Sky Dungeon

Chapter 521: 1 toad cannot help the frog prince


   Role playing too much, right? Really consider yourself the boss?

  Haha, interesting, I want to climb to the top in the game, whether it is a hero or a hero, I will trample you under my feet!

   Jing Tian made up his mind, and a strange arc rose from the corner of his mouth. Anyone who knew him knew that Jing Tian was going to play with him again.

   Sure enough, communication with S.2 disease can only be done in the same way as S.2 disease!

In the next second, Jing Tian opened his mouth and said lightly: "First, I am not a hero, so what you ask is nothing. Second, I am not a hero, a villager, do you want to give me your life and create one? The villagers climbed to the top and looked down on the myth of the common people? But to the front, we only left 25 earth-shattering characters in the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild. People will join our Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild."

   arrogant! Infinite arrogance!

   Jing Tian's seems a bit familiar, as if imitating Xie Wendong's words in the original work.

Xie Wendong’s eyes were already narrowed at this time. He considered himself very high. He thought that he was a dominant overlord in other games. With his own means and cruelty, he could be regarded as a hero, but he used it well today. The famous strategy of becoming a teacher has failed. The sitting Jing Guantian in front of him is by no means a mundane person. Regardless of whether the other party politely refuses or flatly refuses, he can work harder, but now sitting Jing Guantian rides to his neck and shit, his heroic How can the face not become hideous?

   He doesn't even want to say a word of nonsense with Zuijing Guantian!

   There are many people on my own side, but they are despised by the other side?

  The person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man, sitting on the well and watching the sky is really a toad who can't help the frog prince!

   There were obviously joking expressions on the faces of everyone Qiyun, but Xie Wendong couldn't see it, otherwise he would have rushed to kill people without saying a word. Xie Wendong suppressed the anger in his heart, and was going to do another trick, but he was a little confused by sitting in a well and watching the sky.

   Just listening to the next moment, Jing Tian said in a calm tone: "I changed my mind."

   "Just figure it out. If you join us at Beihongmen..."

   Before Xie Wendong's cheeks turned from cloudy to sunny, there was a glimmer of joy, Zui Jing Guantian directly interrupted him, and what Zui Jing Guantian said made him grit his teeth!

   Jingtian said impressively: "I mean, don't fight each other. We will kill the remaining five of you, and stick to the last five. I will personally accept you as little brothers. I must hold on to it!"

   Everyone in Qiyun laughed after listening, but what Jing Tian said was definitely not a joke...


   The sister who doesn't eat mice has already raised her hand and put on the Spiderman mask. The skill she used is: second-order Starscream.

One step forward, the older sister who doesn’t eat mice picks up the trap box and shoots continuously. The second-order Starscream’s ability to obtain the power of the spider has been increased to 6 seconds, and the attack frequency has increased from 100% to 150%. , This is definitely not the same thing. Don’t look at the increase in attack power. You must know that the increase in attack frequency is definitely more practical than increasing the attack power. Under the power of the spider, the normal attack will cause action to hit the target. If the effect is broken, the increase in attack frequency means more targets that can be controlled!

Originally, this% improvement did not make much difference to ordinary players. This is like a high-speed motor installed in an ordinary player’s van. Due to their own technical limitations, ordinary players still drive as usual on the road, even Even 100% of the motor power cannot be fully controlled, and the speed is still 60 kilometers per hour.

However, for the FPS-tier female emperor, it is very different. Not only can this guy easily accelerate to more than 100 kilometers, but after replacing the powerful motor, he can accelerate to 250 kilometers per hour in an instant, and it is not Stopped madly!

   In other words, the sister who doesn't eat mice can make the number of steel needles spit out by the cello box in a short time soaring, and hit different targets more crazily and accurately!

  Although Beihongmen's long-range attack profession has begun to chant, ready to kill the pointed sister of the mouse, but Yang Mimi, who is also a person, her bullet hit the heads of all long-range professions first, making headshots!

   "Arrow Rain!"

   With Yang Mimi’s pioneering performance, Yun Xueyi had already opened the magic bow, the bowstring quivered, and no arrow rain pierced the sky, but the huge blue magic circle took shape in mid-air above the heads of the people in Beihongmen.

   Beihongmen players are definitely not the soy sauce party of ordinary players, but they missed Jingzhou carelessly today!

In fact, the reason is very simple, because they feel that they are crowded and powerful. After playing PVP these days, they deeply feel that Mozu players are generally equipped with high combat effectiveness. As long as the number of players is equal to the alliance players, they generally don’t. Will lose, not to mention the number of players in the league?

   This battle may be nothing more than a unilateral crush...

The people who should have dispersed early because they despise the sister who does not eat mice thought she would be instantly killed by her own long-range attack, and did not make the correct position at all, so that now they want to disperse too. It's too late.

   However, everyone in Beihongmen didn't take it seriously. In their opinion, even if one or two people were lost, it would not affect the final result at all.

   The rain condensed into a dangling arrow in mid-air, and it poured down in an instant!

   The first group of Beihongmen consisting of 25 people was not spared, and all were hit by magic arrow rain, but this was just a prelude to three-dimensional strikes, and the long-range careers on the side of Qiyun have successively lost their housekeeping skills!

However, it is impossible for the 25-person Demon Elite team to be destroyed instantly by a wave of attacks, and the equipment of the North Hongmen is unexpectedly good. Jing Tian feels bitter in his heart: "I’m afraid I’ve kicked the iron plate today. ."

   But what about the iron plate, as long as the skill is deep, you can still kick out the pit! Two words were faintly spit out from the mouth of the well: "Capture the king!"

   Sit on the well and watch the sky and rushed to the enemy line first, and everyone understood in the next second, they fixed the target of the attack on Xie Wendong. Why did you pretend to stand in the forefront? The King of Sword Cavalry turned into a strong black wind and slammed into it. Regardless of his bloodline problem, he directly resorted to his ultimate move: Devil Sword: Windy World!

It’s not that everyone can’t see the situation clearly. There are 16 people in Qiyunluoxue vs. 25 people in Beihongmen. If they have absolute level and equipment advantages, everyone is confident that they can take away all enemies in one round of attack, but the quality of equipment is not bad Many players from the North Hongmen who ride the clouds, the king of swordsman used a suicide attack to capture the king!

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