Sky Dungeon

Chapter 527: This guy practices Dugu 9 swords

But for the balance of the game, the setting of shooing the corpse greatly weakens the fighting power of the ghoul, but even if there are more ants, it is enough to kill the elephant, let alone the ghoul that is constantly being created?

Now there are only six combatants on the side, and only four have the ability to attack. Only four people want to control the other priest and kill Zhang Yanjiang, the corpse chaser, which is almost like a fantasy.

Jing Tian glanced at the rest of the crowd, and had made up his mind in his heart, and could only retreat strategically first, letting the NPC who had been hiding not far behind ask for more blessings.

But at this moment, NPC Charintel rushed over here. Does this guy feel that he is going to abandon him and is ready to persuade him to fight until the last person is not successful?

But in the next second, Jing Tian was relieved, because he saw that Charintel didn't know where he took out two long swords. This guy turned out to be a swordsman!

"You unreliable group of adventurers, dare to die so easily, I will never forgive you, I will cast aside your grave!"

Charintel issued his declaration of participation in the war, and immediately entered the chaos.

What stunned everyone was that Charintel, the so-called escorted target, had even higher attack power than all players. His Whirlwind Slash and Sakura Slash combo instantly killed a **** Beihongmen. Player character.

There is such a demeanor as a master who smiles proudly, making Jing Tian suspect that this guy is practicing Dugu Nine Swords!

Sure enough, NPCs are not easy to provoke.

Everyone in the Guild of Riding Clouds didn't feel happy at this time. They all wanted to ask this NPC, "You are such a bull, why don't you join the battle earlier? Is it fun to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight? Is it fun to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

As Zhao Jiaxue cared about the situation of the battle, the anger that had been suppressed for a long time came out. She was the first to scold, "Is this NPC deliberate? If we join the battle early, we will be able to kill the opponent on one side? It's not that my **** is itchy, I want my old lady's high heels to greet him?"

An evil woman is an evil woman. Although the curse does not contain dirty words, why is the content so evil?

"Don't be silly, don't forget the principle of the game Sky Dungeon. If we come in a 25-member group, 80% of these NPCs will not shoot and will not have such a strong combat power. It is precisely our number disadvantage. And this special setting was activated after a certain number of players were killed, but since NPC exists to balance the game, how many demons do you think he will help us kill?"

After a light analysis, Jing Tian raised this question that caused a storm in everyone's minds, and the nerves that had been relaxed were tightened again.

"There are 16 of us, 25 of them, so the NPC will help us kill 7 of us?"

Yang Miaomiao replied with a sense of accomplishment, seeming to have calculated a very complicated high-math problem.

Everyone was full of black lines. This should obviously be an elementary school arithmetic problem with no difficulty and no technical content. As a result, Yang Miaomiao got it wrong!

"Stupid brother, how do you count, don't say that I am your sister when you go out, obviously NPC will help us kill 5 people."

Yang Mimi raised her arrogant forehead, wantonly despising her brother's ignorance.

If the situation were not serious, everyone really wanted to vomit blood and fainted.

Is Yang Mimi really a college student? This kind of elementary school question can also be wrong?

Could it be that they were recruited into the university by virtue of their game skills?

However, everyone was speechless that the NPC, with the assistance of the members of the Riding Cloud Guild, killed the ghoul Ren Changfeng and three Beihongmen player characters, he ran away in a hurry, escaping with loud noises. Yelled: "The unique martial arts I used, although the fighting power exploded in a short time, but the endurance is not good, I am exhausted now and have to go to the side to rest, the future of love for marriage is up to you!"

Are you kidding me?

Shouldn't you kill 9 Mozu players, you only kill 4 Mozu players and a ghoul and you are exhausted?

Was she right by Yang Mimi?

Sure enough, I helped everyone Qiyun kill 5 demons!

The NPC is not powerful, and the Ming Dynasty sends out a fart!

"I'm doing it! My wife is so powerful, so accurate, and the fortune teller is willing to go down!" Luo Xia praised excitedly. He now feels that his data streamer is weak, and he is not as good as Yang Mimi. !

"Brother-in-law, I don't accept meows! Why are there not 7 meows, but 5 meows?" Yang Mimi asked with a puzzled look.

"My brother-in-law, do you think that the game planner will only calculate how many people the NPC should kill for us based on the comparison of the number of people at the beginning of the battle? If the opponent is still 25 people, it will definitely not fall down to 5 goals, let alone 7. There are nine, and the system will adjust the balance as much as possible. However, when the NPC takes a shot, the number of people on the field is 7 to 12. The system judges that killing 5 targets is more conducive to maintaining balance, but unfortunately it hangs With the opponent’s four players and one ghoul, although the system does not count the ghoul as a surviving player, the ghoul has become a substitute for the dead."

Luo Xia is very impressed with data analysis, and such a simple logic problem naturally cannot be difficult for him.

"Then our luck is pretty good. If the NPC killed the opponent's summoned beast and, it would be a big loss." The twin-tailed Scorpio mocked the setting of the system.

However, the Scorpio Scorpio was right. At this time, everyone's faces showed a hint of fortune, because there is still a summoned spirit beast standing on the side of Beihongmen.

The elder sister who doesn't eat mice finally killed the ghoul, and now it is late to help. Jing Tian is now leading the crowd to kill Zhang Yanjiang, the corpse chaser.

The NPC's chaotic entry just now failed to take away the corpse chaser Zhang Yanjiang. He was a serious problem for Jing Tian, ​​and Jing Tian naturally chose Zhang Yanjiang as the target of the fire.

At this point, the remaining 7 people in the Riding Cloud Guild are: the general sitting on the well to view the sky, the sword hero Luojing Xia Shi, the villager village woman, the guardian shaman does not eat mice, the mask shaman does not eat mice, the medical Buddha white does not understand the black, the stalker Black does not understand white.

There are 8 remaining people in Beihongmen: the corpse chaser Zhang Yanjiang, the glorious horse Li Shuang, the gladiator Dongxinlei, the stalker Jiang Sen, the stalker Liu Bo, the priest Muzi of Shennong, the masked shaman golden eye, and the dead Shi Gesang.

It seems that the Cloud Riding Guild has a more balanced job distribution and has the ability to fight for a long time, but Jing Tian obviously can't afford it. After all, the corpse chaser Zhang Yanjiang is there, and they can't afford it. Even if the firepower is not enough now, Jing Tian will also issue Set fire to Zhang Yanjiang’s instructions.

On the contrary, although the endurance of Beihongmen is insufficient, there are mostly combat professions. At the moment when the people sitting in Jingguantian besieged Zhang Yanjiang, the people of Beihongmen attacked the white without understanding black!

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