Sky Dungeon

Chapter 516: Weakened Puppeteer

  Emotional comics are about the law?

   More importantly, are you also a son of a wealthy family? It turns out that the people in society are rich!

   Jing Tian wanted to talk to Luo Xia Duo, but when the security door was knocked, Jing Tian got up and greeted him. Needless to say, it was Liu Yaya and Nan Lingxi who came here. These two women now seem to have formed a united front, but they are just a united front. After entering the door, they pulled Jing Tian and sat at the dining table.

   "Oh? I said you, come to eat and drink every day, do you still need a face? The dignified Miss Nan family is so stubborn? Aren't you afraid of being exposed?" Liu Yaya sneered.

   Well, it’s not a united front with Cengfan, but Cengfan’s landing on the beach!

   The two men began to satirize each other and the daily routine of arrogance.

  Waiting for the food to be placed on the table, Zhao Jiaxue asked Nan Lingxi enthusiastically: "You are so good at playing Puppet Master. How many times have you destroyed the dungeon by yourself?"

  If Zhao Jiaxue asked such an idiot question before, everyone would definitely despise her. After all, the previous spirit puppet was unable to resurrect in battle. As long as the last time the spirit puppet was destroyed, it basically sounded the death knell for the failure of the copy.

"It's normal for the common people to be curious about this profiteer. The first time I went to the dungeon, I died about seven or eight times, and finally I barely cleared the level. It is much easier later, and I have not been destroyed, but from time to time the puppet will fight to death. You can immediately resurrect the puppets in a non-combat state for a fee, otherwise there is really no way to attack the dungeon. Unfortunately, there is no such convenient setting in the wild. You must go through the NPCs in each town to resurrect." Nan Lingxi said with some regret.

   "Oh? Didn't you read the latest skill modification announcement?"

   Liu Yaya put on a deep expression of "I read a lot, you haven't read", and the effect of the mocking face is self-evident.

   "What announcement?"

   A novice in Nanlingxi would naturally not go to the game announcements, and even many female players have never read any game announcements, and they are only hindsight about the content of the game update.

"Uh... it's the announcement about the modification of the Puppet Master's level 30 skills, but you have not reached level 30, and the impact is not big. The important thing is to delete a Puppet Master's level 30 skills and add a time-space repair skill. , Used in a non-combat state, consumes a lot of gold coins to stimulate the space-time repair magic, which can repair or regenerate your own puppets. After level 30, there is no setting that can directly regenerate the puppets. It depends on the puppet master. This skill, level 25 dungeon is just a special case. First-order resurrection can only repair or resurrect one puppet, second-order should be two, and so on." Jing Tian explained lightly.

   "Huh? Isn't that weakening the puppet master, such a weak career is even weakened, game planning is really cruel." Zhao Jiaxue grabbed the topic.

  In other words, how can you tell that this is weakening the puppet master?

   is clearly strengthened, okay, originally the puppet master did not have the means to resurrect the puppet!

   "Brother Jing, is that true? This profiteer is playing the puppet master under your guidance, so he is weakened. You are responsible to me."

   Nan Lingxi seemed to have caught some important handle, and bit Jingtian.

   I'm also responsible for this. Wouldn't it be that one day if the shaman profession is weakened, then the Yang family will organize a team to find me responsible?

"Don’t listen to Zhao Jiaxue’s nonsense. Although it is said that removing a skill that can be used in battle is a weakening of the puppet master, but repairing or resurrecting the puppet in non-combat, this kind of time and space repair can be regarded as a sky-defying skill. This skill will save you a lot of time in leveling. You can imagine that if you encounter a demon clan hitting you two or three puppets, would you continue to level up or return to the city to resurrect the puppets?" Jing Tian felt in his heart. Sweat the forehead.

   He was really afraid that Nan Lingxi would hold on to his little braid, maybe he would be responsible with his body, after all, Nan Lingxi was not someone who couldn't do this kind of thing.

   "Of course it is going back to the city to resurrect. If the spirit puppet continues to be consumed, then the combat power will be lost, and there will be no self-protection ability." Nan Lingxi said without hesitation.

"Yes, with the time-space repair skills, you can save this trouble. And you can control so many puppets, even if you have one more active skill, it will not affect the overall situation. The key is how your puppets fight. Generally speaking, The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.” Jing Tian explained indifferently with an unnatural expression like a strange uncle who deceived a little girl.

Maybe it’s okay to deceive other people. Luo Xia is not that easy to deceive. The puppeteer skill deleted at level 30 is definitely not as simple as an active skill. The deleted skill is clearly an active auxiliary skill, which can use magic charms to strengthen all spirits. The ultimate auxiliary skill for puppet attack power, this is definitely a weakening of the puppet master. However, the current puppet masters have made adjustments in the past few days, and they have been greatly strengthened. After the 30-level space-time restoration, whether it is a field leveling or a copy, it will become a sweet potato, changing the previous embarrassment. situation.

That’s right, this skill aimed at weakening the spirit puppet masters made all the spirit puppet masters accept it in After all, when the two options of power and survival are placed in front of players, most sane people will choose Survival, if you don’t survive, how can you talk about being strong?

If it is a weakening, I am afraid that Tengyi Company also values ​​the performance of Nangong Lingxi's data. If she is allowed to fight with a sky-defying number of puppets, and can also use the auxiliary skills of group and attack power, then the professional balance will be further broken. At that time, an auxiliary skill will be released, and the five puppets will kill the gods when encountering the gods, and the Buddha will block and kill the Buddha.

   I have to say that it is quite clever to kill this possibility in the cradle before Nangong Lingxi has level 30 to cause game imbalance.

   Jingtian looked at Tian Nongjing, the chief strategy behind Tengyi Company, again. However, Jing Tian still sneered in his heart: Nan Lingxi will become a legend in Sky Dungeon, even if you do these small actions, she will not be able to stop her from becoming famous, just as you can't stop me from reaching the top of the game!

   Let's wait and see, Nan Lingxi's strength is definitely not limited to this, I believe her feeling, she hasn't completely started yet, she is just a novice.

   After lunch, the game was launched. Jing Tian scanned the guild members who were online, and immediately said in the chat room: "Everyone gathers at the guild station and is ready to do the guild mission."

   At the end, he did not forget to add a reminder: "Brother and black brother and sister, you are here, too. This is the first time you have participated in the collective activities of the guild. Everyone meets and knows each other."

   "Huh? Do I have to meet?"

   Black does not understand Bai's cowardly Lolita sounded, as if she had been bullied by Jing Tian, ​​and her voice was full of grievances.

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