Sky Dungeon

Chapter 508: 10 puppets

   Jingtian watched it over and over again, and finally confirmed that his ears were not faulty. He couldn't bear the shock in his heart and asked aloud: "Are you with ten puppets?"

   "Yes, is it a bit missing? This profiteer will continue to work hard, and will never hold you back from Brother Jing."

   Nan Lingxi still thinks that what he has done is not good enough, not even a chess piece.

   But now the ten puppets are her limit.

   Jing Tian's forehead was numb, and his lips twitched. I really don't know if this Nanlingxi was sent by the sky to dismantle the platform?

   That's right, what you demolish is your own plan!

   How can the ceiling of the puppet master’s gameplay that I have repeatedly considered, and this woman has set the limit again and again?

   You must know that using five spirit puppets to make anticipatory attacks can already be regarded as a genius, so now that five spirit puppets are used at the same time as guards to protect themselves, what is this going to do?

   Are you ready to gather a chess army?

Obviously in her own prediction, it takes about a year for Nan Lingxi to change from carrying 7 puppets to 8 puppets. However, this woman has completed it in such a short period of time. A possible breakthrough!

   This is not a genius and what is it?

   Well, if puppet masters can play like this, are there any other professions?

   Jing Tian really wants to call people to come and see God!

   For the first time, he was glad that he was not the main strategy of the game of Sky Dungeon, otherwise how much infamy would he bear in the future?

  Whoever sees the crazy army of Nanlingxi carrying ten spirit puppets walking will curse the game's main strategy as unfair!

   However, from another angle, this can be regarded as a small gift for kicking Tianjingjing, but Jing Tian wants to see how this planner, who is hiding behind the scenes and equal to himself, will deal with this criticism and imbalance.

However, fortunately, Jing Tian was able to maintain his normal thinking mode, and immediately asked: "You are far beyond my expectations. You can control so many puppets. You can be regarded as a unique genius. Let alone drag me. I have to hug your thighs. However, there is a question. You just said that you are guaranteed to be immortal. Can the 5 puppets that you control with real-time commands counterattack and kill each other?"

"Really? Brother Jing, you want to hug... my thigh? I didn't expect you to have this special hobby. Although a little shameful, this profiteer also wants to be hugged by you. You can go upstairs to find me now... By the way, do you want to hug your thighs, or your thighs in silk stockings. Should I take a bath first? Or is it the first time I was asked for such a request. I feel embarrassed to see Brother Jing..."

As a result, Nan Lingxi didn't listen at all, frantically entangled in her heart about how to make Jing Tian enjoy her thighs. His mouth was even more incoherent and his thoughts were extremely crazy. This made Jing Tian's face blush, and he really wanted to take back what he said. go with.

   I don’t know what kind of expression is on the face of a strong woman who is struggling in the business world at this moment?

   You are talking about the important point. The point is clearly not to hold the thigh!

   Do women like to think sloppy?

   "Uh...Hugging thighs is not a real thigh hug. It is also a game term. It means letting you take me to level up. You are misunderstood. Let's answer the question I just asked."

Jing Tian was a little embarrassed, and Nan Lingxi was also a little embarrassed. At the last moment, she seemed to have become a deep-bowed woman, like a lonely woman who longed for a man's caress, but fortunately only she and Jing Tian knew about it, and Jing Tian didn't mean to hold on to this matter, but gave her a step down.

   Those who don’t know are not guilty!

Jing Tian will never laugh at Nanlingxi not eating the fireworks. After all, this young lady is different from Liu Yaya. She definitely grew up shouting the golden key. Liu Yaya has gone through various trainings to understand the lives of ordinary people. These are Nanlingxi. There is no way to compare.

   shook his head in his heart, Jing Tian didn't know why he took Nan Lingxi and Liu Yabi, as if he was a little bit moved, shameful and sad!

Nan Lingxi recovered the throbbing mood, and finally replied: "Oh, use timely commands to control the puppets to move around me. Among them, 4 warrior professions, 1 magician profession, and 4 warrior professions surround me. In the case of a sneak attack by the demons, once the melee is close to me, I will let the warriors deal with them and hack to death. The magician professional puppet temporarily restrains the opposing long-range professional, not only can scare them away, sometimes they can even hack a few to death. "

For a moment on Jing Tian, ​​she thought that this woman had used the formation of two warriors, two repairers and one magician to fight the defensive battle against the demons. Feelings, this woman completely abandoned the treatment and didn't care about the life and death of her puppet. She formed a four warriors and one magic. The division’s violent puppet urban management team!

More importantly, this woman’s puppets are all bodyguards armed with purple grade equipment. If four warrior puppets work together to attack Demon players of the same level as her, I believe that few Demon players can escape. .

Of course, if you encounter the Mozu, that may not be the case. After all, Mozu players’ IQs are not Diha. It is easy to retreat with a little cooperation. No Mozu players will kill for the sake of killing. A puppeteer, and wasted time to kill an alliance team, so most demon players with a little brain will not provoke Nangong Lingxi.

That is to say, some Mozu player squads who think they have found it cheap and have no confidence in themselves. It is because they have no confidence that they are fortunate that they are encountering an alliance player. They don't care whether they will spend all three or four. The equivalent time of an alliance player.

   This sale is obviously not worthwhile!

This is also true. In fact, the top players of the Demon Race did not choose Nangong Lingxi to start, and the top Demon Race players at the current level are only the third echelon players, and most of them are slow to upgrade. The reason is nothing more than the lack of playing time and poor equipment. Even the top-equipped players among them will choose to find the next target as long as they see the puppet team that emits a faint purple light.

   The psychological pressure and deterrence that this powerful equipment brings to people is very obvious, and people choose to give in invisibly.

"Don't be too proud. Your method of arranging troops still has some loopholes. When you reach level 30, you will no longer encounter a squad of trash fish, so they only need to control your puppets by the group. If you work together to kill you, there is nothing you can do."

   Jingtian lightly wakes up Nan Lingxi. In fact, there are some jealous elements in his heart that are chemically reacting. This is the saying "If you can't eat grapes, you can say grapes," but what he said is completely reasonable, not deliberately sarcastic.

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