 498: Find a place with no one? Grove?

Of course, Jing Tian didn't directly talk about the other party's condition directly and thoroughly, after all, this was a little bit black and white.

However, there is no fear of meeting strangers. This is clearly not dare to see strangers. He doesn't understand Bai. He is in a sneaky state, but he greets a few people generously in the chat room, just to show his true identity.

Jing Tian also opened the built-in browser to search for related information about human phobia while riding the Dapeng just now. He understands why black does not understand white and is not as timid as a mouse he imagined. The emotional phobia must be People's attention can only happen, just like now, Jing Tian, ​​they can't see black or understand white, so the little black sister talks naturally, without any sense of fear.

However, once she showed up, she must immediately change to an anthrophobic mode, and she would definitely not be able to greet everyone normally as she does now.

I really don't understand. In the future, if Black doesn't know how to play games, will he keep hiding from people? Is it a big failure to bring such a wonderful work into the guild by yourself?

Not knowing why, Jing Tian began to doubt the correctness of his decision. After all, what the guild needs are elite players, not weird players. Should a whole bunch of weird players start an online celebrity live broadcast company?

Jing Tian directly pulled Bai and didn't understand Hei and entered the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild, but how did he pull the little black sister?

Jing Tian is a bit embarrassed. After all, if you can’t choose a role, you can’t invite the other party to join the guild. This is the system setting. After all, you don’t want the guild to be too ethical and to invite people everywhere. Try to make the matter of joining the guild more formal. , Be cautious.

"Xiao Hei, I can't see you, how can I invite you into the guild?"

Of course, Jing Tian is not completely helpless. As long as he is an administrator who does not understand the black, he can naturally invite his sister to join the guild, but when he comes up and manages it to a stranger, this is definitely not what a guild leader should do. Things, even if the other party can invite hundreds of friends players into the guild.

This is a problem of guild cohesion. It shouldn't make the elderly feel chilly, and they can't just come up with inexplicable management without getting everyone's consent.

"Then you find a place where no one is, and I will follow you behind."

He doesn't understand Bai seems to have made some very difficult decision.

Find a place with no one? Grove?

Liu Yaya, Yun Yiyi, and Zhao Jiaxue frowned and stared at the sky with unkind eyes. After all, they couldn't see black or white, otherwise it must be her staring now.

It is a pity that the subtle changes in their facial expressions cannot be detected in the game. The plastic surgeon heartlessly said in a strange way: "President, don't you do anything inferior to a brute."

Does he also believe that Bai does not understand what Hu Zou Zou said before the black, that he committed a peach blossom, everyone loves, and the flowers bloom?

No, right? He obviously became a flower picker in his words!

Everyone is joking about the plastic surgeon. The gaze staring at Sit Jing Guantian has become sharper and hotter, and he immediately deterred him: "I will stay with my sister. If anyone dares to treat my sister badly, I will kill him. ."

Jing Tian was a little confused, and sighed inwardly: Am I the kind of person who would attack Xiao Lori?

I'm not a lo*ic*n, nor a sister-in-law, do you treat me like an enemy?

Everyone knows the story of what is inferior to animals. Men and women sleep in a bed in a hotel room. The woman warns the man not to cross the dividing line, otherwise he is a beast, but the man toss and turns all night, although he stayed up all night, he is still like a willow. Hui didn't mess around and didn't cross the boundary, but after dawn the woman woke up and slapped the man, saying that the man is not as beast.

This is the thing that beasts are inferior to, so don't do things that beasts are inferior to. Doesn't it mean that you have to do what beasts should do by yourself? Doesn't it mean that you want to deal with black and white while you are alone?

This plastic surgeon is really dark enough to warn himself on the surface, but is actually implying that he can do bad things?

Jing Tian suddenly shook his head in his heart again and said: Maybe he was really infected by Yang's sister and brother with a jumping thought virus!

In terms of where to find a place with no one, here is the smelting hall, there are countless people coming and going, and it is indeed difficult for people who are phobias to show up in black and white. Oh, yes, there is still that place, no one should go!

Jing Tian suddenly thought of a private house not far from the smelting hall.

So Jing Tian said lightly: "Okay, come with you, and the others will take a break."

After finishing talking, Jing Tian operated the sitting Jingguantian and walked outside the door of the smelting hall. Not long after sitting Jingguantian and Bai did not understand the black, they stopped at the periphery of a private house. The door here was closed. It seemed that players were not welcome to enter. Tethered with a vicious fighting dog, this creature is actually a spirit beast, but it is a relatively low-level existence, but don't underestimate the combat power of this guy, even if the level of the low-level spirit beast is higher, the combat power is also very high. It's shocking, otherwise there will be no demon dog's name, this kind of beast is a loyal comrade who doesn't know what it is afraid of.

Many people try to climb over the fence and go in to find But any player who does not have a task to protect the body lucky enough to climb over the fence and fall into the yard, then they will be torn by the demon dog Into pieces.

Don't look at the demon fighting dog being chained, but the chain on its head is long enough to cover the entire courtyard. Stepping into it is an illegal invasion and will be executed.

"I can go in here? I have a fortune. This is a murderous house. If you go in, you will definitely die!" Hei didn't understand and Bai put on a voice of a quack, as if discussing how to turn a good fortune into a good fortune in the next moment, and how much to charge. Topics like that.

Are you a fortune teller? And is it a quick calculation?

"Of course not." Jing Tian looked at the iron fence gate, which was so high that there was no player who could jump into it. What's more, the vicious dog inside was waiting for everyone to eat!

"Is it a waste of time to do what you are here? Do you think that if there are few people here, you can let my sister show up? If my sister is scared of something wrong, will you take care of her for the rest of her life?" It's a nurse girl model.

Why is it that I have taken care of her for a lifetime? Are you really black? Want to get rid of the burden of your sister completely?

What about the serious sister control?

"You can't get in, you can try another entrance. Young people don't be too eager." Jing Tian said lightly. He really didn't expect this monk sister to get out of control when she mentioned her sister.

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